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I have and input parameter to a procedure called shift:=05. It sets the position of test between to points.

this particular procedure has two potential sets of text one in Q and the other in vec.
Can Q and vec have the own individual values for shift?

I have shown the input to the procedure and what it outputs. The procedure itself to too long and akward to the post.

Also given is the input definiton of the procedure and how I could possibly find a shift in a list.



#with( RationalTrigonometry)


# shift operates as such mp:=P1+shift*(P2-P1). It's default value 0.5 It moves
#   the text along between P1 and P2
# shift and shift are optional inputs to move individual test pieces.
#If Q contains shift then use it else use shift
  qp:=P1+shift*(P2-P1) or qp:=P1+shift*(P2-P1)
#Similarily for vec

Qdim([P1,typeset("P1=",P1),align=[left],colour=red] ,
     [P2,typeset("P2=",P2),align=[right],colour=purple] ,
      Q=[Q_12,align =[below,right],shift=0.6] ,
      point=[symbolsize=12,symbol=solidcircle,colour=blue,shift=0.4] ,

#The definition input of the procedure is


#proc(P1, P2,
#    {Q:=[ NULL,:-align={':-left'}]},
#        {corp::{"cart","proj"}:="cart"},
#        {shift:=0.5},
#        {vec::list:=[]},
#        {scale::{list,integer}:=1},
#        {leader::{-1,0,1}:= 1},
#        {dimoffset::{1/6,1/5,1/4,3/4,2/3,1/2,1/3,1,3/2,2,3,4,5,6}:=1},
#        {point::list:=['color' = ':-blue', symbol = ':-solidcircle', 'symbolsize' = 8]},
#        {line::list:=['thickness'=3]},
#        {plopts::list:=[]})


Q:=[Q_12,shift=0.6,align =[below,right]]  


[Q_12, shift = .6, align = [below, right]]





for i to nops(Q) do
 if has([op(Q[i])],`shift`) then
end if;
end do;

2, .6




Download 2024-09-18_Select_name_and_Value_from_List.mw

When I annotate a MapleFlow worksheet, I would like to typset some text as a superscript or a subscript for clarity, and to match the math expression. Is there a method to format text using superscripts and subscripts?

Writing an explanatory paragrah i want to use an approximately equal symbol. How can I do this? The palette has lots of symbols but not what in latex would be done with \approx

As I upgraded to Maple 2021 I quickly noticed the missing text format bar. I've looked into the view tabs and done a bit of search, but I can't figure out how to get it back. I mostly use document mode, so I miss it dearly.

Thank you in advance.


   My question should have a straight forward answer but after considerable searching I am unable to find one that is satisfactory. I am new to Maple.

I am writing an exam question, and I would like to change the parameter values to create different versions of the same question. I begin by defining the parameters and defining the supply schedule:

n:= 10: alpha:= -60: beta:= 20:

Qs:= alpha + beta*P;

The question with text and inserted math appears as follows (after each math expression I use CTRL = to generate an inline expression):

There are n = 10 identical firms. Supply is given by Qs = 20 P - 60. When P := 4 = 4 then quantity supplied is equal to Qs = 20. Calculate the ...

What I want instead is the following:

There are 10 identical firms. Supply is given by Qs = 20 P - 60. When P = 4 then quantity supplied is equal to 20.  Calculate the ...

I want the values highlighted in blue to update if I change the values for n, alpha and beta, and then click the !!! button in the Maple menu. I am okay with moving the "P = 4" out of the question and defining it as a parameter along with n, alpha and beta. However, when I do this Qs evaluates as a value rather than the Qs = 20P - 60 expression.

Thank you very much.



I'm trying to create a graph using a matrix that has numbers and text values, how can I specify that some values of the matrix are strings and others are numbers? I'd like to create something like this

Does there exist a way in Maple that you can detect a change in a text file without having
to constantly having to call the readdata which keep the command prompt busy in Maple.

In this code created by Acer a long while back. I can't figure out how to increase the length of the text rotating so the letters don't collide with one another.

Here is the code.


# One (of many) STL format collections of the English alphabet:
#     http://www.stlfinder.com/model/all-alphabet-letters-a-z
basedir:=cat(kernelopts(homedir), "/My Documents/stl/All_Alphabet_Letters_A-Z"):

getletter:=L->Import(cat(basedir, "/Letter_", L, ".stl"),

letters := [m,a,p,l,e]:

for letter in letters do
  if not assigned(AZ[letter]) then
  end if;
end do:

with(plottools): with(plots):

               seq(translate(AZ[letters[i]], 40*(i-1)+15, 0, 0),

Rplot:=transform((x,y,z)->[z,x,y])(scale(Rplot, 5/6*2*Pi/200, 1/5, 1/20, [0,0,10])):

display(changecoords(Rplot,cylindrical), scaling=constrained, axes=none,
        orientation=[0,90,0], viewpoint=[circleright], frames=50);

Here is the file with the letters


We can see the context of  Matlab code in the Windows preview pane as follows, but we can' t see the context of Maple codes.

I wonder whether it is possible for Maple, too or not. Is there any method to achieve this? Because it really offers a great advantage for the fast browsing context of code in a folder that includes a lot of maple files.


(I use Maple 2019 and Windows 10)



I have two equations 

(i) x=t^2;

(ii) y=t^3;

I want to plot these two equations into a single graph [i.e. combine these two graphs: graph of x versus t (solid line, bule color), and graph of y versus t (dash line, red color)].

How do I customise the location of the legend? I want the legend located inside the blank space of graph (say, at top-right corner ) with vertical alignment. Thank you.

That is something simililar to the following graph:

I'm using a maple doc to do a homework assignment that is mostly text with only a few equations and math sections. I need to draw a table of material properties in, and when I create a table all the cells default to math inputs. Because of this if I try to evaluate the entire document I get tons of blue evaluation numbers in the table that I don't want, since all the mateial properties show up as math. I can set each cell to text one by one but there are like 30 cells and it's tedious. How do I set the entire table so that each cell is a text cell?

The integral int(x, x);
Error, missing operator or `;`


So from this


I tried to switch between both modes, but I get the error above. Why does it not work? Do I need to consider something else? I'm switching with F5. The text is red and math is 2d math black.



Also the [CTRL]+[=] doesn't work in this german version, since I would need to press

[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[=] which doesn't work.


how can i write the tittle on the plot exampe below pic

inequal({sqrt((1/2)*x) < y and sqrt(Pi/(2*x)) < y and y < sqrt(x) and y < sqrt(Pi/x)}, x = 1 .. 3, y = 0 .. 2);

Hi there,

Guess the title is already the full question. I want to write mathematical expressions in 2D math within a text segment of my Maple 15 document, but it should not be recognised as an execution group. How can I do this?


How do you way text below

Maple 2015 

if i use function cat() is not 


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