Extended Data Fig. 8: Relationship between virological status before intervention and virological response to AZD5582 treatment in SIV-infected ART-suppressed rhesus macaques. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Relationship between virological status before intervention and virological response to AZD5582 treatment in SIV-infected ART-suppressed rhesus macaques.

From: Systemic HIV and SIV latency reversal via non-canonical NF-κB signalling in vivo

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, Individual representations of plasma SIV RNA levels measured by ultrasensitive assay (limit of detection 3 copies per ml of plasma) before and during AZD5582 treatment in SIV-infected ART-suppressed rhesus macaques (n = 12). ‘Baseline’ shows two or three plasma viral loads before AZD5582 treatment and ‘AZD5582’ shows three or four plasma viral loads during AZD5582 treatment. Open symbols indicate the five AZD5582-treated rhesus macaques with on-ART viraemia of >60 copies of SIV RNA per ml of plasma using the standard viral load assay (confirmed with ultrasensitive assay). The orange box highlights an additional 3 rhesus macaques who did not experience on-ART viraemia of >60 copies per ml of plasma but had ≥2 SIV RNA measurements above baseline values using the ultrasensitive quantification method. b, Comparison of the medians of plasma SIV RNA levels at baseline and during AZD5582 treatment measured by ultrasensitive assay for ART-suppressed SIV-infected rhesus macaques (n = 12). Statistical significance was determined with a Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test. c, Comparison of the levels of plasma SIV RNA at peak, plasma SIV RNA before ART initiation, SIV DNA in peripheral-blood CD4+ T cells before AZD5582 treatment (pre-LRA), SIV DNA in lymph-node CD4+ T cells pre-LRA, SIV RNA in peripheral blood CD4+ T cells pre-LRA and SIV RNA in lymph-node CD4+ T cells pre-LRA in rhesus macaques with increased plasma viral loads (PVL) by standard and/or ultrasensitive assay during AZD5582 treatment (increased plasma viral loads, n = 8) compared with rhesus macaques that did not demonstrate increased viral loads (stable plasma viral loads, n = 4). Statistical significance was determined using a two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. Horizontal lines represent the median (a, c).

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