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Department of Philosophy Full-time Faculty
Department of Philosophy

Thank you for your interest in the Philosophy Department at Loyola University Chicago!

Our department houses one of the largest philosophy faculties in the United States, representing a distinctively pluralistic approach to philosophy. In line with the values of our Jesuit institution, our focus is on the critical inquiry of diverse philosophical topics in a humble, respectful and diverse climate. We offer a particularly broad selection of in-depth courses at the undergraduate and graduate level that reflect our wide range of specializations and commitment to multiplicity.

No matter your goals and interests, the Philosophy Department of Loyola University Chicago will be able to enrich your academic philosophical journey.

News and Events

Social-Political-Legal Workshop

You are warmly invited to attend the Social-Political-Legal Workshop on Tuesday, March 18 3pm-5pm at Ignatius House. The workshop will explore how environmental issues impact social and political changes in society, with a focus on the relationship between migration, the environment, violence, and the loss of democratic principles. A reception will follow the workshop; RSVP to Kimberley Townshend ktownshend@luc.edu

This event is co-sponsored by the Social-Political-Legal Workshop, the LUC Jesuit Community, and the Ignacio Ellacuria, S.J. Chair in Social Ethics.

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2025 John Grant Lecture

Please join us for the annual John Grant Lecture in Healthcare Ethics on Thursday, March 27 at 3pm in the Regis Multipurpose Room. This year's speaker, Kylea L. Liese (PhD, CNM, FACNM), will present on Reproductive Justice as Resistance in Reproductive Healthcare. The lecture is free to attend, and a reception will follow. We hope to see you there!

This lecture is co-sponsored by the John F. Grant, MD Endowment, the Department of Philosophy and the Bioethics Minor Program.

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Hannah Arendt Circle

Loyola University Chicago and the University of Chicago are co-hosting the 18th Hannah Arendt Circle, which will take place March 13-15. All events will take place on Loyola's Lakeshore Campus. To register online or view the program please visit www.thearendtcircle.com Please contact thehannaharendtcircle@gmail.com with any questions.

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