A Comprehensive Review of Group-III Nitride Light-Emitting Diodes: From Millimeter to Micro-Nanometer Scales
<p>From millimeters to micrometers to nanometers scale in group-III nitride LEDs [<a href="#B3-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">3</a>,<a href="#B4-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">4</a>,<a href="#B13-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">13</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The diagram shows the crystal structure of group-III nitrides. (<b>a</b>) Wurtzite structure. (<b>b</b>) Zinc-blende structure. (<b>c</b>) NaCl structure.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Polarization of GaN.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>(<b>a</b>) The unit cell of sapphire. (<b>b</b>) Perspective views of Si along various directions: [001], [011], and [111]. (<b>c</b>) Single-molecule SiC model. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B22-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">22</a>]. Copyright 2002, Elsevier Publishing. (<b>d</b>) Structure diagrams of 3C-SiC, 2H-SiC, 4H-SiC, and 6H-SiC in the hexagonal (10<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mrow> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </mrow> </semantics></math>0) plane. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B23-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">23</a>]. Copyright 1994, APS Publishing.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>a</b>) The in situ monitoring curves vs. time sequence for AlN templates. The left ordinate is the process temperature, and the right ordinate is the short-wavelength reflectance. (<b>b</b>) Comparison of FWHM between the two-step growth method AlN template (sample A) and the three-step growth method AlN with different interlayer thicknesses (samples B, C, and D). Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B72-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">72</a>]. Copyright 2018, RSC Publishing. (<b>c</b>) Atomic force microscope (AFM) diagram of AlN template face-to-face annealed sputter-deposited on the beveled (0.2°) sapphire substrate (<b>c<sub>i</sub></b>) and the AlN template grown by MOCVD (<b>c<sub>ii</sub></b>). (<b>d</b>) Nomarski microscopy images of the AlGaN layer surface were grown on the face-to-face annealed sputter-deposited AlN template with the sapphire substrate at different beveled angles (0.2° (<b>d<sub>i</sub></b>), 0.6° (<b>d<sub>ii</sub></b>), and 1.0° (<b>d<sub>iii</sub></b>)) and on the MOCVD-AlN template (<b>d<sub>iv</sub></b>). Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B56-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">56</a>]. Copyright 2020, AIP Publishing. (<b>e</b>) AFM images of AlN templates grown by the two-step growing method at different temperatures ((<b>e<sub>i</sub></b>) for 1100 °C and (<b>e<sub>ii</sub></b>) for 1250 °C) and the AlN templates grown by the three-step growing method on PPS (<b>e<sub>iii</sub></b>) and conventional sapphire substrates (<b>e<sub>iv</sub></b>). (<b>f</b>) Structure diagram of AlN templates grown on PPS (<b>f<sub>i</sub></b>) and conventional substrate (<b>f<sub>ii</sub></b>) observed by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B73-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">73</a>]. Copyright 2017, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>(<b>a</b>) GaN-AlN-GaN SIS structure diagram with mismatched dislocation and schematic diagram of isotropic slip (<b>lower left</b>) and hexagonal slip (<b>lower right</b>) system. (<b>b</b>) Function diagram of relative deformation along the interface and AlN thickness. (<b>c</b>) Energy per unit area as a function of AIN film thickness. 1—uniform contribution within the AIN film; 2—nonuniform contribution without the core energy; 3—tore energy. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B78-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">78</a>]. Copyright 1995, AIP Publishing. (<b>d</b>) Strain as a function of AlN layer thickness in (GaN)<sub>m</sub>(AlN)<sub>m</sub> SLs (solid line) and GaN-AlN-GaN SIS structures (dashed line). (<b>e</b>) The critical thickness as a function of Al concentration in (GaN)<sub>n</sub>(Al<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1−x</sub>N)<sub>n</sub> SLs (solid line) and in GaN-AlN-GaN SIS (dashed line). (<b>f</b>) The spacing between dislocations for (GaN)<sub>n</sub>(AlN)<sub>n</sub> superlattice (upper curve) and GaN-AlN-GaN SIS structure (lower curve) as a function of the layer thickness. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B79-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">79</a>]. Copyright 1997, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>(<b>a</b>) The schematic diagram of near-UV LED samples and InGaN/AlGaN SLs strain relief layer (SRL) for samples III (AlGaN as barrier and SLs as SRL). (<b>b</b>) The relationship between output power and luminous wavelength of different LED samples. (<b>c</b>) AFMimages of In<sub>0.04</sub>Ga<sub>0.96</sub>N/GaN MQWs for sample I (<b>c<sub>i</sub></b>), sample II (<b>c<sub>ii</sub></b>), and sample III (<b>c<sub>iii</sub></b>). Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B90-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">90</a>]. Copyright 2016, Elsevier Publishing.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic conduction band diagrams showing the three different EBL structures: bulk EBL, SL EBL, and gradient SL (GSL) EBL. (<b>b</b>) The ShockleyReadHall (SRH) fraction of the total recombination as estimated from the <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>A</mi> <mi>B</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>f</mi> <mo>(</mo> <mi>n</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math> model fit and normalized light output power (LOP) as a function of temperature for the reference LED, the 5-period GSL EBL LED, and the 9-period GSL EBL LED. (<b>c</b>) EQE as a function of injection current for the LEDs with three different EBL structures. The inset shows the I–V characteristics. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B91-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">91</a>]. Copyright 2013, AIP Publishing. (<b>d</b>) Calculated energy band diagrams of the conventional (<b>left</b>) and GSL (<b>right</b>) LEDs at a current density of 100 A/cm<sup>−2</sup>. (<b>e</b>) EL spectrums of conventional and GSL LEDs at a current density of 100 A/cm<sup>−2</sup> (<b>left</b>). Experimental IQE as a function of current of conventional and GSL LEDs (<b>right</b>). (<b>f</b>) Radiative recombination rates of the conventional (<b>left</b>) and GSL (<b>right</b>) LEDs at a current density of 100 A/cm<sup>−2</sup>. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B95-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">95</a>]. Copyright 2013, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>(<b>a</b>) Scanning electron microscopy images of the V-shaped pit surface for sample A (22 nm-thickness low-temperature (LT) GaN buffer (<b>a<sub>i</sub></b>)) and sample B (15 nm-thickness LT GaN buffer (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>)). (<b>b</b>) Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of the MQW regions with large V-pits, taking along the [10<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="false"> <mrow> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </mrow> </semantics></math>0] zone axis (<b>b<sub>i</sub></b>) of sample A, the [11<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="false"> <mrow> <mn>2</mn> </mrow> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </mrow> </semantics></math>0] zone axis (<b>b<sub>ii</sub></b>) of sample B, and taking near the [11<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="false"> <mrow> <mn>2</mn> </mrow> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </mrow> </semantics></math>0] zone axis (<b>b<sub>iii</sub></b>) of sample B. