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We're an open-access journal publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research from across the natural sciences, psychology, medicine and engineering.


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    Scientific Reports has a 2-year impact factor of 3.8 (2023), and is the 5th most-cited journal in the world, with more than 734,000 citations in 2023*.

  • *2023 Journal Citation ReportsĀ® Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics, 2024).
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    Highlight your research and enhance its visibility to your field by submitting to one of our Guest Edited Collections, led by our expert Editorial Board Members.

  • The median time from submission to acceptance for papers submitted to our Guest Edited Collections is 102 days.
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    Explore subject area specific Collections of the most downloaded* papers from Scientific Reports in 2022.

  • *Data obtained from SN Insights which is based on Digital Science's Dimensions.
  • Icon of cogs, indicating the Engineering scope expansion announcement.

    We are delighted to announce that Scientific Reports is now expanding its scope to include engineering disciplines.


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Nature Careers

Science jobs

  • Faculty Positions at SUSTech School of Medicine

    SUSTech School of Medicine offers equal opportunities and welcome applicants from the world with all ethnic backgrounds.

    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

    Southern University of Science and Technology, School of Medicine

  • Postdoctoral Fellowships Worldwide

    IBSA Foundation for scientific research offers 6 fellowships offers of ā‚¬ 32.000 to young researchers under 40 years.

    The call is open to people from research institutes and universities from all over the world.

    IBSA Foundation for scientific research

  • Staff Scientist - Immunology

    Staff Scientist- Immunology

    Houston, Texas (US)

    Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)

  • Institute for Systems Genetics, Tenure Track Faculty Positions

    The Institute for Systems Genetics at NYU Langone Health has tenure track faculty positions (assistant professor level) at the new SynBioMed Center.

    New York City, New York (US)

    NYU Langone Health

  • Faculty Position

    The Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology (ICOB), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, is seeking candidates to fill multiple tenure-track faculty position

    Taipei (TW)

    Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica
