Extended Data Figure 4: CMTM6 selectively regulates both constitutive and interferon-induced PD-L1 without compromising tumour cell MHC class I expression. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 4: CMTM6 selectively regulates both constitutive and interferon-induced PD-L1 without compromising tumour cell MHC class I expression.

From: CMTM6 maintains the expression of PD-L1 and regulates anti-tumour immunity

Extended Data Figure 4

a, Cell surface MHC class I expression is unaffected by shRNA-mediated depletion of CMTM6. Flow cytometry analysis of surface MHC class I and PD-L1 in MDA-MB-231 and A375 cells transduced with shRNAs targeting CMTM6 or control shRNA. Cells were pre-treated with IFNγ 500 IU ml−1 for 48 h before analysis. b, CMTM6 knockout leads to loss of both constitutive and IFNγ-induced PD-L1 expression. Flow cytometry analysis of cell surface PD-L1 in Cas9-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells transduced with sgRNA targeting either PD-L1, JAK2 or CMTM6 (red) compared to parental Cas9-expressing cells (blue). PD-L1 expression is reduced in both the presence and absence of IFNγ stimulation following knockout of CMTM6. In contrast, knockout of the IFNγ pathway component JAK2 leads to selective loss of IFNγ induced upregulation of PD-L1 with no effect on constitutive PD-L1 expression.

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