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B122-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">122</a>]. Copyright 2008, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Schematics of conventional UV-LED structure on the left, the staggered quantum wells shown in the right diagram. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B159-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">159</a>]. Copyright 2014, Elsevier Publishing.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>(<b>a</b>) The energy band maps of different structures. From top to bottom, they are constant quantum barrier thickness, gradually decreasing quantum barrier thickness, and gradually increasing quantum barrier thickness, which corresponds to the original structure, structure A, and structure B. (<b>b</b>) Electron and hole concentrations of the original structure (<b>left</b>), structure A (<b>middle</b>), and structure B (<b>right</b>) around the active region at 20 mA. (<b>c</b>) Output power as a function of current for the original structure, structure A, and structure B. The open circles are the data of the original structure obtained from experimental measurements. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B171-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">171</a>]. Copyright 2011, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>(<b>a</b>) SiO<sub>2</sub> is used as a mask layer to realize the ELOG mechanism and the schematic diagram of material growth changes with time. The observation direction is [1<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mrow> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </mrow> </semantics></math>00]. (<b>b</b>) SiO<sub>2</sub> is used as a mask layer to realize the ELOG mechanism and the schematic diagram of material growth changes with time. The observation direction is [11<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mrow> <mn>2</mn> </mrow> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </mrow> </semantics></math>0]. (<b>c</b>) SiO<sub>2</sub> is used as a mask layer to realize the ELOG mechanism and the schematic diagram of material growth changes with temperature. The observation direction is [1<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mrow> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </mrow> </semantics></math>00]. (<b>d</b>) A schematic diagram of the ELOG in a selectively grown GaN stripe. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B178-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">178</a>]. Copyright 2001, Elsevier Publishing.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>(<b>a</b>) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of nanowire arrays grown with different substrates and catalyst composition. Among them, (<b>a<sub>i</sub></b>) schematically shows the crystallographic growth directions of a-, m-, and c-axis for hexagonal GaN nanowires. (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>,<b>a<sub>v</sub></b>) show SEM images of GaN nanowire arrays: m-axis GaN nanowires on r-plane α-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>), a-axis GaN nanowires on r-plane α-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (<b>a<sub>iii</sub></b>), m-axis GaN nanowires on (100) γ-LiAlO<sub>2</sub> (<b>a<sub>iv</sub></b>), a-axis GaN nanowires on (100) γ-LiAlO<sub>2</sub> (<b>a<sub>v</sub></b>–<b>a<sub>vii</sub></b>) summarize the observed nanowire growth directions. (<b>b</b>) Transmission electron microscopy characterization of individual m-axis (<b>top</b>) and a-axis (<b>bottom</b>) GaN nanowires. (<b>A</b>) Low magnification image. (<b>B</b>) Lattice-resolved image of GaN nanowires. (<b>C</b>) Electron diffraction patterns were taken perpendicular to the growth axis, along the [0001] zone axis. The inset illustrations show the nanowires’ real space crystal structure and orientation with respect to electron diffraction. (<b>D</b>) Electron diffraction patterns of the nanowire cross-sections taken with the zone axis along the nanowire growth direction. (<b>E</b>) Isometric space-filling model of the nanowire. The c plane is facing left. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B189-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">189</a>]. Copyright 2014, ACS Publishing. (<b>c</b>) Illustration of the nano mask fabrication process by electron beam lithography. The mask also allows controlled nitrogen implantation to form nitrogen-vacancy centers in the diamond substrate prior to GaN nanowire selective area growth (SAG). (<b>d</b>) Top-view and tilted-view SEM images (45°) of selective area growth nanowire arrays with different periods. (<b>e</b>) SAG nanowires grow on different substrates. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B190-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">190</a>]. Copyright 2015, ACS Publishing.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic diagram of the growth mechanism of SAG. Key elements of the growth scheme are the surface passivity of the nitrided Ti mask (<b>a<sub>i</sub></b>), the diffusion and the desorption of Ga adatoms, and the dissociation of GaN (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>). (<b>b</b>) SEM bird’s-eye views and top surface views of GaN nanocolumn arrays with 600 nm period triangular lattices grown with different nitrogen flow rates 2.0 sccm (<b>left</b>), 1.0 sccm (<b>middle</b>), and 0.5 sccm (<b>right</b>), at a temperature of 900 °C. (<b>c</b>) SEM views of random and spontaneous nucleations of GaN on nitrided Ti-mask surface outside nanohole patterns with different nitrogen flow rates 3.5 sccm (<b>above left</b>), 2.0 sccm (<b>above right</b>), 1.0 sccm (<b>lower left</b>), and 0.5 sccm (<b>lower right</b>) at a temperature of 900 °C. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B191-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">191</a>]. Copyright 2009, Elsevier Publishing. (<b>d</b>) Schematic of differential sticking coefficient mechanisms for spontaneous nanowire growth in MBE. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B195-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">195</a>]. Copyright 2008, Elsevier Publishing. (<b>e</b>) SEM images of the GaN nanowires. Nominally undoped sample on native Si substrate (<b>A</b>). Lightly doped sample on native Si substrate (<b>B</b>). Highly doped sample on native Si substrate (<b>C</b>). Single nanowire on host substrate, contacted by electron-beam lithography defined contacts (<b>D</b>). Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B200-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">200</a>]. Copyright 2008, ACS Publishing. (<b>f</b>) Schematic diagram of GaN nanowire growth under different Mg doping conditions. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B203-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">203</a>]. Copyright 2006, ACS Publishing.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>(<b>a</b>) SEM of a GaN nanowire array consisting of 1 µm GaN nanowires grown by MOCVD (<b>a<sub>i</sub></b>). A lower-magnification SEM image reveals the long-range order of the GaN nanowire arrays (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>). (<b>b</b>) The TEM image shows the nanowires’ vertical sidewall and top crystallographic facets (<b>b<sub>i</sub></b>). The electron diffraction pattern confirms the GaN nanowires’ single-crystal nature (<b>b<sub>ii</sub></b>). (<b>c</b>) The TEM image shows one side of a single GaN nanowire as it emerges (<b>bottom-right</b> to <b>upper-left</b>) from the growth mask. The growth mask is at the lower left of the image. