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On 15 September 2020, the Plant Conservation Report: A review of progress towards the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020 was launched, alongside the launch of the 5th Edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook. This report is based on information provided by members of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation as well national reports from countries submitted as part of 6th National Reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The report highlights the pivotal role the GSPC has played in ensuring significant progress in plant conservation in recent years. Implementation has stimulated collaboration and synergies and provided an entry point for many smaller, non-governmental and grassroots organisations into plant conservation and the implementation of the CBD. The GSPC has also encouraged the development of target-specific support groups and champions, which are linked together through the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC), which was established in 2004 |
The review of progress has revealed that only one target (Target 1 - a World Flora Online) will be achieved at the global level by 2020. However, it can be seen that progress is being made towards all targets. The pie charts in the image below indicate Progress as reported by over 60 Parties in 6th National Reports. It can be seen that Targets 1 (e-floras), 2 (red listing) and 14 (public engagement) most likely to be achieved nationally, while Targets 7 (in situ conservation) and 12 (sustainable harvesting) least likely to be achieved.
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Looking to the future
The latest GSPC Liaison Group was invited to review the progress on the GSPC and requested the GPPC to prepare information on ‘options for integrating plant conservation into the post-2020 global biodiversity framework’. Suggested recommendations for the future are that plant conservation should be clearly encapsulated in the context of a continued GSPC, updated and harmonised within the broader post-2020 global biodiversity framework. New or updated GSPC targets, would provide plant-specific milestones, indicators or sub-targets for this framework. Key focal areas for plant conservation going forward include ecological restoration, species recovery, sustainable use and benefit sharing.
Download the report here |
Download the Executive Summary here |
Executive summary |
November 2019
Plant Conservation Report 2020
At the request of a CBD GSPC Liaison Group meeting (Cape Town, South Africa in 2018), and with the agreement of the CBD Parties at COP14, the GPPC has been working on a report on progress towards the 2020 targets of the GSPC as a companion document to Global Biodiversity Outlook 5. A first draft of this report is now available to download here:
A summary document with the main results of the Plant Conservation Report can be downloaded here
August 2018
A conference of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation was held from 28-30 August in Cape Town, South Africa, hosted by the South African National Biodiversity Instiute (SANBI). The conference was organised in association with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Botanic Gardens Conservation International.
The conference was attended by over 120 participants from 35 countries. Participants included national GSPC and CBD focal points, plant conservation practitioners, representatives from GPPC member organisations and other interested parties.
The programme included 42 oral presentations and 6 parallel workshops, as well as 21 poster presentations. Oral presentations provided information on GSPC implementation at the national level as well as reports on progress towards individual targets at the global level. The parallel workshops provided opportunities for discussion around specific targets and issues related to the GSPC.
A GSPC Liaison Group meeting, convened by the CBD Secretariat was held on 31 August in Cape Town, following the GPPC meeting.
A report of the GPPC meeting is available here and copies of all presentations can be found here.
GSPC survey: An on-line survey on the GSPC was conducted by the CBD Secretariat during July and August 2018. The survey was completed by over 160 inviduals and a summary of the results can be downloaded here.
June 2016
A workshop of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC) was held on 30th June, 2016, organised by the Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) and Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI).
The workshop included representatives of GPPC partner organsiations coming from countries around the world, including from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, South Africa, Switzerland, UK and USA.
The workshop focused around participants’ perspectives on plant conservation and the GSPC, Aichi Targets, Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the post-2020 period.
A report of the workshop can be downloaded here.
A policy paper on plant conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals can be downloaded here.
April 2016
An update on progress towards the GSPC targets since 2014 was prepared by the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC) and submitted to the CBD Secretariat as a contribution towards SBSTTA 20 documentation. A copy of the report can be downloaded here.
July 2015
A Liaison Group meeting on the GSPC was held in Paris on 8 July, 2015. This meeting was co-Chaired by Dr. Braulio Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson, Chair of the GPPC and attended by a number of GSPC focal points and members of the GPPC.
The key issues addressed by the Group were:
The report of the meeting can be downloaded here
October 2014
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The Plant Conservation Report 2014 has been published by the CBD Secretariat in collaboration with BGCI. The report provides a complete overview of the current state of the world’s wild plants, providing information on the current state of knowledge of the world’s plant diversity, documenting the importance of this diversity in supporting human wellbeing, and reviewing how well this diversity is being used sustainably and conserved for the future. The report also reviews progress towards the GSPC targets and concludes that only Target 1 is 'on track' to be achieved by 2020. Download a copy of the report here |
June 2014
A report on progress towards the implementation of the GSPC targets was prepared by BGCI as part of the mid-term review of the GSPC 2011-2020. This report is based largely on information supplied by members of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC) but it also incorporates information from 5th National Reports to the CBD, NBSAPs and other sources. The report covers the period 2011-2013.
A copy of the full report can be downloaded here (100 pages).
A summary of progress towards the GSPC targets is provided here, including an indication of how each GSPC target contributes to the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity targets.
April 2012
A paper on progress towards implementation of the GSPC was prepared for the 16th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to the CBD (30 April - 5 May, 2012). This paper provides an overview of progress in the following areas:
It also includes Annexes which provide the full text of the proposed Terms and Technical Rationales for the targets of the GSPC and a table which focuses on the application of the indicative list of indicators agreed in SBSTTA recommendation XV/1 to the GSPC 2011-2020.
Copies of this document in all the UN languages can be downloaded here (Document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/16/11)
July 2011
In July 2011 a GSPC Liaison Group meeting was held at the Missouri Botanical Garden. This meeting was organised by the CBD Secretariat and the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation.
The aim of the meeting was to review implementation of the updated GSPC.
A report of the meeting is available here.
Resonses to the report have been provided by three Parties (Brazil, France and Mexico) and one institution (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew).
The responses from Brazil and France include information on progress in GSPC implementation at the national level.
An earlier in-depth review of progress towards the 2010 targets of the GSPC was carried out in 2008. This was based on (i) information compiled from the third national reports; (ii) additional information submitted by Parties, stakeholders and partners; and (iii) input from the meeting of a liaison group convened by the Executive Secretary in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation, held in Glasnevin, Dublin, from 23 to 25 October 2006.
The review indicates that, in line with its objectives, the Global Strategy has provided a useful framework to harmonize and bring together various initiatives and programmes in plant conservation at both the national and regional levels. The GSPC has been notably successful in stimulating the engagement of the botanical and plant conservation communities in the work of the Convention, through the establishment of national, regional and global networks, including in particular the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation, launched at the seventh meeting of the Conference of Parties to the CBD.
The GSPC has also stimulated the development of new projects and initiatives and helped to mobilize resources for the implementation of its targets.
The findings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment provide a further rationale for implementing the Strategy, including at the national level, with a view to securing plant resources and their provisioning services and allowing communities to continue to derive benefits from plant diversity, for example, food, medicines, fuel, fibre, wood and other uses. In addition, the context of national implementation of the GSPC provides opportunities to address the Millennium Development Goals especially by seeking to reduce poverty (Goal 1), combat diseases (Goal 6) and promote environmental sustainability (Goal 7).
The results of the in-depth review have been published in the Plant Conservation report, which is available in 6 languages.
Download the Plant Conservation Report in English here
Download the Plant Conservation Report in French here
Download the Plant Conservation Report in Arabic here
Download the Plant Conservation Report in Chinese here
Download the Plant Conservation Report in Spanish here
Download the Plant Conservation Report in Russian here