Assessment of Micropropagation Possibilities for Japanese Hascap (Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx L.)
<p>Micropropagation stages of <span class="html-italic">L.</span> var. <span class="html-italic">emphyllocalyx</span>; BA—6-benzyl adenine, mT—meta-topolin, IBA—(1<span class="html-italic">H</span>-indol-3-yl)butanoic acid.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Types of explants used during proliferation of Japanese hascap clones. (<b>A</b>) Nodal fragment explants (NFs), (<b>B</b>) shoot-tip explants (STs); (<b>C</b>) microshoots with callus at the base apical, (<b>D</b>) necrosis at microshoots.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Rooted microshoots of Japanese hascap.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Acclimatiszation of Japanese hascap clones in controlled environment (<b>A</b>), initially acclimatised plantlets grown in shade in pots (<b>B</b>), fully acclimatiszed micropropagated plants in nursery (<b>C</b>).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Material
2.2. Initiation of In Vitro Cultures
2.3. Proliferation
2.4. Rooting Stage
2.5. Acclimatisation of Regenerated Plants to Ex Vitro Conditions
2.6. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Proliferation of Japanese Hascap Clones
3.2. Rooting of Japanese Hascap Explants
3.3. Acclimatisation of Japanese Hascap Clones to Ex Vitro Conditions
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Number of Short Shoots (3–9 mm) [psc] | Number of Long Shoots (>10 mm) [pcs] | Total Number of Shoots [pcs] | Length of the Longest Shoot [cm] | Total Length of Shoots [cm] | Callus Size [cm] | Number of Explants Which Started to Grow [%] | Number of Cultures with Apical Necrosis [%] | |
F | 1.69 | 10.18 | 5.87 | 5.17 | 8.54 | 2.04 | 12.39 | 1.50 |
Number of Short Shoots (3–9 mm) [psc] | Number of Long Shoots (>10 mm) [pcs] | Total Number of Shoots [pcs] | Length of the Longest Shoot [cm] | Number of Rooted Explants [%] | Average Length of Roots [cm] | Number of Cultures with Apical Necrosis [%] | |
F | 0.56 | 0.57 | 0.57 | 0.57 | 3.80 | 0.27 | 1.52 |
23 May 2023 | 6 June 2023 | 22 June 2023 | ||||||||||
Length of the First Shoot | Total Length of Shoots | Number of Developed Shoots | Length of the First Shoot | Total Length of Shoots | Number of Developed Shoots | Length of the First Shoot | Total Length of Shoots | Number of Developed Shoots | Number of Dead Plantlets [%] | Callus Size [cm] | Length of the Roots [cm] | |
F | 13.50 | 12.07 | 3.49 | 6.16 | 5.66 | 3.49 | 6.33 | 5.98 | 3.49 | 5.20 | 10.25 | 10.59 |
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Stages | Initiation | Proliferation | Rooting |
Macronutrients | 100% MS 1 | 100% MS | 50% MS |
Micronutrients | 100% MS | 100% MS | 50% MS |
Additional micronutrients | Fe(III)EDDHA (10 mg·dm−3) | Fe(III)EDDHA (10 mg·dm−3) | Fe(III)EDDHA (5 mg·dm−3) |
Vitamins | 100% MS, 100% WPM 2 | 100% MS, 100% WPM | 200% WPM |
Additional vitamins | folic acid (0.5 mg·dm−3) | folic acid (0.5 mg·dm−3), pantothenic acid (1 mg·dm−3) | folic acid (0.5 mg·dm−3) |
Myo-inositol | 100 mg·dm−3 | 100 mg·dm−3 | 100 mg·dm−3 |
Sucrose | 20 g·dm−3 | 20 g·dm−3 | 15 g·dm−3 |
Growth regulators | 1 mg·dm−3 BA | 1 mg·dm−3 BA or 1 mg·dm−3 mT | 2 mg·dm−3 IBA |
pH | 5.7 | 5.7 | 5.7 |
Agar | 8 g·dm−3 | 8 g·dm−3 | 8 g·dm−3 |
Clone | Explant Type | Cytokinin | Number of Explants Which Started to Grow [%] | Number of Cultures with Apical Necrosis [%] |