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B201-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">201</a>]. Copyright 2008, AIP Publishing. (<b>d</b>) Morphology of GaN nanostructures with respect to different pressures (P), including P<sub>TEGa</sub>, P<sub>NH3</sub>, and P<sub>H2</sub>, highlighting the insufficient (yellow), optimal (green), and excessive (red) values of P<sub>TEGa</sub>, P<sub>NH3</sub>, and P<sub>H2</sub>. (<b>e</b>) Morphology of Ga-polar GaN nanostructures at different growth temperatures for different hole diameters grown by MOCVD. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B208-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">208</a>]. Copyright 2022, ACS Publishing.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Diagrams of vertical structure nanowires (<b>left</b>) and core–shell structure nanowires (<b>right</b>).</p> "> Figure 17
<p>(<b>a</b>) SEM (<b>a<sub>i</sub></b>), size distribution (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>), cross-sectional TEM image (<b>a<sub>iii</sub></b>), and Raman spectrum (<b>a<sub>iv</sub></b>) of the self-assembled GaN/AlN QDs grown on n-Al<sub>0.7</sub>Ga<sub>0.3</sub>N, respectively. (<b>b</b>) Power–dependent PL was taken at room temperature. Power-dependent PL spectra of the GaN/AlN QDs at 300 K. Inset show the cathodoluminescence (CL) spectrum and monochromatic CL mapping at a wavelength of 309 nm at 300 K (<b>b</b><sub>i</sub>). Spectral width (<b>b<sub>ii</sub></b>), integrated intensity (<b>b<sub>iii</sub></b>), and the peak wavelength of the PL spectrum (<b>b<sub>iv</sub></b>) as a function of excitation power, respectively (<b>right</b>). (<b>c</b>) Temperature-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) taken in temperatures ranging from 15 K to 300 K. TRPL spectra for GaN/AlN QDs as a function of temperature (15–300 K) (<b>c<sub>i</sub></b>). Temperature-dependent decay time (closed circles), radiative (open circles), and nonradiative lifetimes (open squares) (<b>c<sub>ii</sub></b>). Temperature-dependent PL efficiency (closed squares) (<b>c<sub>iii</sub></b>). Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B244-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">244</a>]. Copyright 2014, Springer Nature Publishing. (<b>d</b>) Schematics of the sample structure with different Al components of QDs and cladding layers. (<b>e</b>) High-angle annular dark-field imaging in scanning TEM mode images of Al<sub>y</sub>Ga<sub>1−y</sub>N QDs grown in an Al<sub>0.7</sub>Ga<sub>0.3</sub>N (0001) cladding layer for an Al composition y equal to 0.1 ((<b>e<sub>i</sub></b>), sample C), 0.2 ((<b>e<sub>ii</sub></b>), sample D), 0.3 ((<b>e<sub>iii</sub></b>), sample E), and 0.4 ((<b>e<sub>iv</sub></b>), sample F). (<b>f</b>) AFM images (500 × 500 nm<sup>2</sup>) of Al<sub>y</sub>Ga<sub>1−y</sub>N QDs for the complete sample series (<b>f<sub>i</sub></b>–<b>f<sub>vii</sub></b>). Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B245-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">245</a>]. Copyright 2019, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>(<b>a</b>) Cross-sectional high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) scanning TEM image of the spatially confined dot-in-pyramid structure in (<b>a<sub>i</sub></b>) the uncapped 5 QW sample and (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>) the capped 10 QW sample. (<b>a<sub>iii</sub></b>) High magnification HAADF image of the dot-like features. Simultaneously acquired (<b>a<sub>iv</sub></b>) In and (<b>a<sub>v</sub></b>) Ga electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) elemental maps of the boxed region in (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>) indicating high In-content at regions of V-pit intersections. (<b>a<sub>vi</sub></b>) The relative In signals extracted across the line scan from the In map in (<b>a<sub>iv</sub></b>) and the quantitative In compositions calculated across the line scan from the Ga map in (<b>a<sub>v</sub></b>). Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B257-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">257</a>]. Copyright 2021, ACS Publishing. (<b>b</b>) Schematic illustration of an InGaN/AlGaN dot-in-a-wire LED heterostructure (<b>b<sub>i</sub></b>). An SEM image showing the morphology of the InGaN/AlGaN dot-in-a-wire heterostructures grown on a Si substrate by MBE (<b>b<sub>ii</sub></b>). (<b>c</b>) Fabrication flow of InGaN/AlGaN nanowire LEDs. The nanowire LED sample (<b>c<sub>i</sub></b>) was fully covered with polyimide resist, followed by oxygen plasma dry etching to expose the top of nanowires for metallization (<b>c<sub>ii</sub></b>). Top p-contact with Ni/Au/ITO was deposited on the nanowire surface (<b>c<sub>iii</sub></b>). Ni/Au and Ti/Au were deposited on top of ITO and backside (<b>c<sub>iv</sub></b>). (<b>d</b>) Room-temperature electroluminescence spectra under different injection currents for green (<b>d<sub>i</sub></b>), yellow (<b>d<sub>ii</sub></b>), and red (<b>d<sub>iii</sub></b>) nanowire LEDs. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B263-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">263</a>]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier Publishing.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>SEM imaging of (<b>a</b>) GaN nanorod overgrowth with truncated apex tips, (<b>b</b>) InGaN/GaN SQW growth on (<b>a</b>) with a smaller c-plane diameter top, (<b>c</b>) InGaN/GaN MQW growth on (<b>a</b>) with a sharp apex tip, (<b>d</b>) TEM of the sharp tip on an individual nanorod with selective area electron diffraction (SAED) inset showing the wurtzite hexagonal structure with the [0002] growth direction, (<b>e</b>,<b>f</b>) energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) line and point scan in SEM mode, (<b>g</b>) spectra from the line scan in (<b>e</b>,<b>f</b>), (<b>h</b>) real color representation of the spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) emission, (<b>i</b>) spectral information extracted along the line in (<b>h</b>), (<b>j</b>) spatially resolved CL of the nanorod at increasing wavelength range, (<b>k</b>) surface area plot of the 5 × MQW/quantum barriers (QBs) along the yellow line, (<b>l</b>) the EDX mapping of the 5 MQWs, (<b>m</b>) graphical plot of the QD/QW thickness data obtained from (<b>k</b>), (<b>n</b>) table of the In: Ga ratio data at each MQD, (<b>o</b>) schematic illustration of the changing thickness for the InGaN wells in all three x, y, z directions at the c-plane. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B260-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">260</a>]. Copyright 2016, RSC Publishing.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic epitaxial structure of the grown N-polar modulation-doped GaN/AlN/AlGaN SLs. (<b>b</b>) Actually, the simulated valence band diagram accounting for acceptor-like traps at positive polarization interfaces with different AlN interlayer thicknesses of 0.7 nm, 1 nm, and 1.6 nm from left to right, respectively (Mg-doped). (<b>c</b>) The difference in the sheet charge between measured and simulated values (in percentage) as a function of AlN interlayer thickness for samples with different Mg doping values, without invoking the acceptor-like trap hypothesis (left) and invoking the acceptor-like trap hypothesis. Introducing acceptor-like traps of 1 × 10<sup>13</sup> cm<sup>−2</sup> at the positive polarization interfaces allows for a substantial agreement of simulated and measured values. