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MANTRA for Traders

Your Crypto 


Transparency? Always

Control? All yours

Security? Top-tier

Transparency? Always

Control? All yours

Security? Top-tier

Full transparency of funds facilitated by on-chain transactions

KYC & AML screening for enhanced user security

Audited smart contracts and institutional-grade infrastructure

On-chain staking coverage and insurance

Our Features

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$OM Staking

Get rewarded for simply staking on the MANTRA DEX.

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Earn yield on your USDC in a simple and secure way on MANTRA Vaults. Get exposure to certain asset and its associated staking rewards without going through the cumbersome process of purchasing & staking it manually.

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Enjoy a smooth trading experience while instantly exchanging one asset for another.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon

<svg width="2.5em" height="2.5em" viewBox="0 0 41 40" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.1629 31.3948C6.44536 28.3865 4.06836 23.787 4.06836 18.632C4.06836 9.56949 11.415 2.22266 20.4777 2.22266C29.5404 2.22266 36.887 9.56949 36.887 18.632C36.887 23.787 34.51 28.3865 30.7924 31.3948" stroke="white" stroke-opacity="0.5" stroke-width="2"/> <path d="M15.0005 32.3008L20.4773 37.7776L25.9542 32.3008" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M19.4775 10.7292H17.1442C15.6715 10.7292 14.4775 11.9231 14.4775 13.3958V15.4278C14.4775 16.6515 15.3103 17.7182 16.4974 18.015L16.4974 18.015L23.9725 19.8836L23.9725 19.8836C24.2693 19.9579 24.4775 20.2245 24.4775 20.5305V23.3958C24.4775 23.764 24.1791 24.0625 23.8109 24.0625H17.1442C16.776 24.0625 16.4775 23.764 16.4775 23.3958V21.7292H14.4775V23.3958C14.4775 24.8686 15.6715 26.0625 17.1442 26.0625H19.4775V29.2292H21.4775V26.0625H23.8109C25.2837 26.0625 26.4775 24.8686 26.4775 23.3958V20.5305C26.4775 19.3068 25.6448 18.2402 24.4576 17.9434L24.4576 17.9434L16.9825 16.0747L16.9825 16.0747C16.6858 16.0005 16.4775 15.7338 16.4775 15.4278V13.3958C16.4775 13.0277 16.776 12.7292 17.1442 12.7292H23.8109C24.1791 12.7292 24.4775 13.0276 24.4775 13.3958V15.0625H26.4775V13.3958C26.4775 11.9231 25.2837 10.7292 23.8109 10.7292H21.4775V7.5625H19.4775V10.7292Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

Liquidity Pools & Farms

Provide assets to earn rewards and a share of all transaction fees charged to traders that use the pool.

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Central Limit Orderbook

Reap the benefits of a transparent order book for accurate price discovery and streamlined trade execution.


We only need 1 relevant ID proof to validate and process it within the stipulated time.

We strive to continuously provide our investors with interesting investment ideas and products. Visit the MANTRA WebApp to find all the offerings.

Once the KYC details and required documents are submitted, they are verified by our specialists. This process may take 1-2 days. A notification email will be sent once the application is either approved or rejected, or if there are any further clarifications needed by our KYC specialist.

No. Your registered wallet address is whitelisted during the KYC process. Any other wallets will not be eligible to access the platform.

The initial product offerings of the MANTRA DEX are built on Ethereum, Polygon and BNB Chain. The DEX will be integrated with MANTRA Chain when mainnet launches.

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