Physics articles within Nature Communications


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    Invisibility cloaks have attracted a tremendous amount of interest. Here, the authors present a strategy to realize ultra-broadband disappearing-space and time-shift camouflages by leveraging illusion metamaterials, thereby removing the longstanding bottleneck of limited bandwidth in invisibility.

    • Chenkai Liu
    • , Chu Ma
    •  & Nicholas X. Fang
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    Diract imaging of supercurrent flow at a Josephson junction has been inaccessible in experiment. Here, using nanoscale magnetometry, the authors find large kinetic inductance of thin film superconductors can lead to competing Josephson vortex states hidden below the critical current, and also provide a new route towards the Josephson diode effect.

    • Shaowen Chen
    • , Seunghyun Park
    •  & Amir Yacoby
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    The authors introduce an extension of the popular fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) named ixFLIM. By correlating the excitation spectrum with emission lifetime, ixFLIM can distinguish the fluorescent species in each pixel of the microscope image.

    • Pavel Malý
    • , Dita Strachotová
    •  & Petr Heřman
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    The interplay between magnetism, topology, and electrical polarization is a fascinating research direction in modern condensed matter physics. Here, the authors discover an intrinsic dipole Hall effect in various magnetic insulating states of twisted MoTe2—enabling contact-free detection of topological phase transitions.

    • Feng-Ren Fan
    • , Cong Xiao
    •  & Wang Yao
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    Hard X-ray free electron lasers allow new insights into dense matter dynamics. Here, the authors show that a single-beam, short-pulse laser can generate a converging cylindrical shock in a thin wire, providing a new method for high energy density research with improved repetition rates.

    • Alejandro Laso Garcia
    • , Long Yang
    •  & Toma Toncian
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    Reports of quantum oscillations in the absence of an electronic Fermi surface in Kondo insulator candidates such as SmB6 and YbB12 have been under intense study. Here the authors report the thermodynamic properties of YbB12 in a magnetic field pointing to the presence of in-gap fermionic excitations.

    • Zhuo Yang
    • , Christophe Marcenat
    •  & Yoshimitsu Kohama
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    Advancing single-atom quantum information processing necessitates a deep understanding of electron and nuclear spin dynamics. Here, using pump-probe spectroscopy, the authors detect the coherent dynamics of a nuclear and electron spin of a single hydrogenated Ti atom on MgO surface.

    • Lukas M. Veldman
    • , Evert W. Stolte
    •  & Sander Otte
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    A Kitaev chain formed by two quantum dots coupled via a superconductor support the so-called poor man’s Majorana bound states. Here, the authors form a minimal Kitaev chain using Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states and show that the resulting bound states are more robust than in the case of unproximitized quantum dots.

    • Francesco Zatelli
    • , David van Driel
    •  & Tom Dvir
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    Feynman’s diagrammatic technique is widely used in the description of quantum many-body systems. This work demonstrates an efficient method for summing Feynman diagrams with exponential computational cost in the diagram order, translating into polynomial scaling of the calculation time with the required accuracy.

    • Evgeny Kozik
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    Predictive machine learning models, while powerful, are often seen as black boxes. Here, the authors introduce a thermodynamics-inspired approach for generating rationale behind their explanations across diverse domains based on the proposed concept of interpretation entropy.

    • Shams Mehdi
    •  & Pratyush Tiwary
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    The authors showcase a spatiotemporal holographic method that can arbitrarily sculpt spatiotemporal light by generating various spatiotemporal wavepackets. The ability to deploy these fully customizable wavepackets opens up exciting avenues for their use in broader applications.

    • Qian Cao
    • , Nianjia Zhang
    •  & Qiwen Zhan
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    NiPS3 is a van der Waals antiferromagnet with a rich optical response including an exciton of very narrow linewidth, the origin of which is still a topic of active discussion. Herein, Song, Lv and coauthors study the response of the Zhang-Rice exciton to applied magnetic fields.

    • Feilong Song
    • , Yanpei Lv
    •  & Jun Zhang
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    The authors demonstrate enhancement by nearly two-orders of magnitude of the optical Stark effect in WSe2 embedded into a Fabry Perot cavity, and use this mechanism to obtain an effective magnetic field of over 200 T and implement a XOR switch.

    • Lingxiao Zhou
    • , Bin Liu
    •  & Hui Deng
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    Free-electron X-ray radiation is typically treated classically. Here, the authors identify unprecedented quantum features of X-ray emission from crystals, due to transversely recoiled electron-photon entanglement, enabling precisely tuned emission via quantum control of free electrons.

