Trump Takes Credit for Youngkin Win Moments After Suggesting Voter Fraud: ‘He Would Not Have Been Close to Winning’ Without ‘My BASE’

Trump pumping his fists

Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump took credit for Glenn Youngkin’s (R) win in Virginias’s gubernatorial race mere moments after hinting at possible voter fraud in the state.

Youngkin defeated Terry McAuliffe (D) on Tuesday night. Early in the evening, election officials in Fairfax County reported that they would need to rescan 20,000 ballots due to a tech issue.

Trump issued a statement suggesting chicanery might be afoot while also saying “MAGA voters” seemed to be turning out for the Republican.

“Early indications are that MAGA voters are turning out big for Glenn Youngkin, let’s see what happens,” it read. “All eyes are on Fairfax, why the delay?’

Ultimately, it didn’t matter because soon after, the race was called for Youngkin. Trump issued another statement in which he essentially took credit for the victory.

“I would like to thank my BASE for coming out in force and voting for Glenn Youngkin,” said Trump. “Without you, he would not have been close to winning. The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before. Glenn will be a great governor. Thank you to the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia and most particularly, to our incredible MAGA voters!”

The 45th president soon after issued a third statement, again claiming credit:

It is looking like Terry McAuliffe’s campaign against a certain person named “Trump” has very much helped Glenn Youngkin. All McAuliffe did was talk Trump, Trump, Trump and he lost! What does that tell you, Fake News? I guess people running for office as Democrats won’t be doing that too much longer. I didn’t even have to go rally for Youngkin, because McAuliffe did it for me. Thank you to the MAGA voters for turning out big!

Trump endorsed Youngkin, who avoided campaigning with Trump. Trump lost Virginia by five points in 2016 and by 10 points in 2020. The McAuliffe campaign attempted to link Youngkin to Trump in a move that did not work or perhaps even backfired.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.