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B284-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">284</a>]. Copyright 2020, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic process of the periodically interrupted epitaxy. (<b>b</b>) Schematic illustration of the self-assembled bilayer structure by desorption-tailoring. (<b>c</b>) Z-contrast image of the self-assembled bilayer structures in AlGaN with the desorption time and initial Al composition of 80 s (at 1100 °C) and 46%, respectively. (<b>d</b>) Desorption time dependence of Al composition in the desorption layer. (<b>e</b>) Desorption time dependence of the thinning thickness in the as-grown layer. (<b>f</b>) Schematic illustration of the sample with desorption-tailored p-AlGaN SLs. (<b>g</b>) Schematic process of desorption-tailoring for p-AlGaN SLs. (<b>h</b>) HRTEM image of the p-AlGaN SLs. (<b>i</b>) Z-contrast image of the p-AlGaN SLs. (<b>j</b>) Distribution of Al and Ga atoms by EDS mapping corresponding to the region in panel (<b>i</b>). (<b>k</b>) Temperature dependence of the hole concentration in the desorption-tailored p-AlGaN SLs. (<b>l</b>) I–V curves at room temperature of DUV-LED structures (inset) with p-AlGaN SLs period of 25, 50, and 75, respectively. (<b>m</b>) I–V and corresponding dI/dV curves at 2 K of DUV-LED structure with 25-period p-AlGaN SLs. (<b>n</b>) The upward inclining of the p-AlGaN SLs energy band profile along [0001] direction at equilibrium. (<b>o</b>) Resonant tunneling between E<sub>1</sub> and adjacent E<sub>2</sub> when flattening the p-AlGaN SLs energy band profile along [0001] direction by applying a forward voltage. (<b>p</b>) Formation of minibands when applying a higher forward voltage. (<b>q</b>) Schematic illustration of DUV-LEDs with desorption-tailored p-AlGaN SLs. (<b>r</b>) EL spectrum (at 100 mA) of DUV-LEDs. (<b>s</b>) Transmission spectrum of the desorption-tailored p-AlGaN SLs (without the p-GaN contact layer). (<b>t</b>) I–V curve of DUV-LEDs with the p-electrode of complex Ag nanodots/Al. (<b>u</b>,<b>v</b>) Dependence of the LOP and EQE on the injection current for DUV-LEDs with desorption-tailored p-AlGaN SLs and thick p-GaN, respectively. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B287-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">287</a>]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature Publishing.</p> "> Figure 22
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic diagram of Mg-delta-doped GaN or AlGaN, where <span class="html-italic">d</span> (=15 nm) and <span class="html-italic">P</span><sub>Mg</sub> denote, respectively, the distance between two delta-planes and the two-dimensional Mg doping concentration. (<b>b</b>) AFM and SEM morphologies of etched surfaces of p-type AlGaN epilayers after a 0.5 μm removal by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching. (<b>c</b>) The resistivity of representative uniformly Mg-doped and Mg-delta-doped p-AlGaN epilayers as functions of temperature. The inset shows the Arrhenius plots of the resistivity, which indicate that delta-doping reduces the activation energy of Mg acceptors in AlGaN. (<b>d</b>) Comparison of “quasi” vertical transport properties of uniformly Mg-doped and Mg-delta-doped p-type GaN. Etching depth (0.5 μm) and p-type ohmic-contact geometry were nominally identical for the two samples, as accomplished by ICP etching and photolithography patterning. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B288-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">288</a>]. Copyright 2003, AIP Publishing. (<b>e</b>) Flow sequence of the modified Mg-d doping process with indium as a surfactant (<b>left</b>) and the schematic side view of the epitaxial structure of the p-AlGaN grown with the pulsed TMGa flow (<b>right</b>). (<b>f</b>) Temperature-dependent hole concentration for the pulsed TMGa flow and control samples. The fitting curves are shown as solid lines. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B295-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">295</a>]. Copyright 2020, RSC Publishing.</p> "> Figure 23
<p>(<b>a</b>) The energy-band diagram of a 13 nm undoped GaN on AlN heterostructure shows the formation of a quantum well in the valence band and the high-density confined holes accumulated at the GaN/AlN interface. (<b>b</b>) Schematic of the epitaxially grown layer structure. (<b>c</b>) High-resolution STEM image showing the metal-polar wurtzite crystalline lattice of the heterointerface. The valence band edge and probability density of the holes from (A) are overlaid on the interface. (<b>d</b>) Schematic of the metal-polar GaN/AlN heterointerface, corresponding to the STEM image in (<b>c</b>). (<b>e</b>) The 2DHG samples A and B exhibit a metallic behavior of decreasing sheet resistance with decreasing temperature, whereas the control sample C is insulating in behavior, becoming too resistive below 180 K for measurement. (<b>f</b>) The measured mobile hole concentrations over a range of temperatures in samples A, B, and C. In the Mg-doped GaN (sample C), holes freeze out below 180 K. The density in the 2DHG of samples A and B shows almost no change in the hole concentration down to cryogenic temperatures. (<b>g</b>) The measured hole mobilities in samples A, B, and C for a range of temperatures. (<b>h</b>) Comparison with previously reported 2DHGs in nitride heterostructures (open symbols indicate Mg-typed doping). The doped, as well as undoped structures reported in this work, have much higher hole densities and decent mobilities, enabling record high p-type conductivity of 6 kilohms/square. (<b>i</b>) Comparing across other semiconductor material systems, such as oxides SrTiO<sub>3</sub>/LaAlO<sub>3</sub>, surface conducting diamond, Ge channels, Si inversion channels, and GaSb channels, this work has the highest room-temperature hole density and the highest conductivities among wide-bandgap semiconductors (III-nitrides, oxides, and diamond), the latter of which is critical for high-performing lateral power devices. The 2DHG in samples A and B show higher mobilities than that of C. (Inset) Hall resistance versus magnetic field measured at room temperature indicates a positive Hall coefficient (holes) in both samples A and B. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B300-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">300</a>]. Copyright 2019, AAAS Publishing.</p> "> Figure 24
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic structure and (<b>b</b>) optical micrograph of the micro-LEDs with diameters from 6 μm to 105 μm. Size-dependent characteristics of (<b>c</b>) current injection density versus voltage (inset: log (current) versus voltage) and (<b>d</b>) EQEs versus injection current density (inset: EQEs versus log(J)) for sample A. The thermal annealing time of sample A is 2 min. (<b>e</b>) EQE peak current density and efficiency droop at 650 A/cm<sup>2</sup> as a function of pixel size. (<b>f</b>) Size-dependent characteristics of EQEs versus injection current density (inset: EQEs versus log(J)) for sample B. The thermal annealing time of sample B is 3 min. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B216-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">216</a>]. Copyright 2012, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 25
