Influence of High Pressure Sliding and Rotary Swaging on Creep Behavior of P92 Steel at 500 °C
<p>Microstructure of P92 steel before creep testing (<b>a</b>) CG state, (<b>b</b>) RS-processed state, (<b>c</b>) HPS-processed state and (<b>d</b>) density of GND.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Dependences of strain rate vs. strain (<b>a</b>) CG state, (<b>b</b>) RS-processed state, (<b>c</b>) HPS-processed state and (<b>d</b>) influence of annealing on creep behavior.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Stress dependences of (<b>a</b>) minimum creep rates and (<b>b</b>) time to fracture for CG, RS and HPS-processed states tested at 500 °C.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Microstructure of CG state tested at 500 °C and 400 MPa (<b>a</b>) grip part, (<b>b</b>) near the fracture, (<b>c</b>) misorientation distributions measured in different locations and (<b>d</b>) pole figures for {110} planes in the grip part and near the fracture, X direction is parallel to the stress axis.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Density of GND in CG state tested at 500 °C and 400 MPa determined in various locations of the tensile specimen.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Microstructure of RS-processed P92 steel tested at 500 °C and 600 MPa (<b>a</b>) grip part, (<b>b</b>) near the fracture, (<b>c</b>) misorientation distributions measured in different locations and (<b>d</b>) pole figures for {110} planes in the grip part and the near fracture, X direction is parallel to the stress axis.</p> "> Figure 6 Cont.
<p>Microstructure of RS-processed P92 steel tested at 500 °C and 600 MPa (<b>a</b>) grip part, (<b>b</b>) near the fracture, (<b>c</b>) misorientation distributions measured in different locations and (<b>d</b>) pole figures for {110} planes in the grip part and the near fracture, X direction is parallel to the stress axis.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Density of GND in RS-processed P92 steel tested at 500 °C determined in various locations of the tensile specimen.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Substructure and dislocation structure of RS-processed P92 steel tested at 700 MPa (<b>a</b>) grip part–substructure inside of long band, zone axis near [101], (<b>b</b>) grip part–dislocation inside subgrain, zone axis near [111], (<b>c</b>) gauge length–dislocation inside subgrain, zone axis near [111].</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Microstructure of the HPS-processed P92 steel tested at 500 °C and 700 MPa (<b>a</b>) grip part, (<b>b</b>) near the fracture, (<b>c</b>) misorientation distributions measured in different locations and (<b>d</b>) pole figures for {110} planes in the grip part and near the fracture, X direction is parallel to the stress axis.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Density of GND in HPS-processed P92 steel tested at 500 °C determined in various locations of the tensile specimen.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Microstructure after creep testing at 300 MPa and creep strain about 0.04 (<b>a</b>) gauge length, (<b>b</b>) dislocations inside larger grain, zone axis near [111] and (<b>c</b>) dislocations in interior of fine grain, zone axis near [111].</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Microstructure in the gauge length of the HPS-processed specimen tested at 500 °C and 300 Mpa. (<b>a</b>) Formation of the Laves phase, (<b>b</b>) distribution of Cr and (<b>c</b>) distribution of W in the microstructure.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Microstructure of HPS-processed P92 steel annealed at 650 °C for 500 h and tested at 500 °C and 400 MPa (<b>a</b>) grip part, (<b>b</b>) near the fracture, (<b>c</b>) misorientation distributions measured in different locations and (<b>d</b>) pole figures for {110} planes in the grip part and near the fracture, X direction is parallel to the stress axis.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Density of GND in HPS-processed P92 steel annealed at 650 °C for 500 h and tested at 400 MPa determined in various locations of the tensile specimen.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Microstructure characteristics measured in grip part (empty symbols) and gauge length (full symbols) of CG and SPD-processed P92 steel after creep testing at different stresses. (<b>a</b>) Subgrain, the crosses indicate the subgrain size measured by TEM in gauge length (<b>b</b>) grain size. The subgrain and grain sizes are compared with the expected stationary subgrain size with different value of <span class="html-italic">G</span> [<a href="#B30-metals-11-02044" class="html-bibr">30</a>,<a href="#B31-metals-11-02044" class="html-bibr">31</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Material and Procedures
3. Results
3.1. Microstructure before Creep Testing
3.2. Creep Results
3.2.1. Dependencies of Strain Rate vs. Strain
3.2.2. Stress Dependencies of Minimum Strain Rates and Time to Fracture
3.3. Microstructure after Creep Testing
3.3.1. Microstructure of Coarse-Grained State
3.3.2. Microstructure of the RS-Processed State
3.3.3. Microstructure of the HPS-Processed State
3.3.4. Microstructure of HPS State after Annealing at 650 °C for 500 h
3.3.5. Comparison of Selected Microstructure Characteristics for GC, RS and HPS State Tested at 500 °C
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- P92 steel processed by RS and HPS exhibited higher creep resistance than standard coarse-grained steel.
- HPS-processed state exhibited slower minimum creep rates and longer fracture times than RS-processed state when tested at high stresses (about 600–900 MPa). However, opposite results were observed at low stresses.
- HPS-processed P92 steel exhibits lower values of stress exponent n compared to CG and RS-processed states tested under the same loading conditions.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kral, P.; Dvorak, J.; Sklenicka, V.; Horita, Z.; Takizawa, Y.; Tang, Y.; Kunčická, L.; Kvapilova, M.; Ohankova, M. Influence of High Pressure Sliding and Rotary Swaging on Creep Behavior of P92 Steel at 500 °C. Metals 2021, 11, 2044.
Kral P, Dvorak J, Sklenicka V, Horita Z, Takizawa Y, Tang Y, Kunčická L, Kvapilova M, Ohankova M. Influence of High Pressure Sliding and Rotary Swaging on Creep Behavior of P92 Steel at 500 °C. Metals. 2021; 11(12):2044.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKral, Petr, Jiri Dvorak, Vaclav Sklenicka, Zenji Horita, Yoichi Takizawa, Yongpeng Tang, Lenka Kunčická, Marie Kvapilova, and Marie Ohankova. 2021. "Influence of High Pressure Sliding and Rotary Swaging on Creep Behavior of P92 Steel at 500 °C" Metals 11, no. 12: 2044.
APA StyleKral, P., Dvorak, J., Sklenicka, V., Horita, Z., Takizawa, Y., Tang, Y., Kunčická, L., Kvapilova, M., & Ohankova, M. (2021). Influence of High Pressure Sliding and Rotary Swaging on Creep Behavior of P92 Steel at 500 °C. Metals, 11(12), 2044.