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    This cross-journal Collection welcomes submissions on the underlying mechanisms of the complex interplay between infection and cancer.

    Image: © Naeblys /
    Open for submissions
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    This collection seeks to explore Ubiquitin-like modification's mechanisms and role in biology.

    Image: © [M] Christoph Burgstedt /
    Open for submissions
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    The editors at Nature Communications, Communications Psychology, and Scientific Reports invite contributions that study Collective Action from the vantage point of the behavioural sciences.

    Image: © Annett Seidler /
    Open for submissions
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    This Collection highlights the functional heterogeneity and specialization of the lymphatic vasculature across different tissues and organs.

    Image: Vincenza Cifarelli et al.,
    Open for submissions
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    This Collection aims to collate the latest advances in computational method development for drug discovery and medicinal chemistry, as well as their application in preclinical studies.

    Image: © Alfred Pasieka / Science Photo Library
    Open for submissions
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    This Collection promotes research that considers Sex As a Biological Variable (SABV) across all realms of biological research, from molecular and cellular biology to cognitive neuroscience, and across all levels, from in vivo model organisms and humans to in vitro and computational models.

    Image: © vchalup /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal Collection between Nature Communications, Communications Medicine, and Scientific Reports, we invite submission aiming to address the issue of cancer therapy toxicity.

    Image: © [M] James Thew /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal collection between Communications Biology, Communications Chemistry, and Nature Communications, we invite submissions focused on the design, development, and application of TPD modalities.

    Image: © THOM LEACH / Science Photo Library
    Open for submissions
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    This joint Collection between Nature Communications, Communications Medicine, and Scientific Reports welcomes submissions of primary research that aim to understand and improve child and adolescent development and health.

    Image: © [M] Jcomp / Getty Images / iStock
    Open for submissions
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    This cross-journal Collection between Communications Materials, Nature Communications, and Scientific Reports brings together the latest advances in fundamental and applied research on 2D materials with combined multiple optoelectronic functionalities.

    Image: © [M] sakkmesterke /
    Open for submissions
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    This cross-journal Collection between Nature Communications, Communications Materials and Scientific Reports brings together the latest advances in thermoelectric energy recovery, covering materials synthesis, device demonstrations, and analytical studies.

    Image: © [M] Mel Stoutsenberger /
    Open for submissions
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    In this cross-journal collection, we highlight studies that represent new frontiers of geobiology, including novel microbial metabolisms, new field sites, and emerging questions about microbe-Earth interactions spurred on by culture independent evidence.

    Image: © bennymarty / Getty Images / iStock
    Open for submissions