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Items tagged with division

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How to get remainder of this two polynomials?

Remainder(a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d, 3*a*x^2 + 2*b*x + c, x);

Only for my understanding. In the following I need to use expand to apply division to list elements when the divisor is a name:

[a, b]*(1/2)

[(1/2)*a, (1/2)*b]


[a, b]/c

[a, b]/c


expand([a, b]/c)

[a/c, b/c]



Does in this case automatic simplification make a difference between numbers and names? (Probably this is explained somewhere.)

Download div_of_list.mw


How can I force Maple to perform division on a fractional polynomial?  Here's an exmaple of what Im trying to do - I want rr and nsr to be divided and simplified and return a polynomial.

I can see from this that its doing what i want for integer exponents - just not fractions!

I've tried everything I can think of... Let me know! Thanks.

A polynomial divided by another polynomial of lower degree. I want to find the remainder and quotient. How do I get.

The question is what should I add to the numerator get perfect division when x-3 x  -12 x+19 is divided by x2+x-6.

I shd get the answer as 2x+5 to be added since the remainder is -2x-5.   (Note that x-3 x  -10 x+24 is excatly divided by 2+x-6.

Can any one state the code to get the answer.

Quotient ( ) and Remainder (  ) codes , i tried, donot know how to use them.

Thanks for help. Cheers. RK

I have

f:=a^6*o + a^5*i + a^4*u + a^3*q + a^2*t + a


f1:=7*a^6*p + 6*a^5*o + 5*a^4*i + 4*a^3*u + 3*a^2*q + 2*a*t + 1

I want to divide two functions f/f1 to produce a result.

a^2*t+ a^3*(-2*t^2 + 2*q)+ a^4*(4*t^3 - 7*t*q + 3*u)(-8*t^4 + 20*t^2*q - 6*q^3 - 10*t*u + 4*i)*a^5+a^6*(16*t^5 - 52*t^3*q + 33*t*q^3 + 28*t^2*u - 13*i*t - 17*u*q + 5*o)+O(a^7)


I have tried collect and asympt, the result is not satisfactory.


Hi everyone. Thank you all in advance.

My question: is there a function for quotient and reminder for something like:

(22*Pi/3, Pi/2)

I tried frem, rem, quo. Neither of them worked.

I've tried alot, but nothing seems to work. The problem occurres whenever im trying to use multiple SI Units in caculations that require division. Example:


Error, null

Parse:-ConvertTo1D, "invalid input %1", 3




Error, null

Parse:-ConvertTo1D, "invalid input %1", 6




Download Maple_prob1.mw



Hello people in mapleprimes,

I have a question.
I want to modify

a := rho^(epsilon-1)*a__01^(-k)*(N__E2/Omega+N__E1*mu)*(K+1)/mu;

But, I can't do that modification.

The key term is

I know how to use applyop, but even if I use it, I couldn't obtain b.

Please teach me about this.





I am working on a Dirichlet breakdown of primes. I need a way to check if a number is part of anothers number factorization.

Example: 30 = 2*3*5.

2 is therefore part of the ifactor of 30. 4 and 7 are not.
How do I check if, for instance, 7 is part of de factorization of 390?

Thanks in advance.

For remainder of division of a (multivariable) polynomial to several polynomials at a same time one can use NormalForm in Maple. It is easy to write a procedure to also show the division but I wonder if there is any determined command such as NormalForm for this aim?

I was looking for help on polynomial division using Maple via google. But I am having hard time deciphering this web page on quo command. Is this syntax supposed to work on some Maple version?




I also do not understand how the polynomial and the divisor are "entered" without it being assigned to variables like this. I thought it was the browser, but  I tried both Chrome and Firefox and they both show the same page.

Is the above using some new Maple product? I am using Maple 2015 on windows and I get an errors trying to type the above on my Maple worksheet.



3 different dia circular cheeses. same depth. minimize cuts such that its divided equaly among four people.

can be done in 3 cuts. can evem be done in 2







could some erudite richard provide maple solution to this Q. thx



How can i solve the problem? (Error, (in f) division by zero)


f := proc (z, n) local x, i, k, j;
for i to n
if i = n then x[i] := trunc(z/10^(n-1))
else x[i] := trunc((`mod`(z, 10^i))/10^(i-1))
end if
end do;
printf("The number %d has the digits:", z);
x[n+1] := 0;
for k from n by -1 to 1
x[n+1] := x[n+1]+x[k]
end do;
printf("The checksum is:");
for j to n
if `mod`(z, x[j]) = 0 then printf("The number is divisible by: %d\n", x[j])
else printf("The number is not divisible by: %d\n", x[j])
end if
end do;
for j to n
if `mod`(x[n+1], x[j]) = 0 then printf("The sum is divisible by: %d\n", x[j])
else printf("The sum is not divisible by: %d\n", x[j])
end if
end do
end proc;

f(12305, 4)

Error, (in f) division by zero

This is my code for the Extended Euclidean Algorthim which should return integer l, polynomials pi,ri,si,ti for 0<=i<=l+1. And polynomial qi for 1<=i<=l such that si(f)+ti(g) = ri and sl(f)+tl(g)=rl=GCD(f,g).
The problem is, I keep getting division by zero. Also it evaluates pi = lcoeff(ri-1 - qiri) to be zero, everytime. Even when I remove this it still says there is a division of zero, which must be coming from qi:=quo(ri-1,ri, x); however I do not know why considering the requirements for the loop are that r[i] not equal zero. I really could use a fresh pair of eyes to see what I've done wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



I have some data:

Matrix(10, 2, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (2, 1) = .5, (2, 2) = 3.25, (3, 1) = 1.0, (3, 2) = 5.82, (4, 1) = 1.5, (4, 2) = 7.50, (5, 1) = 2.0, (5, 2) = 8.79, (6, 1) = 2.5, (6, 2) = 9.83, (7, 1) = 3.0, (7, 2) = 10.66, (8, 1) = 3.5, (8, 2) = 11.35, (9, 1) = 4.0, (9, 2) = 11.94, (10, 1) = 4.5, (10, 2) = 12.46})


I want Maple to make a trendline fitting a Logarithmic function. I can make it output some function with this:

LeastSquares(`<,>`(.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5), `<,>`(3.25, 5.82, 7.50, 8.79, 9.83, 10.66, 11.35, 11.94, 12.46), x, curve = a+b*ln(x))

It outputs:



But please notice, the dataset in the function does not have the first 0 and 0. If i do that:

LeastSquares(`<,>`(0, .5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5), `<,>`(0, 3.25, 5.82, 7.50, 8.79, 9.83, 10.66, 11.35, 11.94, 12.46), x, curve = a+b*ln(x))

It outputs: 

Error, (in Matrix) numeric exception: division by zero


Besides that, i need the R-squard value for determinating how well it fits.


If i do the same thing i Excel the data set will give a formular: 5.5464ln(x)-0.2175 with a R-sward value of 0.9985.


How can i do this i maple?


Thanks in Advance!



Emil Kristensen

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