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Items tagged with image

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I have a Dataframe of data, although I assume this question applies to any type of rTable-like structure.

What is a simple/elegant way to export the image of the data to a JPG file?  I would be happy to see it in the format when I ask it to print the Dataframe, or when I use DocumentTools:-Tabulate.

Can a plot be output to a pixel array?                                                  

I have this image on a vase and I want to flatten it using Maple to see how it would look on a flat piece of paper.  How can we go about it. 

The image is attached.


I'd like to use Maple to make measurements on a map (Dealey Plaza). I can load an image in Sketcher and draw lines on it, but can't figure out how to access the lengths of those lines.


estart; with(Physics); with(LinearAlgebra); with(VectorCalculus); with(Optimization); with(Statistics); with(ArrayTools); with(plottools); with(plots); with(Threads); with(MmaTranslator[Mma]), with(StringTools); with(CodeGeneration); VectorCalculus:-`*`(Setup(mathematicalnotation = true), Setup(coordinatesystems = cartesian))



[annulus, arc, arrow, circle, cone, cuboid, curve, cutin, cutout, cylinder, disk, dodecahedron, ellipse, ellipticArc, exportplot, extrude, getdata, hemisphere, hexahedron, homothety, hyperbola, icosahedron, importplot, line, octahedron, parallelepiped, pieslice, point, polygon, prism, project, rectangle, reflect, rotate, scale, sector, semitorus, sphere, stellate, tetrahedron, torus, transform, translate]


`Default differentiation variables for d_, D_ and dAlembertian are:`*{X = (x, y, z, t)}


`Systems of spacetime Coordinates are:`*{X = (x, y, z, t)}








Download DealeyPlazaToo.mw

My Maple-Program is creating svg-files (or PNG) in a squared format.
There are a lot of these files in a local folder.
I would like to add a white surrounding frame (10% of the Imagesize) to it and afterwards store it as a TIFF file.

Studying ImageTools I have not found a way to solve this with ImageTools.

Until now I am using a graphic software to add a frame and store as TIFF in a desired resolution.

Now I plan to do this process automatically with maple.

Thanks for support :)

Just need some help using URL:-Get

Get("https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/browse/2023/05/05/20230505 _184918_512_0304.jpg")

I'm sure there are some tags to use but not sure how.  The site does show a script on best practices, but at the moment don't know how to apply them.  Can anyone offer some help?

Is it possible to read in specific parts of a bmp image? 

It would be nice to have a point probe for images ie.pixel location. 

U1 := Read("C:/Users/S/Desktop/StarPicture.jpg"):

ttt0 := textplot([0 + 0.5, (5 + 0) - 0.5, " Star ", color = "blue", font = ["times", "roman", "bold", 40]]):
display(ttt0, U1, axes = none, size = [400, 160]);

This is the error I get:

Error, (in plots:-display) cannot display array with other plots

I can see Maple doesn't allow adding images to plots. But is there a way around that?

I want to be able to virtually have a white box that I can add plots to such as curves, text, and images at certain locations etc? I want to do that with actual Maple code in the worksheet, without having to mouse-clicking Menu, insert, etc.


macOS 12.3 + Maple 2021.2

* select a region on a document
* context click
* --> Copy as image

Copy as image does not put an image on the clipboard.

What is solution?

Happy Valentine’s Day! Love is celebrated all around the world on this day, but did you know of some other love celebrations, and some of the mythology around the holiday?

First of all, Cupid. We all know of the image of Cupid and his bow, shooting arrows to make couples fall in love. But where exactly did this come from?

Cupid is a Latin deity, the son of Venus and Mars. With his parents being love and war, it’s no surprise that he ended up with a bow! In one legend, he shoots a golden arrow at Apollo, which makes him fall in love with a nymph. Unfortunately for Apollo, he also shoots a lead arrow at the nymph, making her repulsed by him.

Roses are another popular tradition with Valentine’s Day. Red roses persist as a symbol of Aphrodite, the mother of Cupid, and are a symbol of love. Did you know you can draw them in Maple Learn with our geometry palette? See one rendition below of a stained glass rose. The link to the document is HERE.

Now, there are a few other love traditions around the world. Did you know that not everyone celebrates love only on Valentine’s Day? There are other important days around the world, and some pre-date Valentine’s Day.

For example, in China, the Miao people celebrate the Sister’s Meal Festival, likely our earliest form of a Valentine’s Day tradition in the world. This occurs in March. Young women make dyed rice representing the different seasons, and when the men come by to sing, they give them packages of the rice. Inside the rice are objects, each with different meanings. A pair of red chopsticks means the woman returns the man’s affection, while one red chopstick is a polite refusal. A clove of garlic or a chili pepper means a strong refusal, and pine needles mean that she is waiting for him to woo her.

We’ve created a document to join in on the fun, even if you’re not participating in this Festival this year. Follow the link HERE to work with fraction tiles to pack your own rice packages, and your own responses to declarations of love. 

We hope everyone has a lovely Valentine’s day!

Hi! I want to make animation from the sequence below to download but it's not working I mean that it's ok when I want to see animation on display but it cannot be seen as something like "display(seq(...,a=1..100),insequence=true)" which is easy to export

M := seq(Mandelbrot(500, -0.17225 - evalf(a/100000) + (0.660347 + evalf(a/100000))*I, -0.17115 - evalf(a/100000) + (0.66116 + evalf(a/100000))*I, iterationlimit = 3000, output = layer1, cutoff = 10000), a = 1 .. 100);
seq([Embed(M[j])], j = 1 .. 100);

How to insert icons in a plot at given coordinates as shown below:

Yes, that’s right! You can now add images to your Maple Learn documents! Whether you’re adding a diagram to help visualize a physics concept, inserting the logo or your school or organization, or just adding a cute selfie so that everyone knows how great you looked while making this document, you can add any image you’d like using the image icon on the toolbar. You’ll need to be logged in to access this new feature, but luckily making an account is completely free!

To insert the image, just click the image icon and select the image you want from your computer or tablet. To resize it, highlight the image and click the image icon again. You can also turn the image into a hyperlink by highlight the image and clicking the link button! Now, not only will your document look snazzy, but it can take you anywhere you’d like.

Images aren’t the only exciting new feature in Maple Learn. If you were excited by all the circles in the last set of updates, then you’re going to love this one, because we’ve introduced the Circle command! Just plug in the centre of the circle and the radius, and bam, circle. What’s more, you can easily turn your circle into an arc by adding the angle measures of the two endpoints of the arc. Infinitely customizable round objects, right at your fingertips. To learn more, check out the How-To documents Using the Circle Command and Plotting Arcs.

Ancient Greek mathematicians thought that there was nothing that couldn’t be constructed with only a compass and a straightedge. A wise math professor once tasked my class with using these same tools to draw a pretty picture. With Maple Learn’s Circle function and ability to graph straight lines, you have all the tools you need to complete this same task! We look forward to seeing the results.


I try to find kernel and image of a application whose i know the matrix.
A := Matrix([[1, 1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, -1, -1], [1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1, 3]]);
k := op(NullSpace(A));#kernel
MatrixVectorMultiply(A, k);#check
C := op(ColumnSpace(A));
X := <x, y, z, t>;
F := MatrixVectorMultiply(A, X) - a*C[1] - b*C[2] - c*C[2];
G := op(convert(F, list));
solve({seq(G[i] = 0, i = 1 .. 4)}, {a, b, c}); why there is no solution ? Thank you.

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