<p>(<b>a</b>) (Color online) Optical micrograph of the fabricated LEDs with dimensions ranging from 10 to 300 μm. (<b>b</b>) (Color online) Measured junction temperature as a function of the current density for different pixel sizes. (Color online) Simulated junction-temperature distribution in the active area of (<b>c</b>) the 40 μm pixel and (<b>d</b>) 150 μm pixel under the same current density of 500 A/cm<sup>2</sup> [picture sizes are not scaled; in the simulation, the n-contact is fixed at the left side, as indicated by the dashed rectangles in (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>)]. (<b>e</b>) Simulated average junction temperature against current density for two different pixels. Note that in (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>), the absolute temperature variation across the device is 28 times larger for the larger device. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B305-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">305</a>]. Copyright 2011, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 26
<p>(<b>a</b>) Sketch of recombination and leakage terms in a single-QW or double-heterostructure LED. (<b>b</b>) Classification of droop mechanisms. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B315-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">315</a>]. Copyright 2013, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 27
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic diagram of GaN LED structure with ZnO nanorod arrays (<b>a<sub>i</sub></b>). Top-view micrograph image of LEDs with conventional planar ITO (C-LED) (<b>a<sub>ii</sub></b>) and top-view micrograph image of LED with ZnO nanorod array/ITO (NR-LED) (<b>a<sub>iii</sub></b>). FE-SEM images of ZnO nanorods on the center (<b>a<sub>iv</sub></b>) and the edge (<b>a<sub>v</sub></b>) of planar ITO of NR-LED. (<b>b</b>) EL spectra of C-LED and NR-LED at 20 and 100 mA. (<b>c</b>) Micrograph images of C-LED, low-density NR-LED, and high-density NR-LED. The light output power of individual LEDs as a function of injection currents. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B322-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">322</a>]. Copyright 2009, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 28
<p>(<b>a</b>) Estimated IQEs for the blue LED plotted in linear (<b>top</b>) and log (<b>bottom</b>) scales for current. (<b>b</b>) Estimated IQEs for the green LED plotted in linear (<b>top</b>) and log (<b>bottom</b>) scales for current. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B356-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">356</a>]. Copyright 2012, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 29
<p>(<b>a</b>) The bird’s-eye view of the blue-emitting nanopillar structures consisting of a single InGaN quantum well. The inset shows the schematic of how different diameters of nanopillar structures were fabricated from a standard InGaN quantum well epitaxial wafer. (<b>b</b>) Normalized photoluminescence spectra of InGaN nanopillars of various diameters (D). The optical image “MICHIGAN” letters comprising nanopillars of three different diameters (40, 70, and 800 nm) were taken by a CCD camera. (<b>c</b>) The normalized photoluminescence spectra at different excitation intensities (shown in the legend) for three different nanopillar diameters: 40 (<b>left</b>), 70 (<b>middle</b>), and 800 nm (<b>right</b>). The peak P<sub>1</sub> is attributed to the main emission from the quantum well. YL is attributed to the yellow band luminescence, and P<sub>2</sub> is attributed to the emission from localized states. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B363-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">363</a>]. Copyright 2016, AIP Publishing. (<b>d</b>) Schematic epitaxial stacks and devices structure of InGaN red micro-LEDs. (<b>e</b>) SEM image of the 60 × 60 μm<sup>2</sup> InGaN red micro-LEDs. (<b>f</b>) EL spectrum at 1 A/cm<sup>2</sup>. The inset shows the micro-LEDs EL image under a microscope. (<b>g</b>) Peak wavelength and FWHM vs. injection current density. (<b>h</b>) EQE and (<b>i</b>) WPE vs. current density of the InGaN red tunnel junction micro-LEDs measuring in an integrating sphere. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B368-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">368</a>]. Copyright 2022, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 30
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic and 45° tilted scanning electron microscopy image of InGaN/GaN disks-in-nanowires grown on (001) Si substrate. Inset to (<b>b</b>) shows a high-resolution transmission electron microscopy image of InGaN disks in a single GaN nanowire. (<b>b</b>) Variation of radiative, non-radiative, and total carrier lifetime with temperature in (<b>b</b>) as-grown, (<b>c</b>) parylene passivated disks-in-nanowires. The inset in (<b>b</b>) shows a typical TRPL transient of an as-grown sample measured at 300 K with 405 nm excitation. The solid curve is calculated with the stretched exponential model. (<b>d</b>) Characteristics of disk-in-nanowire LED on silicon with parylene passivation: (<b>d</b>) schematic representation; (<b>e</b>) measured current–voltage characteristics. Inset shows injection current-dependent electroluminescence spectra measured at room temperature; (<b>f</b>) light-current characteristics measured with pulsed bias. Inset shows the corresponding variation of EQE with injection current density. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B367-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">367</a>,<a href="#B369-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">369</a>]. Copyright 2013, AIP Publishing.</p> "> Figure 31
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic diagram of the nanowire-based LED device structure. The hexagonal shape of the cross-sectional view of one nanowire is illustrated on the right, involving the n-type core, GaInN/GaN multiple-quantum-shell (MQS) active layer, and p-type GaN shell. (<b>b</b>) The designed LED chip (340 mm × 340 mm) and the corresponding (<b>c</b>) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image after the process. (<b>d</b>) The planar-view SEM image of an as-grown nanowire sample, and (<b>e</b>) the 30°-tilted view SEM image. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B374-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">374</a>]. Copyright 2022, RSC Publishing.</p> "> Figure 32
<p>(<b>a</b>) Electroluminescence spectra of sample A at different injection currents. Three peaks located at 440, 540, and 630 nm are identified. (<b>b</b>) The cross-sectional view: CL panchromatic mapping (<b>b<sub>i</sub></b>) and SEM images (<b>b<sub>ii</sub></b>) of the nanowires in sample A. Panels in (<b>c</b>) show the CL spectra acquired in the c-plane apex region, r-plane, and top and bottom areas on the m-plane. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B374-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">374</a>]. Copyright 2022, RSC Publishing.</p> "> Figure 33
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic diagram of duplex underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) system based on a micro-LED array. (<b>b</b>) The photographs of the micro-LED collection as a transmitter and (<b>c</b>) a photodetector of the duplex UWOC system. (<b>d</b>) Frequency response curves of micro-LED-based photodetector under different bias conditions, inset: the extracted −3 dB modulation bandwidth of microLED photodetector. (<b>e</b>) Bit error rate (BER) versus data rate curves of micro-LED-based photodetector at different bias conditions in the 2.3 m duplex UWOC system. (<b>f</b>) Eye diagrams were captured at data rates of 10 and 50 Mbps under 0 and −5 V bias voltage, respectively. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B404-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">404</a>]. Copyright 2021, Wiley Publishing.</p> "> Figure 34
