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Request a Change to Your Award

This page outlines notifications and requests you must make to the U.S. National Science Foundation for changes in the scope, time, staff or budget of your NSF award.

You must follow the guidelines in NSF's Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG); this page will point you to the relevant sections.

We recommend applying for any changes to your award as soon as you are aware that you will need them, and no later than the date limitations outlined in the PAPPG for each type of change.

No-cost extensions

A no-cost extension extends a project period beyond the original project end date; there is no additional funding provided.

Your award may be eligible for a single grantee-approved no-cost extension for up to 12 months when there are unspent funds remaining in your award account and additional time is needed to successfully complete the original scope of the work.

Additional no-cost extensions and other special creativity extensions may be approved by NSF should your project meet certain criteria.

Consult PAPPG VI.D.3.c for a detailed explanation of the circumstances that must be met for a no-cost extension.

Follow the instructions on Research.gov on how to submit a no-cost extension notification or request online.

Note: The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs have their own requirements for when no-cost extensions can be granted. Visit the America's Seed Fund website to learn more.

Changes in project objectives, scope or methods/procedures

Should changes arise that affect the objectives, scope or methods of your project, NSF requires that you inform your authorized organizational representative before these changes are made, who will submit a notification or request to NSF on your behalf.

More information about this process can be found in PAPPG VII.B.1.a-c.

Follow the instructions on Research.gov on how to submit a notification or request for changes in project objectives, scope or methods/procedures online.

Changes in principal investigator, co-PI, or person-months devoted to the project

You must submit a request to NSF for changes to the PI or co-PIs on your award, including changes affecting the amount of time the PI or co-PIs will devote to the project.

Because NSF awards are made in part based on the knowledge, skills and experience of the project personnel, it is imperative that any changes to the project roster are submitted to NSF before or by the deadline for such requests — typically 30 days before the change is to occur.

Refer to PAPPG VII.B.2.a-e for detailed information on initiating these changes.

Follow the instructions on Research.gov on how to submit these requests online.

Grant transfer

When a principal investigator transfers from one organization to another there are a few potential options for what may happen with remaining funding on an NSF award:

  • Nomination of a substitute PI.
  • Termination of the award.
  • Transfer of award to the new organization, with the agreement of NSF and the original and new organizations.
  • Subaward agreement between the previous organization and the new organization.

You can find more details about these options as well as how to make one of these requests in PAPPG Chapter VII.B.2.f.

Subawarding or transferring part of an NSF award

Except for purchasing commercially available materials and supplies, equipment or general support services allowable under the award, no part of an NSF award may be subawarded or transferred to another organization without prior NSF authorization.

Find more details on how to make this request in PAPPG VII.B.4, which you will submit online via Research.gov.

Supplemental funding requests

In rare circumstances, supplemental funding may be awarded by NSF to allow for the successful completion of the original scope of a project. You must submit supplemental funding requests in Research.gov at least two months before the end of the award.

Find more details on how to make a supplemental funding request in PAPPG VI.E.5.

Follow the instructions on Research.gov on how to submit these requests online.

Note: NSF sometimes announces opportunities to submit supplemental funding requests to develop international collaborations, offer professional development opportunities for students and teachers, and support other high-priority activities. In these cases, you must follow any special instructions outlined in the announcement, in addition to the instructions found in PAPPG VI.E.5.