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Systematic Review

The Influence of Different Heel Heights on Squatting Stability: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis

Faculty of Sports Science, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
Department of Material Science and Technology, Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Széchenyi István University, 9026 Gyor, Hungary
Biomechanics Laboratory, Division of Sports and Exercise, University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow G72 0LH, UK
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2025, 15(5), 2471; https://doi.org/10.3390/app15052471
Submission received: 9 November 2024 / Revised: 14 February 2025 / Accepted: 20 February 2025 / Published: 25 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in the Biomechanics of Sports)
Figure 1
<p>Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram.</p> ">
Figure 2
<p>Results from the risk of bias assessment. (<b>A</b>) Risk of bias graph [<a href="#B1-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">1</a>,<a href="#B8-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">8</a>,<a href="#B12-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">12</a>,<a href="#B13-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">13</a>,<a href="#B14-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">14</a>,<a href="#B16-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">16</a>,<a href="#B18-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">18</a>,<a href="#B20-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">20</a>,<a href="#B21-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">21</a>,<a href="#B22-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">22</a>,<a href="#B25-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">25</a>,<a href="#B26-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">26</a>,<a href="#B27-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">27</a>,<a href="#B28-applsci-15-02471" class="html-bibr">28</a>]; (<b>B</b>) summary of the bias analysis.</p> ">
Figure 3
<p>The overall network structure for intervention on COP and ankle dorsiflexion. (<b>a</b>) COP deviation with 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mmm heels; (<b>b</b>) ankle dorsiflexion with 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mmm heels.</p> ">
Figure 4
<p>The rank of COP deviation probability with 0 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 3 mm and 8 mm heels on AP and ML directions.</p> ">
Figure 5
<p>The rank of peak ankle dorsiflexion angle with 0 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, 3.5 mm, 5 mm, 8 mm, and 9 mm heels.</p> ">
Versions Notes


The back squat (BS) is one of the most effective exercises for enhancing lower limb strength, but an unstable squat can increase shear forces in the lower back. Understanding how to assess the squat stability is useful for avoiding potential sports injury. During the BS, the trunk lean and center of pressure (COP) are relevant to squat safety, and these kinematics can be altered by elevating the heel. However, there is no relevant meta-analysis on the impact of different heel heights on squat stability. This study aims to bridge the gap in the literature by conducting a systematic review and network meta-analysis on how heel elevation affects squat stability. By quantifying the influence of different heel heights on key biomechanical parameters, such as the center of pressure deviation and ankle dorsiflexion, the study provides actionable insights for athletes, trainers, and clinicians. Fourteen articles were included, and the majority of these studies demonstrated that elevated heels (EHs) can reduce COP deviation and trunk lean. In addition, 25 mm heels may be the preferred option for squat stability in the AP direction when COP data and network meta-analysis are combined. However, in the ML direction, the capacity to maintain balance is rather questionable; when ankle peak dorsiflexion is combined, 8 mm heels have higher COP deviation values and 5 mm heels have lower COP deviation values. Regarding limitations, reliance on a single bias assessment tool (Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool) might not fully capture methodological variability across non-RCT studies. Future systematic reviews could consider using multiple bias assessment tools for robust assessment.

