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User Group Program

It's a lot of work to lead a user group, and we want to support you and your group members by sharing ideas, sparking conversations, and providing you with content that will enrich those discussions. Here's what you'll get by registering your group with Manning.

  • Topic-specific news, articles, and updates
  • Invite Manning authors to speak to your group
  • Find out what other groups like yours are doing
  • Free books and other swag for your meetings
  • Opportunities to review books in progress

Request a speaker

You never know where Manning authors are going to turn up. If the time and schedules line up, we can help you invite an author to speak to your group. If you have a particular speaker need, let us know and we'll put out a call on our author mailing list.

Request review copies

We'd love to hear what your group members think about our books—especially if you're willing to spread the word through your blogs, websites, Facebook pages, or via Twitter. To request a review copy, send an email to review copies. We ask only that you let us know when and where you've posted your review—or why you've elected not to.

User Group Program Registration Form