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re3data.org Registration Policy

To be registered in re3data.org a research data repository must

  • be run by a legal entity, such as a sustainable institution (e.g. library, university)
  • clarify access conditions  to the data and repository as well as the terms of use
  • have focus on research data

A research data repository is a subtype of a sustainable information infrastructure which provides long-term storage and access to research data that is the basis for a scholarly publication. Research data means information objects generated by scholarly projects for example through experiments, measurements, surveys or interviews.

A research data repository listed in re3data.org is either:

  • a data provider if it offers research data and its metadata (ideally exposing metadata via interfaces),


  • a service provider (e.g. a portal) if it harvests the metadata of research data from data providers as a basis for building value-added services.

For the re3data.org research data repository registration workflow see our FAQ.

If you find a research data repository missing from our list, we are open to suggestions. Please use the following form:

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