Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Crop Yield Estimation Based on Sentinel-2 Data: A Comprehensive Survey
:1. Introduction
2. Remote Sensing and Technologies in PA
3. Yield Estimation and AI in PA
4. Sentinel-2 in Yield Estimation
5. Previous Review Studies and Contribution of the Study
- No previous review articles have examined Sentinel-2-based yield prediction studies. Therefore, this study is significant.
- The reviewed studies are recent (2019–2024).
- The crops used in previous yield studies and the types of VIs calculated are presented in a simple overview with a table.
6. Previous Sentinel-2 and Crop Yield Estimation Works
6.1. Studies Using Only ML Techniques
6.2. Studies Using DL Techniques
6.3. Studies Using Ensemble Methods
7. Interpretation of Previous Studies
8. Discussion
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Abbreviation | Definition | Formula |
ARI2 | Anthocyanin Reflectance Index | |
ARVI | Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index | |
AWEI | Automated Water Extraction Index | |
BNDVI | Blue Normalized Diference Vegetation Index | |
CCCI | Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index | |
CIRed | Chlorophyll Index red edge | |
CIVE | Color Index of Vegetation Extraction | |
CMFI | Cropping Management Factor Index | |
CRI2 | Carotenoid Reflectance Index | |
CVI | Chlorophyll vegetation index | |
DVI | Difference Vegetation Index | |
EVI | Enhanced Vegetation Index | |
EVI2 | Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 | |
ExG | Excess Green | |
GARI | Green Atmospherically Resistant Index | |
GCVI | Green chlorophyll vegetation index | |
GDVI | Green Difference Vegetation Index | |
GLI | Green Leaf Index | |
GNDVI | Green normalized difference vegetation index | |
GRRI | Green-red ratio Index | |
GRVI | Green-Red Vegetation Index | |
GSAVI | Green Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index | |
IPVI | Infrared percentage vegetation index | |
IRECI | Inverted Red-Edge Chlorophyll Index | |
LAI | Leaf Area ındex | |
LSWI | Land surface water index | |
MNLI | Modified Non-linear Index | |
MNDWI | Modified Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | |
MSAVI | Modified soil adjusted vegetation index | |
MSRI | Modified Simple Ratio Index | |
NBR | Normalized Burn Ratio | |
NDBI | Normalized difference built-up index | |
NDII | Normalized Diference Infrared Index 1 | |
NDII2 | Normalized Diference Infrared Index 2 | |
NDRE1 | Normalized difference red edge1 | |
NDRE2 | Normalized difference red edge2 | |
NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | |
NDVIRE | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Red-edge | |
NDWI | Normalized Difference Water Index | |
NGBDI | Normalized green-blue difference Index | |
NGRDI | Normalized Green–Red Difference Index | |
NLI | Non-linear Index | |
NMDI | Normalized Multiband Drought Index | |
OSAVI | Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index | |
PSRI | Plant Senescence Reflectance Index | |
PVI | Perpendicular Vegetation Index | |
RDVI | Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index | |
REP | Red Edge Position | |
RGVI | Rice growth vegetation index | |
RVI | Ratio vegetation index | |
SAVI | Soil-adjusted vegetation index | |
SIPI | Structure Intensive Pigment Vegetation Index | |