<p>(<b>a</b>) Output power versus current curve of a single packaged UVC LED (the electroluminescence spectrum is given in the inset). (<b>b</b>) Demonstration of integrated sterilization light source fabricated by UVC-LEDs (without SARS-CoV-2 sample). This integrated array is composed of 13 parallel connected units, and each unit includes 15 UVC LEDs in a series connection. (<b>c</b>) Current dependent power density at different distances from the irradiation source. The output power density obeys an inverse-square law as a dependence of irradiation distance, suggesting the importance of choosing a suitable working distance. Considering the working efficiency of every single LED, a working current of 1.3 A is chosen for the integrated source, in which condition each device works at 100 mA. The output power density adjacent to the array (d = 0) is 192 mW cm<sup>−2</sup> at 1.3 A. The working point in the virus-eliminating experiment is marked by a red star (94 mW cm<sup>−2</sup>). (<b>d</b>) The schematic image of the virus eliminating experiments. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B416-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">416</a>]. Copyright 2021, Wiley Publishing.</p> "> Figure 35
<p>Injectable, cellular-scale semiconductor devices with multifunctional operation in stimulation, sensing, and actuation. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B417-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">417</a>]. Copyright 2013, AAAS Publishing.</p> "> Figure 36
<p>A schematic diagram of the experimental setup of an optoelectronic tweezer (OET) integrated with lens-free holographic microscopy. An OET device is directly placed on a CCD or CMOS sensor array. The sensor array, coupled with a partially coherent light source, creates an on-chip holographic microscope with a field of view that is equal to the sensor array’s active area. With the microscopic information of the particles, interactive OET manipulation of the target objects is achieved by projecting light beams next to the targets. A computer with a customized LabView program is used to control and synchronize different modules. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B425-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">425</a>]. Copyright 2013, RSC Publishing.</p> "> Figure 37
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic of the fabrication of nanorod-LEDs. (<b>b</b>) Cross-section SEM image of nanorod LEDs. Inset: Top-view SEM image of the nanorod-LEDs. (<b>c</b>) Cross-section optical microscope image of nanorod-LEDs on a sapphire substrate. (<b>d</b>) Schematic band diagram of an LED in DC drive mode. (<b>e</b>,<b>f</b>) I–V curve of nanorod LED in DC drive mode. (<b>g</b>) Schematic of the single-dielectric AC-nanorod LED. Bottom panel: Equivalent circuit. (<b>h</b>) Peak luminescence-frequency relationship. Inset: Photograph of the single-dielectric ACnanorod LED. (<b>i</b>) EL spectra of the device at different driving frequencies. (<b>j</b>) Peak current–peak voltage relationship at different driving frequencies. (<b>k</b>) Peak current–frequency relationship at different voltages. Schematic band diagram of the single-dielectric ACnanorod LED. (<b>l</b>) Schematic of electron transfer when a forward bias is applied. (<b>m</b>) Steady-state band diagram of the device under forward bias. (<b>n</b>) Schematic of electron transfer when a reverse bias is applied. (<b>o</b>) Steady-state band diagram of the device under reverse bias. Reproduced with permission [<a href="#B439-micromachines-15-01188" class="html-bibr">439</a>]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier Publishing.</p> "> Figure 38
<p>(<b>a</b>) Three possible nano-LED structures may exist in the future, including nanowire structures, QD structures, and nano-grid stacking structures. (<b>b</b>) A nano-grid stacking structure and its bird’s-eye view of possible local pixel alignment.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Group-III Nitride Materials and Substrates
2.1. Properties of Group-III Nitride Materials
2.1.1. Crystal Structure of Group-III Nitride Materials
2.1.2. The Polarity of Group-III Nitride Materials
2.1.3. Group-III Nitride Alloy Materials and Luminescence
2.2. Substrates
2.2.1. Sapphire
2.2.2. Silicon
2.2.3. Silicon Carbide
2.2.4. Other Substrates
2.3. Material Growth Methods
2.4. The Source of Challenges
3. Ever-Improving Structures and Technologies
3.1. Substrate Treatment
3.1.1. Beveled Substrate
3.1.2. Patterned Sapphire Substrate
3.1.3. AlN Template
3.2. Planar Layer Structure
3.2.1. Semiconductor Superlattice
3.2.2. From Visible Light LEDs to Ultraviolet LEDs with MQWs Structure
Visible LEDs with InGaN/GaN MQWs
Ultraviolet LEDs with AlGaN/GaN MQWs
3.2.3. Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth Technology
3.3. Nanowire and QD Structures
3.3.1. Nanowire Structure
Growth Method
The Conditions of Nanowire Growth in a Selective Area
Advantages and Challenges of Nanowire LEDs
3.3.2. QDs
QDs for Ultraviolet and Infrared Luminescence
QDs for Visible Luminescence
Properties-Based: Why We Chose QDs
3.4. P-Type Doping Technology
3.4.1. Semiconductor Superlattice Doping
3.4.2. Delta Doping
3.4.3. Polarization-Induced Doping
3.4.4. Future-Oriented Doping
4. Micro-LED
4.1. The Size Effect of Micro-LED
4.2. Quantum Efficiency
4.2.1. Efficiency Droop
4.2.2. Light Extraction Efficiency (LEE)
4.2.3. The Effect of Temperature on Quantum Efficiency
4.3. Spectral Characteristics
4.4. The Application of Micro-LED
4.4.1. Full-Color Display Technologies Based on Group-III Nitride Micro-LEDs
Color Conversion Technology Based on Group-III Nitride Materials
Mass Transfer and RGB Integration Technologies
4.4.2. Light Communication
Wavelength [nm] | Modulation Bandwidth [MHz] | Highest Transmission Rate [Gpbs] | Type | Single Pixel Size [µm] | Distance [m] | BER [10−3] | Modulation Format | Application | Reference |
480 | 1000 | 4 | Single pixel µLED | 75 | 3 | 3.2 | QPSK-OFDM | Free space | [397] |
277 | 497.58 | 1.6 | Single pixel µLED | 40 | 1 | 3.4 | 16-QAM- OFDM | Free space | [398] |
475 | 1530 | 5.27 | Single pixel µLED | 60 | 1 | 3.1 | OFDM | Free space | [399] |
400 | 1200 | 5.71 | 3 × 3 µLED array | 20 | 13 | 3.7 | DCO-OFDM | Free space | [400] |
451 | 1200 | 4.86 | 3 × 3 µLED array | 20 | 13 | 3.3 | DCO-OFDM | Free space | [400] |
509 | 1050 | 4.39 | 3 × 3 µLED array | 20 | 13 | 3.7 | DCO-OFDM | Free space | [400] |
556 | 500 | 0.82 | 3 × 3 µLED array | 20 | 13 | 3.3 | DCO-OFDM | Free space | [400] |
276 | 439.5 | 2.28 | Single pixel µLED | 100 | 0.25 | 3.0 | OFDM | Free space | [401] |
276.8 | 452.53 | 2 | Single pixel µLED | 100 | 0.5 | 2.86 | 16-QAM-OFDM | Free space | [402] |
276.8 | 452.53 | 0.82 | Single pixel µLED | 100 | 3 | 16-QAM-OFDM | Free space | [402] | |
279 | 380 | 0.667 | 16 × 16 µLED array | 25 | 0.7 | 20 | OOK | Free space | [403] |
279 | 380 | 0.557 | 16 × 16 µLED array | 25 | 0.7 | 2 | OOK | Free space | [403] |
279 | 380 | 1.087 | 16 × 16 µLED array | 25 | 0.7 | 13 | 16-QAM-OFDM | Free space | [403] |
279 | 380 | 0.97 | 16 × 16 pixel array | 25 | 0.7 | 2 | 16-QAM-OFDM | Free space | [403] |
450 | 251.3 | 0.66 | Single pixel µLED with LD | 80 | 2.3 | 3.3 | NRZ-OOK | Underwater | [404] |
Green light emission | 131 | 1.11 | Single pixel µLED | 80 | 3.4 | <3.8 | 16-QAM-OFDM | Underwater | [405] |
623/521/457/562/486 | 535/537.5/525/525/525 | 14.81 | Five-primary-color LED | 600 | 1.2 | <3.8 | 64-QAM-DMT | Underwater | [406] |
623/521/457/562/486 | 600/600/575/600/602.5 | 15.17 | Five-primary-color LED | 600 | 1.2 | <3.8 | Bit-loading-DMT | Underwater | [406] |