J21 | NF | BA | 79.1 abc 1 | 8.8 ab |
mT | 42.9 de | 0.0 ab | ||
ST | BA | 82.6 ab | 0.0 a | |
mT | 60.6 bcd | 0.0 ab | ||
J13 | NF | BA | 83.0 a | 5.1 ab |
mT | 28.9 e | 0.0 ab | ||
ST | BA | 92.6 a | 12.0 a | |
mT | 41.2 efg | 0 abc | ||
J21 | - | - | 68.6 a | 2.9 a |
J13 | - | - | 69.3 b | 7.5 b |
- | NF | - | 61.5 a | 5.2 a |
- | ST | - | 76.7 b | 5.2 a |
- | - | BA | 84.7 b | 6.8 b |
- | - | mT | 43.1 a | 0.0 a |
Clone | Explant Type | Cytokinin | Number of Short Shoots (3–9 Mm) [Psc] | Number of Long Shoots (>10 mm) [Pcs] | Total Number of Shoots [Pcs] | Length of the Longest Shoot [Cm] | Total Length of Shoots [Cm] | Callus Size [Cm] |
J21 | NF | BA | 0.3 a | 1.7 c 1 | 1.9 bc | 5.2 a | 7.4 d | 0 a |
mT | 0.0 a | 1.0 ab | 1.0 a | 3.9 ab | 4.2 ab | 0 a | ||
ST | BA | 0.4 a | 1.3 b | 1.7 b | 4.6 a | 5.8 bc | 1.6 a | |
mT | 0.1 a | 1.1 ab | 1.2 a | 2.9 b | 2.9 a | 0 a | ||
J13 | NF | BA | 0.3 a | 1.8 c | 2.1 c | 4.5 a | 6.9 cd | 0 a |
mT | 0.0 a | 1.0 ab | 1.0 a | 4.3 ab | 4.3 ab | 0 a | ||
ST | BA | 0.2 a | 1.1 a | 1.2 a | 3.1 b | 3.4 a | 0 a | |
mT | 0.1 a | 1.1 ab | 1.1 ab | 3.6 ab | 4.1 ab | 0 a | ||
SL 2 | ns | *** | *** | *** | *** | ns | ||
SLint 3 | ns | ns | ns | * | * | ns | ||
J21 | - | - | 0.2 a | 1.4 a | 1.6 a | 4.4 b | 5.6 b | 0.6 a |
J13 | - | - | 0.2 a | 1.3 a | 1.6 a | 3.8 a | 4.8 a | 0 a |
SL | ns | ns | ns | * | ns | ns | ||
- | NF | - | 0.2 a | 1.6 b | 1.8 b | 4.7 b | 6.5 b | 0 a |
- | ST | - | 0.2 a | 1.2 a | 1.4 a | 3.6 a | 4.1 a | 0.5 b |
SL | ns | *** | ** | *** | *** | ** | ||
- | - | BA | 0.3 b | 1.4 b | 1.7 b | 4.2 b | 5.7 b | 0.4 b |
- | - | mT | 0.1 a | 0.0 a | 1.1 a | 3.5 a | 3.7 a | 0.0 a |
SL | *** | *** | *** | * | *** | *** |
Clone | Explant Type | Number of Rooted Explants [%] | Average Length of Roots [cm] | Number of Explants with Elongated Shoots [%] | Number of Cultures with Apical Necrosis [%] |
J21 | NF | 97.2 b 1 | 0.8 b | 72.9 a | 0.0 a |
ST | 80.0 a | 0.5 a | 43.8 abc | 0.0 a | |
J13 | NF | 82.9 a | 1.3 b | 62.5 ab | 0.0 a |
ST | 93.3 b | 0.9 a | 31.3 c | 6.3 a | |
SL 2 | nc 4 | * | nc | nc | |
SLint 3 | nc | ns | nc | nc | |
J21 | - | 92.4 b | 0.8 a | 65.6 b | 3.1 a |
J13 | - | 90.4 a | 1.0 b | 41.6 a | 0.0 a |
SL | nc | ns | nc | nc | |
- | NF | 93.4 b | 1.2 b | 71.4 b | 4.2 a |
- | ST | 87.8 a | 0.7 a | 37.5 a | 0.0 a |
SL | nc | * | nc | nc |
Clone | Explant Type | Number of Short Shoots (3–9 mm) [psc] | Number of Long Shoots (>10 mm) [pcs] | Total Number of Shoots [pcs] | Length of the Longest Shoot [cm] |
J21 | NF | 0.1 a 1 | 1.2 a | 1.2 a | 6.3 a |
ST | 0.0 a | 1.0 a | 1.0 a | 6.9 a | |
J13 | NF | 0.0 a | 1.0 a | 1.0 a | 7.0 a |
ST | 0.0 a | 1.0 a | 1.0 a | 6.5 a | |
SL 2 | ns | ns | ns | ns | |
SLint 3 | ns | ns | ns | ns | |
J21 | - | 0.0 a | 1.1 a | 1.1 a | 6.5 a |
J13 | - | 0.0 a | 1.0 a | 1.0 a | 6.6 a |
SL | ns | ns | ns | ns | |
- | NF | 0.1 a | 1.1 a | 1.2 a | 6.4 a |
- | ST | 0.0 a | 1.0 a | 1.0 a | 6.7 a |
SL | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Clone | Explant Type | Treatment | Number of Dead Plantlets [%] | Callus Size [cm] | Length of the Roots [cm] |
J21 | NF | Chilled | 27.3 bcd 1 | 0.3 ab | 1.0 ab |
Not chilled | 60.8 a | 0.6 cd | 0.8 b | ||
ST | Chilled | 33.3 bc | 0.3 a | 1.0 a | |
Not chilled | 18.9 bd | 0.4 ac | 0.9 ab | ||
J13 | NF | Chilled | 6.3 b | 0.8 c | 0.0 bc |
Not chilled | 35.7 acd | 0.8 c | 0.0 bc | ||
ST | Chilled | 29.2 bc | 0.0 b | 1.0 a | |
