what is co carbon monoxide About Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas


Carbon monoxide (Co) is a flammable gas that is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Moreover, It is the most frequent and dangerous gas found in both indoor and outdoor settings. Hence, Humans are unable to smell this gas. Carbon monoxide poisoning is caused by prolonged exposure to this gas at high levels. Furthermore, We can only discover and avoid any disasters caused by this toxic gas by co-monitoring. It is created both artificially and naturally. CO, on the other hand, is naturally present in the atmosphere but in extremely small amounts. On the other hand, it is naturally present in the atmosphere but in extremely small amounts.

Where does CO come from?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous toxic gas, and poisonous if inhaled in larger quantities. Because it can be released through various anthropogenic sources but CO can exist in the natural environment as well.


Natural Sources:
co from Volcanic eruption
1. Volcanic eruption
Carbon monoxide (CO) from Forest fires
3. Forest fires
Carbon monoxide (CO) from Natural gases released from coal mines
4. Natural gases released
from coal mines
Manmade Sources:
Carbon monoxide (CO) from vehicle pollution
1. Combustion by commercial as
well as airplanes, tractor, truck, etc.
co from Industries working at high temperatures and using carbon compounds as raw products.
2. Industries working at high
temperatures and using carbon
compounds as raw products.
co from Metal Manufacturing
3. Metal Manufacturing
co from Electricity supply
4. Electricity supply
co from Smoking
5. Smoking
co from Burning waste
6. Burning waste
Carbon monoxide (CO) from Power plants
7. Power plants
co from Extraction of gas from sea or land
8. Extraction of gas
from sea or land
Health & Environmental Impacts of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas

CO levels in the atmosphere are generally normal, and they are unlikely to harm you. When these levels rise in an indoor or outdoor setting, various health risks to both people and the environment arise.


Let’s find out the harmful effects of carbon monoxide (CO) gas on our health.

CO is one of the most toxic gases in the environment. Because it harms humans. The most prevalent and harmful health impact is that it interacts with hemoglobin. As by preventing oxygen from reacting with hemoglobin and being transferred to the body’s many organs. Hence, resulting in organ failure.

It is especially dangerous for heart patients. Since, it causes a lack of oxygen in the body. Hence, It makes us feel sick, and one of the most common symptoms is vomiting. Furthermore, CO poisoning can also cause the flu. If not treated promptly, it can result in coma and, in rare circumstances, death due to the severe range of effects on the body.

 Flu, nausea due to co gas

Flu, Nausea

Fatigue due to co gas


 Headache due to co gas


 Chest pain due to co gas

Chest Pain
Carbon Monoxide
Govt. Body Breakpoints
India 0.0-27 -> Good
EPA 0.0-4.4 -> Good
Carbon Monoxide Standards
California 8hrs – 9 PPM
AAQS 1 hour – 20 PPM
WHO 24hrs – 3.5 PPM

Carbon Monoxide (CO) and the harm it causes

CO Levels and their health effects

Levels (mg/m3)
Health Effects

0-1.0 (mg/m3)

Fresh air


Slight headache experienced after 1-3 hours
Moderately polluted


Nausea, drowsiness, dangerous after 3hrs of exposure


Qualmish, headache, death within 3 hrs of exposure
Very poor


Exposures can cause death within 2 hrs


Fatal within 60 minutes of exposure
*8-hour average for CO by CPCB
Corrective Measures To Reduce Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas

CO cannot be readily eradicated with air purifiers or other ways. Thus corrective measures are the only option to avoid any exposure in real life. The only way to discover and avoid problems is to monitor them. To decrease exposure and generation of this hazardous gas, preventive measures must be performed.


Some of the measures are mentioned below;

– Ventilation: A well-ventilated room is the easiest and most effective way to tackle CO pollution. Because ventilation not only reduces the concentration of CO. It also increases fresh air in the room.

Public transport to reduce co gas

– Public transport: By using public transport we can easily reduce our carbon footprint and hence CO production.

alternate fuel to reduce co gas

– Alternate fuels: new power sources like hydrogen fuel cars or electric cars are good alternatives to traditional fuel cars. Because they help reduce emission pollution from these cars.

non fuel alternative to reduce co gas

– Non-fuel alternatives: Using cycles or other alternatives can be effective in keeping a check on the pollution

Recycle products to reduce co gas

– Recycling rather than burning waste is an option for reducing CO pollution in the surrounding.

Air quality monitor to measure CO

air quality monitor to measure Carbon monoxide (CO) level

Choose Your Air Quality Monitor To Measure CO Gas