Extended Data Fig. 3: B cell-specific knockout MTHFD2 reduces GC B-cell number and antigen-specific antibody production. | Nature Chemical Biology

Extended Data Fig. 3: B cell-specific knockout MTHFD2 reduces GC B-cell number and antigen-specific antibody production.

From: Metabolic determinants of germinal center B cell formation and responses

Extended Data Fig. 3

a-e, Splenocytes and serum were collected from female Mthfd2+/+ and Mthfd2−/− mice (n = 6 per group) immunized with NP-KLH on days 7 and 14 respectively. (a) Scheme of the experiments. The percentage of plasma cells relative to spleen cells (b), GC B cells relative to total B cells (c), or NP+ GC B cells of GC B cells (d) were analyzed by FACS. Serum titers of high-affinity (NP7) (f) and total (NP25) (e) IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3 and IgM at 14 days post immunization were also measured. Data are the mean ± SEM.; Two-tailed Student’s t-test (b-f); ns, not significant.

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