Finsformer: A Novel Approach to Detecting Financial Attacks Using Transformer and Cluster-Attention
<p>Visualization of k-means clustering algorithm.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Visualization of DBSCAN clustering algorithm.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Illustration of the Finsformer.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Illustration of the cluster-attention mechanism.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Curves of detection results. Orange line is the training, blue one is the validation.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Cluster-Based Attack Detection Methods
2.1.1. K-Means Clustering
2.1.2. Density-Based Clustering
2.1.3. Hierarchical Clustering
2.2. Attack Detection Methods Based on Deep Learning Models
2.2.1. Recurrent Neural Networks
2.2.2. Autoencoder
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Dataset Collection
- Public financial transaction records: Data from publicly available sources, such as stock and credit card transactions, typically include information on transaction time, amount, and parties involved. The advantages of public data lie in their transparency and accessibility, contributing to the study’s general applicability and reproducibility.
- Synthetic data: Considering the sensitivity and difficulty in obtaining real financial data, synthetic data serve as an essential supplement. Algorithms are utilized to generate synthetic data with realistic characteristics, such as using Monte Carlo simulations for transaction patterns. This approach aids in simulating complex attack scenarios while preserving privacy.
- Anonymized data from financial institutions: In collaboration with financial institutions, a portion of real financial transaction data were obtained. These data were anonymized before sharing to protect customer privacy. The authenticity and complexity of these data are crucial in enhancing the practicality and accuracy of the model.
3.2. Dataset Annotation
- Annotation criteria: A series of criteria based on transaction characteristics, such as transaction frequency, amount, and historical behavior of the parties involved, were established. For instance, frequent large transactions might be flagged as suspicious attacks.
- Expert review: The annotation process involved the participation of experts in the financial field. They conducted preliminary annotations based on their experience and industry knowledge, especially for complex or ambiguous cases.
- Algorithmic assistance: To enhance efficiency, simple machine learning algorithms were used for pre-annotation, followed by manual expert review. This method combines the efficiency of algorithms with the accuracy of human expert judgment.
- Iterative optimization: The annotation process is iterative. After initial training on pre-annotated data, the model’s predictions are used to guide further manual annotations, forming a feedback loop.
3.3. Proposed Method
3.3.1. Finsformer Overview
- Input processing: The raw financial transaction data undergo preprocessing, including feature extraction, data cleansing, and normalization. The data, in the form of time series, include transaction amounts, timestamps, and account information. To effectively process these data, feature extraction and normalization are first carried out, transforming the raw data into a format that the model can handle.
- Clustering and attention mechanism application: The cluster-attention mechanism is applied to the preprocessed data. Through cluster analysis, the model identifies key patterns in the data and focuses attention on these patterns. Differing from the traditional self-attention mechanism, the cluster-attention mechanism first clusters input data based on similarity, then applies the attention mechanism to these clusters. This approach enables the model to focus more on key patterns in the data, thereby enhancing the accuracy of detecting attack behaviors.
- Feature extraction: After processing with the cluster-attention mechanism, the data are passed to the encoder and decoder layers. These layers further extract and process features, preparing for the final classification task.
- Classification and detection: Finally, the model classifies the transactions based on the extracted features, determining whether each transaction is normal or an attack behavior.
3.3.2. Transformer-Based Attack Behavior Detection Framework
3.3.3. Cluster-Attention Mechanism
- Data clustering: The cluster-attention mechanism initially clusters the input data, aiming to identify potential groups or patterns within it. This approach allows the model to concentrate on transactions with similar features, thereby more effectively identifying anomalous behavior.
- Attention weight calculation: Following the clustering, attention weights are calculated within each cluster. This method results in a more concentrated distribution of attention, helping to highlight significant transaction patterns.
Algorithm 1 K-means clustering algorithm |
Input: Data points X, Number of clusters k Output: Cluster centers , Cluster labels for data points Initialize cluster centers randomly from X repeat Assign each point to the nearest cluster center: for each point do end for Update each cluster center to the mean of assigned points: for to k do end for until cluster centers do not change return , Cluster labels for each |
Algorithm 2 DBSCAN clustering algorithm |
Input: Data points X, Radius , Minimum points Output: Cluster labels for data points Initialize all points as unvisited for each point do if p is visited then continue to next point end if Mark p as visited if number of points in then Mark p as noise else end if end for function expandCluster() for each point do if q is not visited then Mark q as visited if number of points in then end if end if if q is not yet member of any cluster then Add q to cluster C end if end for function regionQuery() return all points within p’s -neighborhood (including p) |
3.4. Experiment Design
3.4.1. Experiment Configuration
3.4.2. Testbed
3.4.3. Evaluation Index
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Attack Behavior Detection Results
4.2. Ablation Study on Cluster-Attention Mechanism
4.3. Ablation Study on Transformer Feature Extractor
4.4. Limitations and Future Work
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Model | Precision | Recall | Accuracy | F1-Score |
RNN [38] | 0.83 | 0.81 | 0.82 | 0.82 |
LSTM [41] | 0.88 | 0.86 | 0.87 | 0.87 |
Transformer [39] | 0.90 | 0.88 | 0.89 | 0.89 |
BERT [46] | 0.93 | 0.91 | 0.92 | 0.92 |
Finsformer | 0.97 | 0.94 | 0.95 | 0.95 |
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An, H.; Ma, R.; Yan, Y.; Chen, T.; Zhao, Y.; Li, P.; Li, J.; Wang, X.; Fan, D.; Lv, C. Finsformer: A Novel Approach to Detecting Financial Attacks Using Transformer and Cluster-Attention. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 460.
An H, Ma R, Yan Y, Chen T, Zhao Y, Li P, Li J, Wang X, Fan D, Lv C. Finsformer: A Novel Approach to Detecting Financial Attacks Using Transformer and Cluster-Attention. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(1):460.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAn, Hao, Ruotong Ma, Yuhan Yan, Tailai Chen, Yuchen Zhao, Pan Li, Jifeng Li, Xinyue Wang, Dongchen Fan, and Chunli Lv. 2024. "Finsformer: A Novel Approach to Detecting Financial Attacks Using Transformer and Cluster-Attention" Applied Sciences 14, no. 1: 460.
APA StyleAn, H., Ma, R., Yan, Y., Chen, T., Zhao, Y., Li, P., Li, J., Wang, X., Fan, D., & Lv, C. (2024). Finsformer: A Novel Approach to Detecting Financial Attacks Using Transformer and Cluster-Attention. Applied Sciences, 14(1), 460.