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Nanomedicine-based cancer immunotherapy: recent trends and future perspectives


The combination of cancer immunotherapy with efficient functionalized nanosystems has emerged as a beneficial treatment strategy and its use has increased rapidly. The roles of stimuli-responsive nanosystems and nanomedicine-based cancer immunotherapy, a subsidiary discipline in the field of immunology, are pivotal. The present era is witnessing rapid advancements in the use of nanomedicine as a platform for investigating novel therapeutic applications and modern intelligent healthcare management strategies. The development of cancer nanomedicine has posthaste ratified the outcomes of immunotherapy to the subsequent stage in the current era of medical research. This review focuses on key findings with respect to the effectiveness of nanomedicine-based cancer immunotherapies and their applications, which include i) immune checkpoint inhibitors and nanomedicine, ii) CRISPR-Cas nanoparticles (NPs) in cancer immunotherapy, iii) combination cancer immunotherapy with core-shell nanoparticles, iv) biomimetic NPs for cancer immunotherapy, and v) CAR-T cells and cancer nanoimmunotherapy. By evaluating the state-of-the-art tools and taking the challenges involved into consideration, various aspects of the proposed nano-enabled therapeutic approaches have been discussed in this review.

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Fig. 1: Cancer immunotherapy using CRISPR–Cas nanoparticles.
Fig. 2: Cancer immunotherapy using core-shell nanoparticles.
Fig. 3: Various mechanisms of nanomedicine based tumor targeting.
Fig. 4: Comparison of the actions of CAR-T cells.
Fig. 5: Effective strategy for CAR-T DNA nanocomplex formation.

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VKL and SC are thankful to the Thumbay Research Institute for Precision Medicine (TRIPM) for providing infrastructural facilities. SJ is thankful to the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, for awarding the fellowship. GP acknowledges the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (BT/PR 25095/NER/95/1011/2017) and Shastri Institutional Collaborative Research Grant (SICRG) 2020–21.

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Lakshmanan, VK., Jindal, S., Packirisamy, G. et al. Nanomedicine-based cancer immunotherapy: recent trends and future perspectives. Cancer Gene Ther 28, 911–923 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41417-021-00299-4

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