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Visitor Pontoon

85 metres of visitor pontoon moorings are located below the Harbour Office, the prominent white building north of the first line of pontoons on the east side. After berthing please visit the Harbour Office for the security code for the pontoon walkways and shower/toilet block.

BOOKING: To avoid disappointment, advanced booking is strongly recommended. You can request to book a mooring via harbour@littlehampton.org.uk, 01903 721 215 or via this form and we will respond to confirm availability.

If expecting to arrive and/or depart outside of normal office hours (or at weekends October – March), please call 01903 721 215 and select the option to be put through to the Duty Officer or please email harbour@littlehampton.org.uk with your boat name, contact details and planned length of stay. Alternatively, come see us at the office in the morning after 9am.

Rallies are welcome, but please contact us as far in advance as possible as our visitors pontoon can only accommodate around 20 yachts (when rafting). More info for rallies here.

Water and electricity is available along the pontoon. There is no Wi-Fi but if you need a weather forecast or internet access in emergencies, feel free to visit us in the office.


Cost per night for visiting yachts staying on our visitor pontoon:

Note: If visitors moor with other mooring operators elsewhere in the harbour, they must still also pay harbour dues to the Harbour Office (£14.84/night for <11m and £18.18/night for >11m LOA). Daily Harbour Dues (only) can be paid instantly online HERE.

Daily Visitor Charges (including VAT) including mooring, daily harbour dues and access to showers/toilets.
Pleasure craft up to 8m £36.88
Pleasure craft 8.01m to 11m £40.97
Pleasure craft 11.01m to 13m £49.14
Pleasure craft exceeding 13m £57.41
Short Stay Berthing ‘Touch and Go’ (Max 4 hours) Harbour Dues + £2.32 per hour

Water depths alongside the visitors pontoon

The minimum water depth at spring low tide alongside the visitor’s pontoon is 2.2 metres except for the northern 3x pontoon sections where yachts of greater than 2m draft should avoid. Please note that the harbour entrance bar’s impounding effect plus the river’s drainage means the height of tide almost never falls below 0.9m above datum (whatever the forecasted height of tide at LW).

Vessels over 2.3m draft can be accommodated but should be with the advice of the Harbour Master and will likely need to be rafted so they sit further into the channel in deeper water.