1. Introduction

The squat is a movement commonly utilized in resistance training and various sports [1]. The squat is not only beneficial for the increase in lower limb strength, but it also has significant advantages when performing some sports that require high leg strength [2]. Squatting is a biomechanically complex movement involving the coordination of the hip, knee, and ankle joints. During squats, these joints collectively contribute to force generation and load management, while the surrounding muscles, such as the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, and gastrocnemius, are actively engaged [3]. Squatting is integral to numerous everyday tasks, such as walking, carrying heavy objects, sitting, standing, and climbing stairs [4,5]. As a type of squat, the barbell squat is a primary exercise used in many athletic training programs to develop lower body strength and power [6]. However, as a compound exercise involving heavy loads, common injuries to the knee and lower back during squatting are prevalent [7].
In order to achieve different training goals or reduce the risk of injury, athletes and coaches have begun to use different squat techniques [4]. Alterations in joint angles, such as those induced by heel elevation, significantly influence movement mechanics. For instance, raising the heel reduces dorsiflexion demands at the ankle, enabling a more upright trunk position, which decreases shear forces on the lumbar spine and enhances postural stability [8]. These biomechanical adjustments are critical for minimizing injury risk and improving athletic performance, particularly in loaded squats. Unstable squats can lead to COP deviations, excessive trunk lean, and poor foot stability, increasing pressure on the lower back and joints, which ultimately raises the risk of injury. Excessive forward trunk lean is commonly identified as a significant technical error during squatting [5]. The greater degree of trunk flexion during squat leads to a higher risk of low back injury by increasing the shear forces in the low back area [9,10,11]. As research on squatting has deepened, it has been shown that elevating the heel during squats can reduce trunk lean, thereby lowering the risk of injury [3,8,12]. The most commonly used method to increase the heel height from the ground surface is to wear weightlifting shoes (WLSs).
WLSs feature a stiff, non-compressible flat sole and an elevated heel (EH). The EH makes it easier for lifters to keep their trunks more upright, reducing external torque and the lumbar spine’s ensuing compressive and shear pressures [3,8,13]. To better understand the effects of footwear and heel elevation on squatting, numerous studies have been conducted. In previous studies, the impact of improving the heel height on squatting mostly focused on muscle activation, kinematics and dynamics. The impact of squatting kinematics and dynamics has been reviewed [3]. For muscle activation, there are many studies that have shown that the muscle activity of the rectus femoris was significantly higher during squat exercises with high heel than with flat heel footwear or insoles [13,14], but the muscle activation of the tibialis anterior muscle was reduced [14], and Anbarian et al. found that EHs can reduce fatigue in the lower back [15]. For kinematics, some studies indicated that raising the heel can reduce the trunk inclination [8,16,17,18] but increase the range of motion (ROM) of the knee [16,18]. On the other hand, Lee et al. discovered that the high heeled foot position had no significant effect on the kinematics of the knee and trunk [19]. This could be because they employed different squat weights.
Depending on the purpose of the exercise, squats may be performed as a body weight only movement or “loaded” with additional weight [12]. For the squat weight, most studies tend to use the percentage of 1RM, and most of the weight are 60–80% 1RM [8,13,14,17,20,21,22]. Only one research study investigated the 90% 1RM squat, and it was found that there was a significant reduction in peak COP-AP displacement from 70 to 90% 1RM [12]. Additionally, deep squatting places a burden on the lower limb muscles and influences postural balance, and unstable squats can easily lead to falls and increase the risk of sports injury. An elevated heel can keep the knee forward and reduce shear stresses in the lumbar spine, according to Whitting et al. [12] and Sato et al. [8]. Other research suggests that the neutral spine and pelvis should be free of any relative motion when squatting in order to prevent movement injuries [23].
Since WLSs are not widely used in non-professional daily training, some studies use a wedge made of wood to increase heel height. A study has shown that elevating the heels during the squat by including wedged inserts or inclined platforms is a popular clinical exercise during rehabilitation [6,21]. Understanding the impact of heel height on squat biomechanics can reduce the likelihood of sports injuries and inform the development of more effective movement strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study how to improve the stability of squatting. Specifically, the COP serves as an indirect indicator of the squat balance with a more upright trunk suggesting improved balance regulation. The trunk lean is related to ankle dorsiflexion [12,17], and the anterior–posterior balance is regulated by the plantar flexors. Previous studies have has demonstrated that elevating the heels (EHs) enhances plantarflexion, which in turn reduces ankle dorsiflexion and provides greater foot stability [1,8,21]. A more stable squat results in a smaller angle of ankle dorsiflexion; thus, ankle flexion was also considered as at secondary indicators.
Currently, there are still large research gaps and controversies regarding the effects of different heel heights on back squat stability. Previous studies have shown that elevated heels (EHs) can help adjust the kinematics of the trunk and pelvis, thereby reducing the risk of injury [8,16,18]. However, the research results in the existing literature are inconsistent. For example, although some studies have shown that increasing the height of the heel can improve the stability of the back squat (such as reducing the forward lean of the trunk and the plantar pressure offset COP [8,18], other studies have shown that too high a heel may have a negative impact on the biomechanical characteristics of athletes, leading to increased knee pressure or excessive forward lean. In addition, there is no standard for selecting heel heights adopted by different studies. There is a lack of comparison between some heel heights, and squatters cannot judge based on their existing heel height shoes.
The primary aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different heel heights on squat stability through a systematic review and network meta-analysis. The evaluation indicators included are: COP deviations, trunk lean, peak ankle dorsiflexion angle. This study will answer the following questions: (1) How do different heel heights affect key biomechanical parameters of trunk lean, ankle dorsiflexion and COP excursion during squats? (2) When comparing different heel heights, is it possible to find the best one? Based on the existing literature, we hypothesize that a moderate heel height (e.g., 25 mm) may enhance squat stability and safety by modifying the athlete’s posture, such as reducing peak ankle dorsiflexion and minimizing COP deviation.

