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Troubleshooting an Elastic Metal server blocked installation

Reviewed on 05 February 2025Published on 05 February 2025

ProblemLink to this anchor

Your Scaleway Elastic Metal server installation is blocked and cannot proceed.

SymptomsLink to this anchor

  • The installation process remains stuck at a certain percentage.
  • You receive an error message stating that the installation has failed.
  • The server does not boot into the selected operating system after installation.
  • The installation does not start even after initiating it from the console.

Possible causesLink to this anchor

  • The server is still in rescue mode.
  • A hardware issue affecting the installation.
  • The chosen operating system is incompatible with the server configuration.
  • Network connectivity issues preventing the installation process.
  • A temporary issue on Scaleway’s infrastructure.

SolutionLink to this anchor

Check if there is a current outage or maintenance ongoing

  • Check the Scaleway status website to see if there are any issues or maintenance tasks ongoing.

Try a different operating system

  • If the installation fails repeatedly, try selecting a different OS from the Scaleway console.
  • Ensure the chosen OS is compatible with your hardware.

Check the screen output of the server

  • If your server provides remote access to its peripherals, connect to the server to check the screen output and determine where the installation process is blocked.
  • If required, press a key on your keyboard to restart the installation.

Check if the server is in rescue mode

  • Log in to the Scaleway console and navigate to your Elastic Metal server.
  • Check if the server is in rescue mode.
  • If it is, reboot the server into normal mode before retrying the installation.

Inspect server logs

  • Reboot the server into rescue mode.
  • Use journalctl -xe or dmesg to check for potential hardware-related errors.
  • Run a disk check using commands such as smartctl, fsck, or badblocks to diagnose potential issues. You can also refer to this guide for additional troubleshooting steps.

Contact Scaleway Support

  • If the issue persists, contact Scaleway support with details of the failure.
  • Provide logs, screenshots, and your server ID for faster diagnosis.
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