Volume 28
No. 2 February 2025
Constraints on neural dynamicsThe time course of neural activity is thought to be essential for computation in networks of neurons. Oby, Degenhart, Grigsby and colleagues used a brain–computer interface to show that activity time courses in the brain are difficult to violate, which provides empirical support for dynamical principles at play. The cover illustrates a monkey traversing a time course of neural activity unfolding in its brain.
See Oby, Degenhart, Grigsby, et al.
No. 1 January 2025
Tau in AD extracellular vesiclesBrain extracellular vesicles (EVs) are thought to have a role in the clearance and spread of tau pathology in Alzheimer’s disease. However, the pathological tau species that are associated with EVs and how they contribute to clearance is unclear. Fowler, Behr and colleagues used electron cryo-tomography (cryo-ET) to image EVs from the brains of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, directly visualizing the unexpected membrane-tethering of short tau filaments within EVs. The cover image represents the release of EVs containing membrane-tethered tau filaments from a neuron by blending the cryo-ET data with Gustav Klimt’s symbolist style.
See Fowler and Behr et al.