2. Materials and Methods

This review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [24] and was retrospectively registered in OSF (DOI: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/HEUM7, accessed on 25 November 2024). This article complies with all PRISMA standards. Literature collection, exclusion criteria, and retrieval strategies are jointly proposed and agreed upon by two authors and established a priori to minimize bias.

2.1. Search Strategy

A comprehensive literature was performed in the following four online electronic databases to identify all the relevant studies from their inception until 1 September 2024: PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, and Scopus. The search term was: “(squat [Title/Abstract]) AND (heel [Title/Abstract]) OR (foot [Title/Abstract]) OR (footwear [Title/Abstract]) OR (sole [Title/Abstract]) OR (insole [Title/Abstract]) OR (shoes [Title/Abstract]) OR (wedge [Title/Abstract])”. This search term was applied across all databases. The selection of titles, abstracts, and full texts was jointly completed by two independent authors with non-English articles being excluded. Only studies that included EHs or footwear and reported on COP, ankle or trunk kinematics were included. Studies focused on single-leg squat, barbell front squat, or overhead squats were excluded. The differences were resolved by a third independent arbitrator.
Figure 1 shows the details of the article filtering process. A total of 2574 studies were searched for screening through an electronic search consisting of four scientific databases of which 1440 repetitive studies and 35 review articles were deleted. Additionally, 3 were found by article citations and only 1 met the requirements. After filtering by the titles and abstracts, an additional 1055 articles were excluded for the following reasons: the back squat was not the primary focus of the study (535 articles), the study involved single-leg or split squats (44 articles), participants did not meet inclusion criteria (355 articles), or the squat was performed without heel elevation or other specified interventions (118 articles). After the full articles were read, 29 articles were excluded. Finally, 14 studies with all subjects aged 20–40 were included. Of the 14 studies included, four studies with data were use to conduct quantitative analysis. Factors other than heel interventions were analyzed separately within each study to determine whether heel elevations could take precedence over other variables. Ten studies without data were included for qualitative analysis. Due to the differences in trunk kinematics data measured in different studies, only qualitative analysis was conducted on the trunk tilt.
The included studies used different tools to increase heel height, such as WLSs, running shoes (RSs), five fingers, wedges, and insoles. For comparison purposes, each EH in the included studies was found, and the standardized heel height of the included studies in the network analysis was expressed in millimeters. The interventions of heel height in this review included 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, and 70 mm. This review excluded studies that had only a single heel height intervention. To simply compare the impact of heel height, other confounding factors are temporarily disregarded. In this review, the criteria for the deep squat were redefined. In the included study, a depth of squat was at least either thigh flexion parallel to the ground or the knee flexion 90°.
In addition, among the 14 studies included, 13 used various shoes or wedge to increase heel height, while 1 used an insole for heel elevations.

2.2. Outcomes

The outcome indicators of this review are COP deviation in the medial–lateral (ML) and anterior–posterior (AP) directions. Because this review focuses solely on the impact of EHs, other intervention methods in the literature are treated as separate studies corresponding to the same heel height for mixed comparisons. Additionally, the level of variability in the center of pressure for both the anterior–posterior (VCOP-x) and medio-lateral (VCOP-y) planes was used to establish each participant’s stability level during the squat in one study. Due to the lack of raw data, this study was not included in the meta-analysis. Trunk lean was considered a secondary indicator for supplementary analysis. It is generally accepted that a more upright trunk position helps maintain the center of pressure in a central position, leading to improved squat stability.

2.3. Information Sources

This review used PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and EBSCO to conduct a comprehensive and repeatable literature search prior to September 2024. If the data were insufficient, the corresponding author was contacted to provide the exact data.