SRI | Simple ratio index | |
TCARI | Transformed Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index | |
TGI | Triangular Greenness Index | |
TVI | Triangular vegetation index | |
VARI | Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index | |
VDVI | Visible-Band Difference Vegetation Index | |
WDRVI | Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index | |
WDVI | Weighted Difference Vegetation Index |
Appendix B
Abbreviation | Definition |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
ARD | Automatic relevance determination |
ACNN | Attention-Based One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network |
BO-CatBoost | Bayesian optimized CatBoost |
BR | Boosting regression |
BRDF | Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
DT | Decision Tree |
DNN | Deep Neural Network |
GPR | Gaussian process regression |
KNN | K-Nearest Neighbor |
LASSO | Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator |
LR | Linear Regression |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error |
MAPE | Mean Absolute Percentage Error |
MLPNN | Multilayer perceptron neural network |
MLR | Multiple linear regression |
MSE | Mean Squared Error |
PLSR | Partial Least Squares Regression |
RF | Random Forest |
RID | Ridge Regression |
RMSE | Root Mean Squared Error |
RR | Ridge Regression |
SCL | Scene Classification |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
SPAD | Soil Plant Analysis Development |
SR | Stepwise Regression |
STACK | Stacked Averaging Ensemble |
SVM | Support Vector Model |
SVR | Support Vector Regression |
VI | Vegetation indices |
XGBoost | Extreme Gradient Boosting |
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No | Study | Publication Year | Crop Type | VI | Learning Method |
1 | Hunt, Blackburn, Carrasco, Redhead and Rowland [33] | 2019 | Wheat | GCVI, GNDVI, NDVI, SRI | RF |
2 | Kayad, Sozzi, Gatto, Marinello and Pirotti [34] | 2019 | Corn | NDVI, NDRE1, NDRE2, GNDVI, GARVI, EVI, WDRVI, mWDRVI, GCVI | RF, SVM, MLR |
3 | Gómez, Salvador, Sanz and Casanova [35] | 2019 | Potato | ARI2, CRI2, IRECI2, LCC, NDVI, PSRI, WDVI | RF, SVM, LR |
4 | Zhao, Potgieter, Zhang, Wu and Hammer [36] | 2020 | Wheat | NDVI, OSAVI, SR, DVI, EVI, EVI2, CIred, TCARI, TO, GCVI, GDVI, NDRE1, NDRE2, CCCI | LR |
5 | Fernandez-Beltran, Baidar, Kang and Pla [51] | 2021 | Rice | NDVI | CNN, LR, RID, SVR, GPR |
6 | Narin, Sekertekin, Saygin, Balik Sanli and Gullu [52], | 2021 | Sunflower | NDVI, NDVIRed | LR, ANN, CNN |
7 | Franch, Bautista, Fita, Rubio, Tarrazó-Serrano, Sánchez, Skakun, Vermote, Becker-Reshef and Uris [19] | 2021 | Rice | WDRVI, SAVI, RVI, LSWI, NDBI, TVI, IPVI, RGVI, CIred, NDRE1, NDRE2 | LR |
8 | Nazir, Ullah, Saqib, Abbas, Ali, Iqbal, Hussain, Shakir, Shah and Butt [37] | 2021 | Rice | NDVI, EVI, SAVI, REP | PLSR |
9 | Son, Chen, Cheng, Toscano, Chen, Chen, Tseng, Syu, Guo and Zhang [38], | 2022 | Rice | EVI | RF, SVM, ANN |
10 | Marshall, Belgiu, Boschetti, Pepe, Stein and Nelson [39] | 2022 | Corn, rice, soybean, wheat | NDVI | PLSR, RF |
11 | Crusiol, Sun, Sibaldelli, Junior, Furlaneti, Chen, Sun, Wuyun, Chen, Nanni, Furlanetto, Cezar, Nepomuceno and Farias [40] | 2022 | Soybean | BNDVI, GNDVI, NDVI, NDRE, NDII, NDII 2, EVI1, EVI2 | PLSR, SVR |