Not chilled | 27.3 bcd | 0.0 b | 1.0 a | ||
SL 2 | nc | *** | *** | ||
SLin 3 | nc 4 | *** | *** | ||
J21 | - | - | 36.5 b | 0.4 a | 1.0 b |
J13 | - | - | 21.7 a | 0.4 a | 0.5 a |
SL | nc | ns | *** | ||
- | NF | - | 35.5 b | 0.6 b | 0.6 a |
- | ST | - | 28.0 a | 0.2 a | 1.1 b |
SL | nc | *** | *** | ||
- | - | Chilled | 25.6 a | 0.4 a | 0.8 a |
- | - | Not chilled | 39.5 b | 0.4 a | 0.8 a |
SL | nc | ns | ns |
Clone | Plantlet Type | Treatment | 23 May 2023 | 6 June 2023 | 22 June 2023 | ||||||
Length of the First Shoot | Total Length of Shoots | Number of Developed Shoots | Length of the First Shoot | Total Length of Shoots | Number of Developed Shoots | Length of the First Shoot | Total Length of Shoots | Number of Developed Shoots | |||
J21 | NF | Chilled | 4.8 a 1 | 5.3 a | 1.1 c | 13.5 bc | 14.2 b | 1.1 ab | 21.2 ac | 22.2 bc | 1.1 ab |
Not chilled | 8.9 cd | 10.4 c | 1.3 b | 15.5 cd | 17.9 c | 1.3 c | 23.1 cd | 26.7 d | 1.3 c | ||
ST | Chilled | 5.6 ab | 5.6 a | 1.0 a | 13.0 b | 13.0 ab | 1.0 a | 19.4 ab | 19.4 ab | 1.0 a | |
Not chilled | 9.6 d | 9.9 c | 1.0 ac | 16.5 d | 16.9 c | 1.0 ab | 25.6 d | 26.2 d | 1.0 ab | ||
J13 | NF | Chilled | 4.5 a | 4.7 a | 1.1 ac | 11.9 ab | 12.7 ab | 1.1 ab | 19.6 abc | 20.8 abc | 1.1 ab |
Not chilled | 7.2 cd | 7.9 b | 1.2 bc | 13.4 bc | 15.4 bc | 1.2 bc | 21.3 ac | 24.4 cd | 1.2 bc | ||
ST | Chilled | 4.9 a | 5.0 a | 1.0 ac | 11.1 a | 11.5 a | 1.0 ab | 17.3 b | 18.0 a | 1.0 bc | |
Not chilled | 4.0 a | 5.0 a | 1.0 ac | 11.1 a | 11.7 ab | 1.0 ab | 18.3 ab | 18.4 ab | 1.0 bc | ||
SL 2 | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | ||
SLint 3 | ** | ** | ** | ns | ns | ** | ns | ns | * | ||
J21 | - | - | 6.9 b | 7.4 b | 1.1 a | 14.4 b | 15.1 b | 1.1 a | 22.0 b | 23.0 b | 1.1 a |
J13 | - | - | 5.2 a | 5.5 a | 1.1 a | 11.9 a | 12.7 a | 1.1 a | 18.9 a | 20.1 a | 1.1 a |
SL | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** | ns | *** | *** | ns | ||
- | NF | - | 5.6 a | 6.2 a | 1.1 a | 13.0 a | 13.9 a | 1.1 a | 20.1 a | 21.4 a | 1.1 a |
- | ST | - | 6.8 b | 7.0 a | 1.0 a | 13.9 a | 14.5 a | 1.0 a | 21.5 a | 22.4 a | 1.0 a |
SL | ** | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ||
- | - | Chilled | 5.1 a | 5.3 a | 1.0 b | 12.5 a | 12.9 a | 1.0 a | 19.4 a | 20.0 a | 1.0 a |
- | - | Not chilled | 8.2 b | 8.9 b | 1.1 a | 15.0 b | 16.2 b | 1.1 b | 23.1 b | 25.0 b | 1.1 b |
SL | *** | *** | ** | *** | *** | ** | *** | *** | ** |
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Basara, O.; Litwińczuk, W.; Gorzelany, J. Assessment of Micropropagation Possibilities for Japanese Hascap (Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx L.). Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 9452.
Basara O, Litwińczuk W, Gorzelany J. Assessment of Micropropagation Possibilities for Japanese Hascap (Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx L.). Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(20):9452.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBasara, Oskar, Wojciech Litwińczuk, and Józef Gorzelany. 2024. "Assessment of Micropropagation Possibilities for Japanese Hascap (Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx L.)" Applied Sciences 14, no. 20: 9452.
APA StyleBasara, O., Litwińczuk, W., & Gorzelany, J. (2024). Assessment of Micropropagation Possibilities for Japanese Hascap (Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx L.). Applied Sciences, 14(20), 9452.