2.4. Study Selection

Two independent reviewers screened all relevant abstracts and full articles. In cases where the reviewers could not reach a consensus, a third independent arbitrator would adjudicate the disagreement. Studies were excluded based on the following criteria: (1) studies involving unhealthy subjects or minors; (2) studies examining single-leg squats or overhead squats; and (3) studies lacking outcome indicators related to COP or trunk kinematics. Table 1 presents the details of the included studies.

2.5. Data Collection Process

All eligible studies were imported into Endnote X9 (Thomson Reuters, Carlsbad, CA, USA), where duplicates were removed. The data collection was conducted by two independent authors with a third independent arbitrator resolving any discrepancies when consensus could not be reached. The information collected included demographic characteristics (average age and gender), study design, and outcome indicators. Based on the description of squatting shoes or wedges in the studies, the heel heights were categorized as follows: 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm.

2.6. Data Items and Effect Measures

The authors took full responsibility for data collection, analysis, and reporting. COP excursion was the primary squat stability indicator with trunk lean as a secondary indicator. Two independent investigators processed and analyzed data using Microsoft Excel (Version 16.0, Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) to convert findings into root mean squared error (RMSE). The effect sizes were reported with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to reflect the precision of the estimates. All analyses were conducted using random-effects models to account for potential heterogeneity across studies. For one study lacking COP data, the corresponding author was contacted by email, and the missing data were provided and analyzed.

2.7. Risk of Bias in Assessment

Two reviewers independently assessed bias risk using the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool, evaluating domains such as random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding, incomplete outcome data, and selective reporting. Disagreements were resolved by a third reviewer.

3. Results

3.1. Risk of Bias

Bias risk in the 14 studies was evaluated, and consensus was reached after discussion. Figure 2 presents the results. Randomization sequences were well documented across studies. Allocation blinding was impractical, since participants could perceive the intervention. In total, 91.66% of studies lacked adequate blinding descriptions for participants or staff with only one study specifying the absence of double blinding. Additionally, 50% of the studies did not describe whether participants drop out, while other studies clearly indicated that all data were included in the analysis. All the studies documented their research plans and conducted their investigations according to their subject characteristics, study designs and specified protocols.
Figure 3a illustrates the complete network structure for COP interventions in 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm with a mixed intervention comparison of various heel height. Figure 3b shows the overall network structure of intervention for ankle dorsiflexion in 0 mm, 5 mm, 9 mm, 15 mm, and 25 mm.
Figure 4 presents the ranking of intervention probabilities for COP-AP and COP-ML with rank 1 indicating the lowest stability and rank 6 the highest for each direction.

3.1.1. Stability of AP Directions

With a closed-loop structure in the evidence, assessing inconsistency is necessary. For mixed heel height comparisons (0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm), the consistency model’s random effects standard deviation fell within a 95% confidence interval of 2.47 (1.27, 6.46). Similarly, in the inconsistency model, the standard deviation was 2.46 (1.26, 6.39). Since random effects standard deviations did not differ significantly between models, the consistency model best fits the data, reflecting no inconsistency. The one-by-one elimination method was used for each network meta-analysis to eliminate one document in turn, and the remaining documents (n − 1 articles) were merged through meta-analysis. By observing the changes in the merged results, it was found that the original meta-analysis results did not change significantly due to the influence of certain studies.
The rank probability of stability is presented in Figure 4, where a large portion of rank 1 represents a worse outcome, and a large portion of rank 6 represents a better outcome. As shown in Figure 4, the 25 mm heel height provides optimal stability, supporting the presence of WLSs with a 25 mm heel. Conversely, the 8 mm heel height indicates the worst stability, which is possibly due to the material of RSs used. Additionally, for squats performed without WLSs, shoes with a 3 mm height serve as an effective alternative.

3.1.2. Stability of ML Directions

Similarly, in the mixed comparison of heel heights (0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm), the standard deviation of random effects in consistency models showed a 95% confidence interval of 9.47 (5.01, 19.11). For the inconsistency model, the standard deviation of random effects showed a 95% confidence interval of 9.62 (4.96, 19.01). There were no significant differences in the standard deviations of random effects between the consistency and inconsistency models, indicating no inconsistency in the data; the consistency model should be adopted.
Figure 4 presents the probability ranking. showing that heel heights of 25 mm and 15 mm provide the best and second-best stability for squat, respectively. However, as the heel rises, it shows the worst stability at 30 mm.