4.4.3. Charge Management Applications for Gravitational Wave Detection
4.4.4. Biomedicine
Public Health
Optoelectronic Tweezers
Time-Resolved Fluorescence Measurement
4.4.5. White Light LEDs Illumination
5. Will Nano-LED Be the Future after Micro-LED?
5.1. Device Structure
5.2. Integration
5.3. Applications
6. Conclusions and Prospect
Conflicts of Interest
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Material | Substrate/Buffer Layer | Growth Method | Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) [arcsec] | FWHM [arcsec] | Others | Ref. |
GaN | Sapphire/GaN | MOCVD and HVPE | 507 | 463 | --- | [34] |
GaN | Sapphire/GaN | MOCVD and HVPE | 256 | 286 | Treatment by laser decomposition technique | [34] |
GaN | Sapphire/--- | HVPE | 300 | 600 | Beveled substrate | [35] |
GaN | Si/AlN and AlGaN | MOCVD and HVPE | 62 | --- | Threading dislocation density: 106/cm2. | [36] |
GaN | 6H-SiC/GaN | HVPE | 261 | 272 | --- | [37] |
GaN | Sapphire/AlN | MOCVD | 410 | --- | N-polar GaN | [38] |
GaN | Sapphire/AlN and AlGaN | MOCVD | 35 | 220 | Patterned sapphire substrate | [39] |
GaN | Si/AlN and AlGaN | MOCVD | 298 | 324 | --- | [40] |
GaN | 4H-SiC/AlN and GaN | MOCVD | 144 | 306 | AlN interlayer | [41] |
GaN | Sapphire/Graphene | MBE | 720 | 792 | Non-polar substrate/N-polar GaN | [42] |
GaN | Si/GaN | MBE | 450 | --- | GaN nanowire buffer layer | [43] |
GaN | 4H-SiC/--- | Plasma-assisted MBE | 159 | 848 | --- | [44] |
AlN | Sapphire/--- | HVPE | 70 | 395 | --- | [45] |
AlN | Sapphire/--- | HVPE | 102 | 219 | Patterned sapphire substrate | [45] |
AlN | Si/--- | HVPE | 1292 | --- | Semi-polar AlN | [46] |
AlN | 6H-SiC/--- | HVPE | 228 | 766 | --- | [47] |
AlN | Sapphire/--- | MOCVD | 9 | 334 | Face-to-face annealed sputtered AlN | [48] |
AlN | Sapphire/--- | MOCVD | 13 | 123 | Face-to-face annealed sputtered AlN/Beveled sapphire substrate | [49] |
AlN | Si/--- | MOCVD | 409 | 677 | --- | [50] |
AlN | 6H-SiC/--- | MOCVD | 17 | 246 | Face-to-face annealed sputtered AlN | [51] |
AlN | 4H-SiC/--- | MOCVD | 355 | 840 | --- | [52] |
AlN | Sapphire/--- | MBE | 103.6 | 353.1 | Face-to-face annealed sputtered AlN | [53] |
AlN | Sapphire/AlN | MBE | 14 | 380 | N-polar AlN | [54] |
AlN | Si/GaN | MBE | 972 | --- | GaN nanowire buffer layer/N-polar AlN | [35] |
Al0.17Ga0.83N | Sapphire and GaN/--- | HVPE | --- | 600 | Beveled substrate | [49] |
Al0.67Ga0.33N | Sapphire and AlN/AlGaN | HVPE | --- | 300 | Beveled substrate | [49] |
Al0.68Ga0.32N | Sapphire and AlN/AlGaN | HVPE | --- | 300 | Patterned sapphire substrate | [49] |
Al0.21Ga0.79N | Sapphire and AlN/GaN | MOCVD | 167.3 | 240.4 | Patterned sapphire substrate | [55] |
Al0.74Ga0.26N | Sapphire and AlN/--- | MOCVD | 50 | 210–230 | Face-to-face annealed sputtered AlN/Beveled sapphire substrate | [56] |
Al0.53Ga0.43N | Si and AlN/--- | MOCVD | 149 | --- | Pulsed co-doping | [57] |
Al0.50Ga0.50N | 6H-SiC and AlN/AlGaN | MOCVD | 280 | 1028 | --- | [58] |
Al0.50Ga0.50N | 6H-SiC and AlN/AlGaN | MOCVD | 235–240 | 766 | SiNX interlayer | [58] |
Al0.23Ga0.77N | Sapphire and AlN/Graded AlXGa1−XN | MBE | 1569 | --- | Non-polar a-plane Al0.23Ga0.77N | [59] |
Al0.6Ga0.4N | Sapphire and AlN/--- | MBE | 432 | --- | --- | [60] |
Shape | Size [µm] | Depth/Height [µm] | Slanted Angle [°] | Density [cm−2] | FWHM [arcsec] | FWHM [arcsec] | Output Power [mW] | Quantum Efficiency [%] | Ref. |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 8.6 | 11.6 (External) | [64] |
Round hole | 3 | 1.5 | 90 | --- | --- | --- | 10.4 | 14.1 (External) | [64] |
Pyramid | --- | 1.2 | 57.4 | 4.31 × 107 | 269.3 | 410.3 | 15.2 | 56.5 (Internal) | [65] |
Pyramid | --- | 1.2 | 45.3 | 1.11 × 107 | 264.1 | 356.6 | 17.2 | 60.7 (Internal) | [65] |
Pyramid | --- | 1.2 | 38.3 | 0.87 × 107 | 251.1 | 312.6 | 18.5 | 61.6 (Internal) | [65] |
Pyramid | --- | 1.2 | 36.1 | 0.52 × 107 | 243.4 | 301.2 | 20.8 | 66.1 (Internal) | [65] |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 338 | 5.4 | --- | [66] |
Cone | 3 | 1.5 | 45 | --- | --- | 225 | 7.3 | --- | [66] |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 410 | 560 | 7.93 | 12.59 (External) | [67] |
--- | 3 | 1.5 | --- | 1 × 108 | 300 | 305 | 9.27 | 14.97 (External) | [67] |
--- | 2 | 1.5 | --- | 1 × 108 | 300 | 305 | 9.53 | 15.28 (External) | [67] |
--- | 0.45 | 0.15 | --- | 3.5 × 108 | 330 | 380 | 10.27 | 16.39 (External) | [67] |
AlN Sample | Substrate | AlN Template Layer Structure Thickness [nm] | FWHM [arcsec] | FWHM [arcsec] | Root Means Square (RMS) [nm] | Ref. | |||
