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Sustainability and NIEHS

Sustainability has come to the forefront in the wake of increased global understanding that economics, environmental health and human well-being are interconnected and interdependent. Our institute has taken a leadership role in understanding and promoting sustainability.

Through our actions, NIEHS seeks to promote the health of our community and our planet while performing valuable research that contributes to a stronger, healthier relationship between humans and the environment.

With our NIEHS Sustainability Report 2021 (11MB), NIEHS shares some highlights of our work with you. We continue our efforts to strengthen the link between our science and our institutional focus on sustainability, helping to optimize the balance between human health, environmental quality, social well-being and economic strength.

We encourage you to consider your own role in promoting a more sustainable future.

Guiding Principles for NIEHS Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability

  • Compliance with Environmental Requirements – NIEHS will comply with all applicable Federal, state and local environmental laws, statutes, regulations and other environmental requirements. When environmental quality improvements are feasible, we will establish and maintain our own standards that exceed existing laws and regulations.
  • Healthy Built Environment – NIEHS will promote public health, workforce wellness, and quality of work-life by integrating the development of buildings and grounds with the natural environment and by promoting indoor environmental quality.
  • Environmentally Responsible Facilities Operations – NIEHS will assess environmental implications in the design, construction and operation of campus infrastructure grounds and buildings. To the extent practical, facilities development and maintenance will promote environmental sustainability through resource conservation, ecologically-sound landscaping practices, sustainable building design and operation, and transportation that minimizes environmental impact.
  • Pollution Prevention – NIEHS will minimize solid waste generation and the potential release of pollutants into the environment first through source reduction, secondarily through reuse and recycling, and finally through treatment and disposal.
  • Minimize Hazardous Waste and Toxic Materials – NIEHS will minimize the generation of hazardous wastes. The institute will maintain policies and processes for the safe and efficient use, tracking, storage and disposal of hazardous and toxic materials.
  • Environmentally Responsible Acquisition – NIEHS will promote environmental responsibility through its contracting and purchasing choices. When purchasing products and services, the institute will strive to obtain the best value by considering life cycle environmental impacts along with cost and functional performance.
  • Conservation of Energy, Water and Other Resources – NIEHS will reduce resource consumption by eliminating wasteful practices and promoting efficient use, and by evaluating and implementing feasible and practical conservation measures in existing buildings, renovations, and new construction.
  • Green Technology – NIEHS will recognize the significant impacts of computing, communication, refrigeration and other technologies on human health and the environment. The institute will actively promote the efficient and sustainable use of technology.
  • Environmental Education and Awareness – NIEHS will provide ongoing education for all employees, contractors and visitors concerning the importance of environmental responsibility in all institute operations. Further, the institute will share relevant and accurate information on its environmental performance with the public.


Paul T. Johnson
Paul T. Johnson
Manager, Environmental Protection & Stewardship Programs
Tel 984-287-3387
[email protected]
P.O. Box 12233
Mail Drop F0-07
Durham, NC 27709