Smarter Traffic Prediction Using Big Data, In-Memory Computing, Deep Learning and GPUs
<p>Prediction workflow.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>A depiction of vehicles data collected from PeMS (24 h) (November 2017).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Architecture of a deep neural network model with one input, one output and <span class="html-italic">k</span> hidden layers.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Traffic flow: Actual and predicted values for a single VDS.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Traffic flow: Sctual and predicted values for all 26 VDS.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Traffic flow: Actual and predicted values (average of all VDS) (48 h).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Traffic flow: Actual and predicted values (total of all VDS) (48 h).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Traffic Flow: MAE, MAPE, AND RMSE Evaluation Metrics.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Traffic speed: Actual and predicted values for a single VDS.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Traffic speed: Actual and predicted values (all VDS) (peak hour: 26 June 2017, 16:00–17:00).</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Traffic speed: Actual and predicted values (average of all VDS) (29 and 30 April 2017).</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Traffic speed: MAE, MAPE, and RMSE evaluation metrics.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Traffic occupancy: Actual and predicted values for a single VDS.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Traffic occupancy: Actual and predicted values (all 26 VDS) (peak hour).</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Traffic occupancy: Actual and predicted values (average of all VDS) (48 h).</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Traffic occupancy: MAE, MAPE, and RMSE evaluation metrics.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>MAPE calculated by comparing actual and predicted vehicles flow on weekends.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Comparison of original and predicted flow values on weekends.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>MAPE calculated by comparing actual and predicted vehicles flow on morning peak hours.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Comparison of original and predicted flow values on morning peak hours.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>MAPE calculated by comparing actual and predicted vehicles flow on evening peak hours.</p> "> Figure 22
<p>Comparison of original and predicted flow values on evening peak hours.</p> "> Figure 23
<p>Model execution time while making predictions using the pre-trained models.</p> "> Figure 24
<p>Comparison of deep model execution time on CPUs and GPUs.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
3.1. Prediction Workflow
3.2. Dataset
3.3. Input Data Processing
Algorithm 1 Input dataset parsing. |
Input: Multiple data files from PeMS archived datasets. |
Output: Parsed sub-datasets files to be used as training, testing, and prediction datasets. |
1: |
2: for do |
3: |
4: |
5: end for |
6: |
7: for do |
8: |
9: |
10: |
11: |
12: end for |
13: |
14: |
15: for do |
16: for do |
17: if is NA then |
18: |
19: end if |
20: end for |
21: end for |
22: for do |
23: |
24: for do |
25: |
26: end for |
27: end for |
28: |
29: |
3.4. Deep Model Architecture
Algorithm 2 Deep model algorithm. |
Input: Parsed input data for training. |
Output: Prediction results. |
1: {e.g., Repeat each model 10 times} |
2: {If using multiple datasets} |
3: |
4: {Different batch sizes} |
5: {Set number of epochs} |
6: while do |
7: |
8: |
9: for all in do |
10: for all in do |
11: while do |
12: |
13: |
14: |
15: |
16: |
17: |
18: |
19: |
20: |
21: end while |
22: {Reset repeat counter} |
23: end for |
24: end for |
25: |
26: end while |
3.5. Validation
4. Experiments and Analysis
4.1. Traffic Flow Prediction
4.2. Traffic Speed Prediction
4.3. Traffic Occupancy Prediction
4.4. Comparative Analysis
- Prediction Method: It gives an idea about different prediction techniques and we can identify which of them performs better under which circumstances.
- Prediction Attribute: Which traffic data attribute has been predicted using the proposed method. Prediction accuracy may differ while predicting different traffic data attributes.
- Input Dataset: What is the source of input dataset? This is important because it tells about the way it is collected and we can know about the data health.
- Dataset Size: How big your input dataset is in terms of number of records in it. This is important because especially for deep learning it affects the training process.
- Data Collection Duration: It makes the data more diverse because if we are collecting, e.g., one month data, then our deep network may not know about the events/factors that occurs in other months.
- Evaluation Criteria: This is the metric used to compare the values obtained by using different performance metrics, e.g., MAE and MAPE.