3.1.3. Ankle Dorsiflexion

In the mixed comparison of heel heights (0 mm, 3.5 mm, 5 mm, 8 mm, 9 mm, 15 mm, and 25 mm), the standard deviation of random effects in the consistency model had a 95% confidence interval of 1.64 (0.16, 4.44). For the inconsistency model, the standard deviation of random effects showed a 95% confidence interval of 3.40 (0.25, 5.31). The rank probability of peak ankle dorsiflexion angle is presented in Figure 5. Notably, shoes with a 5 mm heel are the most effective choice for reducing peak ankle dorsiflexion, which is possibly because the 5 mm option corresponds to RSs with softer soles. Shoes with 8 mm heel are more likely to increase the angle of peak ankle dorsiflexion.

4. Discussion

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of different heel heights on squat stability through network meta-analysis and to find the heel height suitable for squatting. We identified that a 25 mm heel height offers the optimal balance of stability and safety for squats, which confirms our hypothesis. Regarding peak ankle dorsiflexion, 25 mm is not the best choice, but it can still reduce some dorsiflexion. This study offers strong evidence on the role of heel height in influencing squat stability, particularly with respect to center of pressure (COP) deviation, trunk lean, and ankle dorsiflexion. However, it is important to note that this result is not universally applicable, and a more nuanced understanding of individual factors is needed.
As shown in Figure 4, this review shows that a 25 mm heel lift benefits squat stability, especially in the AP direction, as it centralizes COP toward the middle of the base of the foot. This effect may be attributed to plantar flexors, and the increased plantar flexion generated by the higher heel contributes to better balance [25]. An EH forces the ankle into a higher degree of plantarflexion, thereby reducing ankle dorsiflexion and stabilizing the foot [1,6,8,21,29]. Cohen’s study reached similar conclusions [1], showing that the center of pressure (COP) remains within the center of the base of support. Gu’s research demonstrates that high heels reduce the range of motion (ROM) of the COP. Although a 40 mm heel height causes more displacement during the squat phase compared to an 8 mm heel, it stabilizes the overall displacement pattern in the midfoot and reduces foot muscle involvement. In addition, the authors found that the number of motor neurons in the midfoot was significantly lower when squatting in shoes with 40 mm and 70 mm heel heights than in shoes with 8 mm heels. But as the heel heights increases to 70 mm, the ROM begins to shift from the midfoot to the rear foot, which will cause lower stability [25]. This may be related to the smaller support surface in squats; Sriwarno et al. also confirms this point [26]. In his study, tiptoe squats exhibited more COP deviation than both full squats and tiptoe squats on a 15° slope. These studies indicate that simply increasing the height of the heel does not improve stability and thus requires a certain level of support on the heel. However, these studies failed to account for potential confounding variables, such as participants’ prior training experience or lower extremity morphology, which could significantly affect squat stability. Therefore, the stability changes of squatting with 40 mm and 70 mm heels still need further research.
Additionally, the NSCA recommends maintaining a vertical trunk position at all times during squats. Studies have demonstrated that squats with EHs involve less trunk lean when compared to BF; however, there are insufficient data on trunk lean to include in a meta-analysis. Sato et al. found that weightlifting shoes (WLSs) reduce trunk lean displacement and lower shear forces in the lower back, thereby enhancing stability and reducing the risk of injury [8,22,27,30]. Forward flexion of the trunk stresses the lower back by increasing the amount of shear force, especially when there is an external load involved. Additionally, Shorter et al. found that five-fingers’ shoes increase joint proprioception and offer less heel raise compared to WLSs [20]. The lower COP-excursion values for both directions suggest that five-finger shoes may provide balance benefits due to improved proprioception [20] and could serve as a substitute for WLSs. Moreover, for the peak trunk angle and trunk ROM, one study found that WLSs with EHs produced lower values than minimal and cross-fit footwear [28]. This reduction in trunk angle aligns with findings from Sato et al. [8] and Legg et al. [16], but it contrasts with Whitting et al. [12]. Under conditions resulting in greater forward trunk flexion, moment forces increase about the hip. These reduced joint moments would be beneficial as they would require less internal moments being generated, which would reduce joint reaction forces [13,14,31,32,33]. For novice athletes, modifications to the squat mechanism, such as EHs or squat widths, may be beneficial [17,34,35,36,37]. Collectively, these findings indicate that EHs can improve squat stability by reducing the trunk lean and COP excursion.
The near-vertical shank position recommended by the NSCA is achieved through a combination of ankle and knee flexion, and so ankle mobility plays a major role enabling this motion [8,34,35,36]. With regard to ankle peak dorsiflexion, some studies have shown different results [12,18,21]. This network meta-analysis found that squats with an 8 mm result in the greatest peak angle of dorsiflexion, possibly due to lower heel height, and the need to maintain knee joint position similar to EHs. Likewise, the 8 mm heel of the RSs requires more ankle dorsiflexion to maintain balance, but the RS with a 5 mm heel shows a very different result. This suggests that there is also a large difference between different heels, and more research is needed to compare different heels. Importantly, experienced individuals may have greater dorsiflexion ROM, which could decrease the effect of EHs on more proximal joint biomechanics [3], allowing them to maintain balance by using ankle and plantar flexor muscle groups [16]. Therefore, for individuals with limited ankle ROM or for novices, coaches and athletes might use EHs to improve balance and should avoid wearing RSs with 8 mm during squat.

