166d5 Offers - Max Planck Institute for Informatics
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The interests of the (around 40) research group members includes data structures, graph and network algorithms, computational geometry, parallel and external algorithms, distributed algorithms, complexity theory, combinatorial and continuous optimization, graph drawing, on-line algorithms, randomized algorithms, computational biology and implementation of algorithms and program libraries. The group consists mainly of young researchers of several nationalities. Our working language is English. The group collaborates with several of the major research institutions in Europe and USA and has a high international visibility. There is generous travel support available for all group members.

We are looking for applicants in all of the above areas and in any areas within algorithms and complexity . For some specific topics where we are particularly looking for new group members refer to the bottom of this page. Applicants working in our group are expected to interact with group members and are encouraged to initiate research in their individual areas of specialization.

The Max Planck Society intends to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented. Women are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply.

We offer Internships, Long Term Visits, various Ph.D. Positions, and several positions for Postdocs see below.

Regular Internships

The internship program of D1 has been subsumed by the general internship program spanning the CS institutes in Saarbrücken, Kaiserslautern, and Bochum. Up-to-date information on this program can be found here. In addition, all applicants interested in an internship in our department are strongly encouraged to propose suitable supervisors. Applications not indicating interest to work with a D1 supervisor are unlikely to be considered by D1 members. Potential D1 supervisors and their availability will be listed here in due time, as well as on their personal webpages.

Long Term Visits

If you would like to visit the Algorithms and Complexity Group for an extended period of time (more than a month), send your CV and a short description of your plans for the visit to Danupon Na Nongkai.

Ph.D. Positions

Below are several different graduate programs that will allow you to work with us. Note that you may apply to more than one of these programs. It is possible to enter these programs already with a bachelor's degree.

  • At the CS@Max Planck Doctoral Program, the selection is purely based on academic excellence in the broad area of computer and information science. You will have the option to work with any faculty member at any of the Max Planck Institutes that engage in computer science research (i.e., MPI-SWS, MPI-INF, MPI-IS, or MPI-SP) or at our partner universities. Students normally start their graduate studies at the Saarland Informatics Campus in Saarbrücken. While taking courses, they have the opportunity to explore research in different areas as part of immersion labs at different MPIs and universities. Latest in the 4th semester, they take the qualifying exam and start work with their chosen research advisor(s) at any of the participating MPIs or universities.
  • Apply at the International Max Planck Research School for Trustworthy Computing (IMPRS-TRUST) for Ph.D. scholarships granted by our department. On the webpage, you will find all kinds of useful information, details about the application process, as well as the official contact address. 
    We encourage you to apply specifically for a Ph.D. position at the Department of Algorithms and Complexity. However, all applications have to be submitted via the online form found on the IMPRS webpage. Thus, if you plan to join our department (or already know whom you want to be working with), please specify this in the cover letter of your online application.
  • Apply to the Maryland Max Planck program if you would like to engage in collaborative research between the University of Maryland and MPIs, and divide your time between the U.S. and Europe. (NB: If you are interested in applying to the Maryland Max Planck program, you must also submit an application to the University of Maryland.)

Postdoc and Group Leader Positions

There is an opportunity for joint postdoc positions with the Weizmann Institute, with the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, and with some research institutes in India. If you are interested, please specify this in your application.

Regular postdoc positions are available for one or two years. Every year, a bundle of positions is offered. Moreover, there will also be positions for group leaders available. Electronic applications as described here are mandatory.

Postdoctoral Scholarship for Excellent Women

The Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI-INF) is inviting applications from female postgraduate computer scientists for a two-year research scholarship. The MPI-INF encourages women to excel in computer science and become active role models and leaders in the field. More on the webpage of the Max Planck Postdoctoral Scholarship for Excellent Women in Computer Science.

External Fellowships

Potential postdoctoral fellows and long term visitors may also consider applying for fellowships from external sources. In particular, the institute has already hosted scientists with

You may also consider fellowships offered by organizations from your home country or by the DAAD the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.

For external fellowships, the institute will provide the necessary support as a host site to an application from a qualified individual with an appropriate research plan.