4.5. Prediction from Pre-Trained Deep Models
4.5.1. Traffic Flow Prediction: Weekends
4.5.2. Traffic Flow Prediction: Morning Peak Hours
4.5.3. Traffic Flow Prediction: Evening Peak Hours
5. Performance Enhancement for Real-Time Prediction
5.1. Real-Time Prediction Using Pre-Trained Deep Models
5.2. Comparison of Deep Model Execution Time on CPUs and GPUs
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Attribute Name | Description |
1 | Timestamp | Defines the time when data is captured at a vehicle detector station (VDS). Timestamp gives both date and time when data was calculated at a specific VDS. |
2 | StationId | Id of a vehicle detector station (VDS). In these data, station id is a numeric value. |
3 | StationTotalFlow | Total number of vehicles passed through a specific VDS at a specific time interval. |
4 | StationAvgOcc | Average occupancy rate; calculated at a VDS at a given time interval defined in timestamp attribute. |
5 | StationAvgSpeed | Average speed calculated at a specific VDS at specific time interval. |
6 | StationPercent Observed | Number of lanes at this VDS station |
7 | Lane1TotalFlow | Number of vehicles in Lane1 |
8 | Lane1AvgOcc | Average occupancy calculated w.r.t. lane1 |
9 | Lane1AvgSpeed | Average speed calculated at lane1 |
10 | Lane1Observed | Either values observed or imputed for lane1 |
11 | Lane2TotalFlow | Number of vehicles in Lane2 |
12 | Lane2AvgOcc | Average occupancy calculated w.r.t. lane2 |
13 | Lane2AvgSpeed | Average speed calculated at lane2 |
14 | Lane2Observed | Either values observed or imputed for lane2 |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
35 | Lane8TotalFlow | Number of vehicles in Lane8 |
36 | Lane8AvgOcc | Average occupancy calculated w.r.t. lane8 |
37 | Lane8AvgSpeed | Average speed calculated at lane8 |
38 | Lane8Observed | Either values observed or imputed for lane8 |
No. | Attribute Name | Description |
1 | stationId | This attribute defines the numeric value assigned to each vehicle detector station (VDS) on the highway. VDSs in PeMS are the data collection points on highways. Data used in this experiment include I5-N highway and has 26 VDSs. |
2 | dayOfMonth | Defines the day of a month in a Gregorian calendar in “dd” format. Thus, its value ranges from 1 to 31. This could be helpful in getting some traffic flow trends on some specific events, e.g traffic flow on Christmas every year. |
3 | month | Gives the numeric value for a Gregorian month in “mm” format and its value ranges from 1 to 12. |
4 | year | Value for a Gregorian year in the “yyyy” format. |
5 | hours | Clock hours in numbers starting from 0 to 23. This could help us identifying traffic flow trends and other information in specific hours in a day, e.g., traffic flow at 9 a.m. |
6 | weekDays | Day of a week, e.g., Monday. weekDays values are also in numeric format ranging from 1 to 7 where 1 represents Sunday, and 7 represents Saturday. This is important in identifying specific trends on specific days, e.g., on weekends. |
7–18 | flow (flow_00, flow_05, flow_10, …, flow_55) | As defined on PeMS, flow defines the number of vehicles passing through a vehicle detector station (VDS). In this dataset, we used five-minute interval flow values where the flow_00 defines the aggregated vehicle flow calculated at a VDS during the first five minutes of an hour. Similarly, flow_55 defines the aggregated flow value at a VDS during the last five minutes of the hour. |
No. | Description | Values |
1 | Number of input parameters | 17 |
2 | Number of output parameters | 1 |
3 | Number of hidden layers | 4 |
4 | Hidden units in each layer resp. | 85, 425, 425, 85 |
5 | Batch size | 500, 5000 |
6 | Number of epochs | 100, 500, 1000 |
7 | Activation function |
No. | Description | Values |
1 | Number of input parameters | 17 |
2 | Number of output parameters | 1 |
3 | Number of hidden layers | 5 |
4 | Hidden units in each layer resp. | 17, 85, 425, 425, 85 |
5 | Batch size | 1000, 5000, 10,000 |
6 | Number of epochs | 100, 200 |
7 | Activation function |
No. | Description | Values |
1 | Number of input parameters | 17 |
2 | Number of output parameters | 1 |
3 | Number of hidden layers | 5 |
4 | Hidden units in each layer resp. | 17, 85, 425, 425, 85 |
5 | Batch size | 1000, 5000, 10000 |
6 | Number of epochs | 100, 200 |
7 | Activation function |
No. | Reference | Method | Forecast Parameter | Input Dataset | Dataset Size | Data Duration | Minimum MAPE |
1 | [26] | LSTM | Flow | Beijing Traffic Management Bureau | 500 observation stations, 26 million records | 6 months | 6.05 |
2 | [23] | Auto- encoders | Flow | PeMS | For all the highways in the system (GBs) | 3 months | 6.75 |
3 | [27] | CNN, LSTM | Flow | PeMS | Includes 60 VDSs | 2 months | NA |
4 | [84] | DBNs | Flow | PeMS | Roads with top 50 traffic flow values | 12 months | 9 |
5 | [30] | LSTM | Speed | Self deployed detectors | Two sensors, 42387 records | 1 month | 3.78 |
6 | This paper | LSTM | Speed | PeMS | Dataset used in our model | 11 years | 3.5 |
7 | This paper | SVM | Speed | PeMS | Dataset used in our model | 11 years | 4.6 |
8 | Our Model | CNN | Speed | PeMS | Dataset used in our model | 11 years | 2.59 |
9 | Our Model | CNN | Flow | PeMS | Dataset used in our model | 11 years | 5.96 |
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Aqib, M.; Mehmood, R.; Alzahrani, A.; Katib, I.; Albeshri, A.; Altowaijri, S.M. Smarter Traffic Prediction Using Big Data, In-Memory Computing, Deep Learning and GPUs. Sensors 2019, 19, 2206.
Aqib M, Mehmood R, Alzahrani A, Katib I, Albeshri A, Altowaijri SM. Smarter Traffic Prediction Using Big Data, In-Memory Computing, Deep Learning and GPUs. Sensors. 2019; 19(9):2206.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAqib, Muhammad, Rashid Mehmood, Ahmed Alzahrani, Iyad Katib, Aiiad Albeshri, and Saleh M. Altowaijri. 2019. "Smarter Traffic Prediction Using Big Data, In-Memory Computing, Deep Learning and GPUs" Sensors 19, no. 9: 2206.
APA StyleAqib, M., Mehmood, R., Alzahrani, A., Katib, I., Albeshri, A., & Altowaijri, S. M. (2019). Smarter Traffic Prediction Using Big Data, In-Memory Computing, Deep Learning and GPUs. Sensors, 19(9), 2206.