5. Limitations of the Study

This review has several methodological limitations. First, although multiple databases were searched, the search strategy may have missed relevant studies due to the exclusion of non-English articles. Second, the use of a single bias assessment tool (Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool) might not fully capture methodological variability across non-RCT studies. Third, this review relied on summary data from included studies, and the lack of individual participant data may limit the depth of the meta-analysis and subgroup analyses. And there are some issues that need further research and thinking, such as individuals’ height; research shows that taller individuals may need a higher heel to achieve the same effect as shorter individuals. This is because taller individuals have a higher center of mass and may need more ankle dorsiflexion and a greater knee flexion angle to maintain stability [37]. When using the same heel height, a smaller foot (such as a size 39 shoe) will have a steeper plantar inclination angle than a larger foot (such as a size 45 shoe). This change may affect the mechanics of the foot and the range of motion of the ankle joint, which may affect stability during the squat. Future research should investigate the effects of increasing the heel height when squatting in people of different heights and foot sizes.
Overall, it is effective to increase squat stability by increasing the heel height. The importance of this study over previous research studies lies in its ability to compare different heel heights within a comprehensive network analysis by providing a clearer understanding of heel height impact on squat stability. Even when factors such as training experience and loaded weight interfere with the balance, EHs still provide considerable stability benefits. Evaluating squat stability provides the coaches, clinicians and athletes with a direct approach for minimizing the risks associated with deep squats.

6. Conclusions

In the network meta-analysis, using COP as the primary criterion and peak ankle dorsiflexion as the secondary indicator, we indirectly compared the effects of different heel heights on squatting. The results of this systematic review and network meta-analysis provide valuable insights into the effect of different heel heights on back squat stability. Our findings suggest that elevated heel heights, particularly around 25 mm, can enhance squat stability by reducing center of pressure (COP) deviation and trunk lean, both of which are key factors for minimizing injury risks in squatting exercises. This supports our hypothesis. Specifically, moderate heel elevations (e.g., 25 mm) offer optimal results for maintaining squat stability in the anterior–posterior (AP) direction without compromising biomechanical parameters such as ankle dorsiflexion and knee stress. While previous studies have shown mixed results, this review consolidates the evidence to suggest that the optimal heel height varies based on individual biomechanics, including ankle mobility and trunk flexibility.
It can also be found that when there is no 25 mm shoe, 30 mm is a good substitute, although its stability is reduced in both directions. Additionally, the 25 mm heel height can significantly reduce ankle dorsiflexion compared with other heel heights, which means that it can better adjust squat stability through external conditions.