12 | Ashourloo, Manafifard, Behifar and Kohandel [41] | 2022 | Wheat | NDVI, SR, GCVI, GNDVI, WDRVI, DVI, EVI, SAVI, GRRI, NGBDI | KNN, NN, DT, SVR, GPR, RF, LR, SR |
13 | Bebie, Cavalaris and Kyparissis [42] | 2022 | Wheat | EVI, NMDI | RF, KNN, BR |
14 | Segarra, Araus and Kefauver [43] | 2022 | Wheat | GNDVI, NDVI, RVI, EVI, TGI, NGRDI, CVI | RF, SVM, BR |
15 | Abebe, Tadesse and Gessesse [44] | 2022 | Sugarcane | NDVI, EVI, SAVI, MSAVI, SR, GNDVI, SIRI | SVR, MLPNN, MLR |
16 | Pejak, Lugonja, Antić, Panić, Pandžić, Alexakis, Mavrepis, Zhou, Marko and Crnojević [57] | 2022 | Soya | NDVI, EVI, ARVI, SAVI, NDVIRed, VARI, NDWI, MNDWI, VDVI, NLI, MNLI, NMDI, GLI, ExG, CIVE, AWEI, GRVI, GARI, DVI, LAI | MLR, SVM, XGBoost, SGD |
17 | Perich, Turkoglu, Graf, Wegner, Aasen, Walter and Liebisch [53] | 2023 | Winter Wheat | NDVI, GCVI | Four S2 scenes, RNN |
18 | Bhumiphan, Nontapon, Kaewplang, Srihanu, Koedsin and Huete [17] | 2023 | Rubber | GSAVI, MSRI, NBR, NDVI, NR, and RVI | LR, MLR |
19 | Faqe Ibrahim, Rasul and Abdullah [45] | 2023 | Wheat | EVI, NDVI, NDWI, SAVI, SRI, RVI, GRVI, NDRE, CMFI, chlorophyll, LAI | LR |
20 | Desloires, Ienco and Botrel [21] | 2023 | Corn | GNDVI, NDRE, NDWI, LAI, LCC | RR, RF, SVR, MLP, XGBoost, STACK |
21 | Zhang, Zhang, Liu, Lan, Gao and Li [16] | 2023 | Wheat | NDVI, GNDVI, RVI, EVI2, WDRVI | BO-CatBoost, LASSO, SVM, RF |
22 | Darra, Espejo-Garcia, Kasimati, Kriezi, Psomiadis and Fountas [18] | 2023 | Tomato | NDVI, WDVI, PVI, RVI, SAVI | ARD&SVR (Ensemble) |
23 | Amankulova, Farmonov and Mucsi [46] | 2023 | Sunflower | NDVI | RF |
24 | Nuraeni and Manessa [46] | 2023 | Tea Leaves | NDVI | RF, SVM |
25 | Xiao, Zhang, Niu, Li, Li, Zhong and Huang [54] | 2024 | Wheat | LSWI, IRECI, GCVI, NDVI | ACNN, RF |
26 | Mancini, Solfanelli, Coviello, Martini, Mandolesi and Zanoli [55] | 2024 | Wheat | NDVI, NDRE | PLSR, VGG16, VGG19, MobileNetv2 |
27 | Madugundu, Al-Gaadi, Tola, Edrris, Edrees and Alameen [48] | 2024 | Carrot | NDVI, RDVI, GNDVI, SIPI, GLI | RF |
28 | Kamenova, Chanev, Dimitrov, Filchev, Bonchev, Zhu and Dong [49] | 2024 | Winter Wheat | GNDVI | RF, SVM |
29 | Amankulova, Farmonov, Abdelsamei, Szatmári, Khan, Zhran, Rustamov, Akhmedov, Sarimsakov and Mucsi [56] | 2024 | Soybean | NDVI, GNDVI, NDRE, EVI, SAVI | ANN, DNN, KNN, RF, SVR, XGBoost |
30 | de Freitas, Oldoni, Joaquim, Pozzuto and do Amaral [50] | 2024 | Soybean | EVI, GNDVI, GRNDVI, NDMI, NDRE, NDVI, SFDVI | RF |
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Aslan, M.F.; Sabanci, K.; Aslan, B. Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Crop Yield Estimation Based on Sentinel-2 Data: A Comprehensive Survey. Sustainability 2024, 16, 8277.
Aslan MF, Sabanci K, Aslan B. Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Crop Yield Estimation Based on Sentinel-2 Data: A Comprehensive Survey. Sustainability. 2024; 16(18):8277.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAslan, Muhammet Fatih, Kadir Sabanci, and Busra Aslan. 2024. "Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Crop Yield Estimation Based on Sentinel-2 Data: A Comprehensive Survey" Sustainability 16, no. 18: 8277.
APA StyleAslan, M. F., Sabanci, K., & Aslan, B. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Crop Yield Estimation Based on Sentinel-2 Data: A Comprehensive Survey. Sustainability, 16(18), 8277.