Low-Temperature Nucleation Layer | High-Temperature Growth Layer | Intermediate Epitaxial Layer | High-Temperature Growth Layer | ||||||
Two-step growth method | Conventional sapphire substrate | 35 (950 °C) | 1010 (1280 °C) | --- | --- | 109 | 751 | 0.463 | [72] |
Three-step growth method | Conventional sapphire substrate | 35 (950 °C) | 20 (1280 °C) | 60 (1050 °C) | 750 (1280 °C) | 100 | 738 | 0.121 | [72] |
Two-step growth method | Patterned sapphire substrate | 3 (870 °C) | 700 (1110 °C) | --- | --- | 795 | 2160 | 0.3 | [73] |
Two-step growth method | Patterned sapphire substrate | 3 (870 °C) | 700 (1250 °C) | 65 | 1150 | 1.2 | [73] | ||
Three-step growth method | Patterned sapphire substrate | 3 | --- | 150 (1250 °C) | 3200 (1110 °C) | 50 | 250 | 0.5 | [73] |
Three-step growth method | Conventional sapphire substrate | 3 | --- | 150 (1250 °C) | 3200 (1110 °C) | 400 | 800 | 0.2 | [73] |
Doped Material | Doping Method | Hole Concentration [1017/cm3] | Hole Mobility [cm2/V·s] | Others | Year | Ref. |
GaN | Thermal annealing | 3 | 10 | --- | 1992 | [279] |
Al0.4Ga0.6N | Thermal annealing | 3.26 | -- | --- | 2015 | [294] |
Al0.4Ga0.6N | Delta doping | 15.9 | --- | --- | 2015 | [294] |
Al0.4Ga0.6N | Delta doping | 47.5 | --- | Indium-surfactant-assisted | 2015 | [294] |
Al0.42Ga0.58N | Delta doping | 49.7 | 1.35 | Indium-surfactant-assisted | 2020 | [295] |
Al0.42Ga0.58N | Delta doping | 4.61 | 2.52 | Indium-surfactant-assisted/Pulsed TMAl flow | 2020 | [295] |
Al0.42Ga0.58N | Delta doping | 83 | 1.47 | Indium-surfactant-assisted/Pulsed TMGa flow | 2020 | [295] |
Al0.46Ga0.54N/Al0.63Ga0.37N | Superlattice doping | 81 | --- | Desorption-tailoring strategy | 2022 | [287] |
B0.14Al0.86N/Al0.5Ga0.5N | Strain-compensated B0.14Al0.86N/Al0.5Ga0.5N polarization-induced superlattice doping | 80.7 | --- | Simulated result | 2022 | [302] |
Al0.6Ga0.4N | Delta doping with the Al0.6Ga0.4N/GaN superlattice modulation doping | 5.1 | 4.7 | Indium-surfactant-assisted | 2019 | [296] |
Al0.75Ga0.25N/AlN | Superlattice doping | 34 | -- | -- | 2018 | [286] |
AlN/GaN | Polarization-induced doping | 5 × 10−4 | 25 | Dopant free | 2019 | [300] |
AlxGa1−xN (x:0 to 0.3) | Polarization-induced doping | 19 | --- | --- | 2022 | [301] |
Al0.3Ga0.7N/Al0.15Ga0.85N | Nanowire doping | 130 | --- | --- | 2018 | [304] |
Peak Wavelength [nm] | Active Region | EQE [%] | WPE [%] | Single Pixel Size [μm] | Ligh Output Power [mW] | Power Density [W/cm2] | Ref. |
228 | Al0.82Ga0.18N/Al0.94Ga0.06N MQW | --- | --- | 400 | 1.4 (at 150 mA) | Around 0.88 | [411] |
232 | --- | 0.57 | --- | --- | 4.2 (at 200 mA) | --- | [412] |
254 | Al0.64Ga0.36N/Al0.78Ga0.22N MQW | 1.2 | --- | 350 | 3.2 (at 75 mA) | Around 2.61 | [413] |
258 | Al0.6Ga0.4N/Al0.74Ga0.26N MQW | 2.2 | --- | 350 | 7 (at 75 mA) | Around 5.71 | [414] |
265 | Al0.6Ga0.4N/AlxGa1−xN (x > 0.6) MQW | 11 | 7.6 | --- | --- | --- | [354] |
275 | Al0.4Ga0.6N/Al0.55Ga0.45N MQW | 20.3 | --- | --- | 18.3 (at 20 mA) | --- | [353] |
275 | Al0.4Ga0.6N/Al0.55Ga0.45N MQW | --- | --- | --- | 44.2 (at 50 mA) | --- | [353] |
275 | Al0.45Ga0.55N/Al0.6Ga0.4N MQW | 1.2 | --- | 20 | Around 0.15 (at around 6 mA) | 86 | [414] |
278 | Al0.39Ga0.61N/Al0.6Ga0.4N MQW | --- | --- | --- | 8 (at around 100 mA) | 8.2 | [415] |
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Fan, X.; Shi, J.; Chen, Y.; Miao, G.; Jiang, H.; Song, H. A Comprehensive Review of Group-III Nitride Light-Emitting Diodes: From Millimeter to Micro-Nanometer Scales. Micromachines 2024, 15, 1188. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi15101188
Fan X, Shi J, Chen Y, Miao G, Jiang H, Song H. A Comprehensive Review of Group-III Nitride Light-Emitting Diodes: From Millimeter to Micro-Nanometer Scales. Micromachines. 2024; 15(10):1188. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi15101188
Chicago/Turabian StyleFan, Xinye, Jiawang Shi, Yiren Chen, Guoqing Miao, Hong Jiang, and Hang Song. 2024. "A Comprehensive Review of Group-III Nitride Light-Emitting Diodes: From Millimeter to Micro-Nanometer Scales" Micromachines 15, no. 10: 1188. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi15101188
APA StyleFan, X., Shi, J., Chen, Y., Miao, G., Jiang, H., & Song, H. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of Group-III Nitride Light-Emitting Diodes: From Millimeter to Micro-Nanometer Scales. Micromachines, 15(10), 1188. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi15101188