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Outreach website

Nikhef's Outreach activities

Want to find out more about our research? On our Outreach website you will find all our outreach activities organised by Nikhef in Amsterdam for the general public, students and teachers. See you at Nikhef!

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Research Spotlight

Auger: Cosmic rays

Nikhef scientists, together with colleagues from around the world, perform research at the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory, an international observatory for the detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic radiation, located on the plains of western Argentina. They do so to learn more about the nature and origins of this mysterious cosmic radiation.

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Nikhef magazine DIMENSIES

The latest edition of Nikhef magazine DIMENSIES is out now and is all about change. Articles include those on the partner universities UvA and VU, our postdocs and Science Day, as well as an interview with Stan Bentvelsen about his time as Nikhef director.

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Astroparticle physics

Astroparticle physics combines physics and astronomy. In the cosmos, very strong magnetic fields create what can be considered a ‘natural’ particle accelerator. To perform astrophysics research, scientists ‘just’ need to build the right detectors. Nikhef is active in KM3NeT, Auger, XENON1T/nT and Virgo.

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Technology at Nikhef

Technology departments

The technology departments at Nikhef employ about 80 people. They support the scientific projects by designing and building (parts of) detectors, accelerators, readout and control systems, and computer and network infrastructures.

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Research Spotlight

LHCb: Antimatter and b-quarks

Nikhef is member of the LHCb experiment, one of the detectors at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva. Here, together with international colleagues, Nikhef scientists try to find answers to the many questions surrounding topics such as matter and anti-matter.

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Particle Physics

In particle physics, very large detectors are used to study elementary particles. Particles such as protons are accelerated in a particle accelerator, and made to collide with each other. Nikhef is active in ALICE, ATLAS and LHCb at CERN.

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National Institute for Subatomic Physics

Welcome to Nikhef. We are the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics. Our institute performs research into the elementary building blocks of our Universe, their mutual forces and the structure of space and time.
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Please note that some of the content on our homepage and further pages has not been translated into English yet.

Recent news

impression of an underground construction impression of an underground construction
26 February 2025

New impulse for instrument design Einstein Telescope

A team of six PhD students and six postdocs is starting to work on  improving the design of the Einstein Telescope. The aim is to work towards a…

26 February 2025

Advanced Instrumentation grant awarded to Nikhef R&D group and Innoseis

For the development of a special kind of sensor, the Nikhef R&D (Research & Development) group has received a grant from Holland High Tech of almost 700,000 euros….

weergave die laat zien dat delen van de detector oplichten als het neutrino passeertweergave die laat zien dat delen van de detector oplichten als het neutrino passeert
12 February 2025

KM3NeT detects the highest energy neutrino ever observed

The KM3NeT Collaboration announces the detection from the abyss of the Mediterranean Sea of a cosmic neutrino with a record-breaking energy of about 220 PeV An extraordinary event…

Future events

12 March 2025

PhD defense Yuefan Guo @ UvA

Yuefan Guo, PhD at Nikhef, will defend her thesis Wednesday 12 March 2025 om 11.00 at the Amsterdam University. “Optical Strategies for Gravitational-Wave Detector Enhancement ” (pdf) The…
Placeholder image for events Placeholder image for events
11 April 2025


Registration has now opened for FYSICA 2025, Friday 11 April at Leiden University’s! Click here to let us know you will be there! FYSICA 2025 will take place…