Vision and hearing have been digitized, but not smell — our oldest and deepest sense.
Read, map, write. Introducing Osmo’s AI scent platform.
To digitize a sense, you must be able to Read it, Map it, and Write it with distinct yet interdependent technologies.
Reading requires converting atoms into bits like what a camera does for light and a microphone does for sound
Mapping the sensory world involves understanding and organizing those bits like RGB for color and frequency for sound
Writing a sense means turning bits back into atoms that we can perceive like we do with printers and speakers
Osmo brings all three capabilities together into one platform. We harness existing hardware to record the molecular composition of the world around us, map it using modern AI tools to see previously hidden patterns, and design new solutions around these insights. For example, our Primary Odor Map (POM) is the world’s first scent map and enables discovery of never-before-smelled fragrance ingredients.