7. Recommendations

These findings have practical applications for athletes, trainers, and clinicians. For novice lifters, incorporating 25 mm heels can help maintain proper squat form by reducing excessive forward trunk lean and improving balance. For experiences who have adapted to EH shoes, they can also choose 8 mm heel heights according to their goals to enhance the ankle dorsiflexion strength of the foot. Clinicians can use these insights to design rehabilitation protocols tailored to individuals with limited ankle mobility or postural instability. Furthermore, the evidence supports the development of customized footwear recommendations for different populations, including novices, experienced lifters, and high people. Individual height and foot size should be considered when using different heel heights to ensure optimal performance and minimize risk of injury. For taller people with larger feet, a higher heel may be needed to maintain proper posture and stability. Policymakers could also use this evidence to guide footwear standards in sports.
While our analysis provides useful insights, there are several areas that require further exploration. Standardized protocols need to be developed in future studies so that more data can be used for meta-analysis to compare the effects of different heel heights on squat biomechanics and performance. In addition, there is currently a lack of longitudinal research on the long-term effects of using raised heels to perform squats, as most studies focus on immediate effects. Long-term reliance on heel raises may lead to changes in load distribution patterns in the lower limbs. Future studies should explore the long-term effects of heel elevation in diverse populations, including older adults or those with musculoskeletal impairments, and investigate the biomechanical mechanisms underlying the observed benefits to fill the gaps in existing research. Due to the lack of data, this paper was unable to comprehensively analyze more studies to support the results, and further research on squatting with EHs is needed.