    • Xihang Shi
    • , Lee Wei Wesley Wong
    •  & Ido Kaminer
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    Since the development of mobile networks over 30 years ago, the amount of data, and therefore the required bandwidth for mobile networks has grown substantially. Future expansion relies on the GHz frequency range, this requires filters able to operate at GHz frequencies and fit into devices. Here Devitt et al demonstrate a magnetostatic bandpass filter, tunable over a wide range, from 4.5 GHz to 10.1 GHz.

    • Connor Devitt
    • , Renyuan Wang
    •  & Sunil A. Bhave
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    Entanglement between single photons and solid-state emitters is a key component for photonic quantum computing and networks. Here, using a single electron spin in a quantum dot, the authors present a deterministic photon source achieving three-qubit entanglement of one electron spin and two photons.

    • Yijian Meng
    • , Ming Lai Chan
    •  & Peter Lodahl
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    Probabilistic machine learning is an emerging computing paradigm which utilizes controllable random sources to encode uncertainty and enable statistical modelling. Here, authors harness quantum vacuum noise as a controllable random source to perform probabilistic inference and image generation.

    • Seou Choi
    • , Yannick Salamin
    •  & Marin Soljačić
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    MnBi2Te4 is a topological antiferromagnet, and has a second-order nonlinear Hall effect when inversion symmetry is broken. Here, Li, Zhang and coauthors observe a third order longitudinal response and show how the observed non-linear response relates to the quantum geometry quadrupole of the material.

    • Hui Li
    • , Chengping Zhang
    •  & Jiannong Wang
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    Intense, short-pulse laser irradiation generates energetic electrons that heat targets to extreme conditions relevant to laser fusion. Here, authors used an X-ray Free Electron Laser to perform spatiotemporal measurements in solid-density copper foil with sub-micron and femtosecond resolutions.

    • H. Sawada
    • , T. Yabuuchi
    •  & Y. Sentoku
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    Scalable characterisation of quantum states can be achieved by leveraging on simplifications valid for specific classes of states. Here, the authors show how to combine the strengths of shadows and many-body tomography for all states exhibiting exponential decay of correlations and the approximate Markov property.

    • Cambyse Rouzé
    • , Daniel Stilck França
    •  & James D. Watson
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    Antiskyrmions, like skyrmions, are a form of topological spin texture, with a topological charge of opposite sign to the equivalent skyrmion with the same polarity. While antiskyrmions have been less explored, they offer some potential advantages for applications, and here, Guang et al demonstrate antiskyrmion motion within stripe domains.

    • Yao Guang
    • , Xichao Zhang
    •  & Xiuzhen Yu
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    Methods to detect chromatin loops can be hampered by high variability in cell populations and randomness of chromosomal architecture. Here, the authors present an approach for monitoring the presence of loops in a collection of experimental conformations obtained by multiplexed super-resolution FISH imaging.

    • Michaël Liefsoens
    • , Timothy Földes
    •  & Maria Barbi
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    Optically addressable spin defects, such as the NV centre in diamond, have enabled the nanoscale measurement of external stimuli. Here, Gao, Vaidya and coauthors observe a single spin colour centres in boron nitride nanotubes, which, due to their spin S = 1/2 ground state, allow for omnidirectional magnetic field sensing. ’

    • Xingyu Gao
    • , Sumukh Vaidya
    •  & Tongcang Li
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    A major goal of spintronics is to manipulate magnetic order with electric fields. The typical approach is to use a material with spin-orbit coupling, and the resulting Edelstein effect. Here, González-Hernández et al. show theoretically that non-collinear magnets can also host an Edelstein effect, even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling.

    • Rafael González-Hernández
    • , Philipp Ritzinger
    •  & Aurélien Manchon
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    Hole-spin qubits based on semiconductor quantum dots offer potential advantages over their electron-spin counterparts, such as fast qubit control and enhanced coherence times. Liles et al. report a hole-based singlet-triplet spin qubit in planar Si MOS device and develop a model to describe its dynamics.

    • S. D. Liles
    • , D. J. Halverson
    •  & A. R. Hamilton
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    Controlled generation of OAM modes holds promise for applications in classical and quantum communication networks. Here the authors develop an optical vortex ladder in which an input beam transforms into vortices mediated by the Berry phase winding around topological singularities at the Dirac points.

    • Sihong Lei
    • , Shiqi Xia
    •  & Zhigang Chen
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    Global control of a qubits using a single microwave field is a promising strategy for scalable quantum computing. Here the authors demonstrate individual addressability vial local electrodes and two-qubit gates in an array of Si quantum dot spin qubits dressed by a global microwave field and driven on-resonance.

    • Ingvild Hansen
    • , Amanda E. Seedhouse
    •  & Chih Hwan Yang
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    Computer haptics addresses tactile sensation and haptic rendering particularly for the Metaverse. Here, the authors report a design and implantation of a tactile scanner, to collect data used to render haptic feedback and recreate a feeling of touch.

    • Huimin Li
    • , Jianle Lin
    •  & Kai Wang
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    This study reveals a non-monotonic evolution of the mixed-valence character in the SmxLa1−xB6 series, with near-complete suppression of valence fluctuations in the intermediate substitution regime, followed by a re-emergent mixed-valence behavior in the dilute-impurity limit.

    • M. Zonno
    • , M. Michiardi
    •  & A. Damascelli
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    Spontaneous parametric down-conversion in thin films should allow to realise extremely compact entangled photon sources. Here, the authors generate entangled photon pairs from a 3R-MoS2 flake, characterize them via quantum state tomography, and show how to tune between different Bell state outputs by changing the pump polarization.

    • Maximilian A. Weissflog
    • , Anna Fedotova
    •  & Falk Eilenberger
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    Machine learning potential has gained interest for replacing calculations in large systems. Here, authors propose an E(n) equivariant message passing neural network that uses high-order Cartesian tensors to predict properties with high accuracy

    • Junjie Wang
    • , Yong Wang
    •  & Jian Sun
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    6R-TaS2 is a natural van der Waals heterostructure formed by 1H- and 1T-phase TaS2 layers, which can individually exhibit Ising superconductivity, correlated states and charge density waves. Here, the authors show experimental evidence of emergent nematic Ising superconductivity with simultaneous hidden magnetism (extrinsic anomalous Hall effect and Kondo screening) in 6R-TaS2 under 30 K.

    • Shao-Bo Liu
    • , Congkuan Tian
    •  & Jian-Hao Chen
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    Quantum devices offer the potential to simulate quantum phenomena, which are otherwise computationally intractable. Here, Shi, Sun, Wang and coauthors use a superconducting quantum simulator to study spin-transport at infinite temperature.

    • Yun-Hao Shi
    • , Zheng-Hang Sun
    •  & Heng Fan
  • Article
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    A waveguide can increase the coupling between an electron beam and electromagnetic field in a THz Free Electron Laser. The authors characterize the spectral properties of a compact waveguide FEL including dual-frequency lasing and tunable wavelength.

    • Andrew Fisher
    • , Maximilian Lenz
    •  & Pietro Musumeci
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    A repeater takes an input signal and retransmits is, and a vital component for extending the range of signals. Here, Wang et al. demonstrate a magnon repeater, based on the bistable switching between low and high amplitude spin-waves.

    • Qi Wang
    • , Roman Verba
    •  & Andrii V. Chumak
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    Circularly polarized light couples to a valley charge in 2D materials, however novel electronic applications require direct coupling to valley current. Here the authors show that this can be achieved by few-cycle circularly polarized light, which allows for ultrafast generation and control of valley current.

    • S. Sharma
    • , D. Gill
    •  & S. Shallcross
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    In parallel-stacked materials, ferroelectric order is switched by layer sliding. In 3R-MoS2, excitons react to ferroelectricity via stacking-specific hybridization. Authors show field effect control of ferroelectricity and its effect on spin dynamics.

    • Swarup Deb
    • , Johannes Krause
    •  & Tobias Korn
  • Article
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    Classical machine learning methods trained on quantum simulation data can efficiently solve quantum many-body problems, but this has been mostly shown for numerically generated data. Here the authors successfully apply such methods to data acquired on a superconducting quantum processor with error mitigation.

    • Gyungmin Cho
    •  & Dohun Kim
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    Microwave-based quantum key distribution would allow a secure exchange of information in superconducting local area networks and, potentially beyond, in open-air conditions. Here, the authors provide a proof-of-principle implementation within a cryogenic environment, based on propagating displaced squeezed microwave states.

    • Florian Fesquet
    • , Fabian Kronowetter
    •  & Kirill G. Fedorov