Author Contributions

The authors L.D. and U.C.U. selected the topic for the review; L.D., G.F. and U.C.U. performed the search and inclusion. L.D., G.F. and H.Z. analyzed the data; L.D. and H.Z. wrote the manuscript. All authors contributed to editorial changes in the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scholars (LR22A020002).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data supporting this study’s findings can be obtained from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram.
Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram.
Applsci 15 02471 g001
Figure 2. Results from the risk of bias assessment. (A) Risk of bias graph [1,8,12,13,14,16,18,20,21,22,25,26,27,28]; (B) summary of the bias analysis.
Figure 2. Results from the risk of bias assessment. (A) Risk of bias graph [1,8,12,13,14,16,18,20,21,22,25,26,27,28]; (B) summary of the bias analysis.
Applsci 15 02471 g002
Figure 3. The overall network structure for intervention on COP and ankle dorsiflexion. (a) COP deviation with 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mmm heels; (b) ankle dorsiflexion with 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mmm heels.
Figure 3. The overall network structure for intervention on COP and ankle dorsiflexion. (a) COP deviation with 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mmm heels; (b) ankle dorsiflexion with 0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mmm heels.
Applsci 15 02471 g003
Figure 4. The rank of COP deviation probability with 0 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 3 mm and 8 mm heels on AP and ML directions.
Figure 4. The rank of COP deviation probability with 0 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 3 mm and 8 mm heels on AP and ML directions.
Applsci 15 02471 g004
Figure 5. The rank of peak ankle dorsiflexion angle with 0 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, 3.5 mm, 5 mm, 8 mm, and 9 mm heels.
Figure 5. The rank of peak ankle dorsiflexion angle with 0 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm, 3.5 mm, 5 mm, 8 mm, and 9 mm heels.
Applsci 15 02471 g005
Table 1. The study characteristics of included studies.
Table 1. The study characteristics of included studies.
AuthorsSubject CharacteristicsStudy DesignSquat DepthOutcome MeasuresKey Findings
Whitting et al. [12]Participants: 9;
gender: male;
age: 26.4 ± 5.4 years;
training experience:
>3 years
RS and WLS
at 50%, 70%, 90% 1RM squat
Thigh parallel with the floorCOP (A-P), COP (M-L), peak ankle dorsiflexionLarger COP displacement in A-P plane wearing WLS, RS show significantly more dorsiflexion compared to WLS
Lu et al. [14]Participants: 20;
gender: 10 (male), 10 (female);
age: 24 ± 1.48 years;
training experience:
>1 years
0 mm, 15 mm, 30 mm insoles,
at 70% 1RM squat
Maximal depthMuscle activationPeak ankle dorsiflexion angle significantly decreased as heel raised
Gu et al. [25]Participants: 14;
gender: female;
age: 23.2 ± 1.2 years;
training experience:
not reported
8 mm, 40 mm, 70 mm shoes at bodyweight squatKnee flexion at 90°COPCOP trajectory was shortened as heel raised and a backward shift
Sriwarno et al. [26]Participants: 8 M
age: 32.5 ± 3.6 years;
training experience:
not reported
Floor squatting, tiptoe squatting, tiptoe squatting on a 15° slopeHip and knee reach full flexionCOP (A-P),
TT and FS show greatest excursion compared to TTS
Cohen et al. [1]Participants: 17;
gender: male
age: 20.8 ± 1.3 years;
training experience:
9 novices/8 advanced
0 mm, 0 mm, 25 mm shoes. 45 lb Olympic barbellKnee flexion at 90°COP (A-P),
WLSs show the decreased COP displacement
Shorter et al. [20]Participants: 8;
age: 23.38 ± 7.52 years;
training experience:
recreational athletes
0 mm, 3 mm, 8 mm shoes
80% 1RM back squat and 40% 1RM jump squat
50% of participant leg lengthCOP-X and COP-Y excursionFive fingers show lower COP excursion for both directions
Legg et al. [16]Participants: 32;
gender: 16 (male), 16 (female);
age: 25.4 ± 4.4 years;
training experience:
16 novices/16 advanced
RS and WLSs at 75% 1RM (advanced) and 25% bodyweight (novices)Knee flexion greater than 100°VCOP-x,
trunk lean
WLSs reduction in VCOP-x, no significant effects in VCOP-y. More upright trunk wearing WLS
Sinclair et al. [21]Participants: 14 male;
age: 19.14 ± 0.71 years;
training experience:
>5 years
BF, BFS, WLSs, RSs at 70% 1 RMnot reportedTrunk flexion
and trunk ROM; peak ankle dorsiflexion
BF shows greater trunk lean compared to WLSs and RSs, more peak ankle dorsiflexion was observed in RSs condition
Sato et al. [8]Participants: 25; gender: 20 (male), 5 (female);
age: 20.6 ± 3.7 years;
training experience:
5–7 years
WLSs, RSs at 60% 1RMThigh parallel with the floorTrunk leanWLSs show less trunk lean compared to RSs
Monteiro et al. [27]Participants: 15; gender: male;
age: 22 ± 5.4 years;
training experience:
>3 years
BF, Wedge25 mm, Wedge50 mm, light wooden stick squatnot reportedTrunk leanDecreased ROM in the absolute trunk inclination with increased wedge (BF > W25 > W50)
Sinclair et al. [28]Participants: 24;
gender: 12 (male), 12 (female);
age: 27.88 ± 6.05 years;
training experience:
>5 years
Adidas-WLSs, Inov-WLSs, CrossFit, minimal footwear at 70% 1RM squatnot reportedTrunk ROM, ankle peak dorsiflexion angleThe peak trunk lean angle was greater in the minimal and cross fit condition; no significant differences in peak ankle dorsiflexion angle
Sato et al. [22]Participants: 25;
gender: 20 (male), 5 (female)
age: 21 ± 4 years
training experience: 5–7 years
RS, BF at 60% 1RM squatnot reportedPeak trunk lean angleGreater peak trunk angle in RSs condition compared
Southwell et al. [13]Participants: 24;
gender: 12 (male), 12 (female)
age: /
training experience:
>8 months
BF, RSs, WLSs at 80% 1RM squatnot reportedPeak ankle dorsiflexion BF is higherPeak ankle dorsiflexion is higher in BF condition compared to RSs and WLSs
Charlton et al. [18]Participants:14;
gender: male
age: 23.9 ± 2.7 years
training experience:
>1 years
2.5 cm wedge, BF at minimally loaded squatSelf-selected depth for the lowest comfortable positionTrunk lean,
Peak ankle dorsiflexion
Trunk lean was significantly decreased in wedge condition compared to BF condition,
No significant differences between BF and wedge condition
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MDPI and ACS Style

Duan, L.; Fekete, G.; Ugbolue, U.C.; Zhou, H. The Influence of Different Heel Heights on Squatting Stability: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 2471. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15052471

AMA Style

Duan L, Fekete G, Ugbolue UC, Zhou H. The Influence of Different Heel Heights on Squatting Stability: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(5):2471. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15052471

Chicago/Turabian Style

Duan, Liuran, Gusztáv Fekete, Ukadike Chris Ugbolue, and Huiyu Zhou. 2025. "The Influence of Different Heel Heights on Squatting Stability: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis" Applied Sciences 15, no. 5: 2471. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15052471

APA Style

Duan, L., Fekete, G., Ugbolue, U. C., & Zhou, H. (2025). The Influence of Different Heel Heights on Squatting Stability: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Applied Sciences, 15(5), 2471. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15052471

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