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The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and consists of the cerebral cortex which is responsible for motor, sensory and cognitive functions.
Overview of the cerebrumOverview of the cerebral gray and white matter.
Lateral view of the brainStructures seen on the lateral views of the brain.
Medial view of the brainStructures seen on the medial view of the brain.
Inferior view of the brainStructures seen on the inferior view of the brain.
Brodmann areasAn overview of Brodmann areas of the cerebral cortex.
Hippocampus, fornix and amygdaloid bodyIntroduction to the hippocampus, fornix and amygdaloid body.
Basal gangliaAnatomy and function of the basal ganglia.
Horizontal section of the brainIntroduction to the internal structures of the brain.
Coronal section of the brain (thalamus level)Internal structures of the brain seen at the thalamus level.
Motor and sensory cortical homunculusMotor and sensory representation of the body in the cerebral cortex.
The diencephalon forms the caudal part of the forebrain and plays an important role in both motor and cognitive functions.
Overview of the diencephalonIntroduction to the diencephalon and the related structures.
ThalamusOverview of the thalamus and surrounding structures.
Thalamic nucleiMain nuclei of the thalamus.
HypothalamusLocation, relations and functions of the hypothalamus.
Pituitary glandMajor features of the pituitary gland.
The brainstem consists of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain.
Overview and surface anatomy of the brainstemExploration of the parts and landmarks of the brainstem.
Medulla oblongata (internal anatomy)An overview of the internal anatomical structure of the medulla oblongata.
Cranial nerve nucleiAn overview of the cranial nuclei of the brainstem.
Meninges, ventricular system and subarachnoid space
In this chapter we explore the meninges, subarachnoid space and the ventricles of the brain.
Cranial meningesAnatomy and structure of the meninges of the brain.
Ventricles of the brainAnatomy of the ventricular system of the brain.
Cerebrospinal fluid production and circulationIntroduction to cerebrospinal fluid and its circulation pathways.
Blood supply of the brain
Introduction to the arteries and veins of the brain.
Arteries of the brainArteries of the brain seen from the lateral and medial views of the brain.
Veins of the brainIntroduction to the veins of the brain.
Dural venous sinusesIntroduction to the dural venous sinuses.
Spinal cord
The spinal cord and the brain, together, make up the central nervous system (CNS). This chapter will discuss all the anatomy related to the spinal cord.
Topography and morphology of the spinal cordIntroduction to the external morphology and topography of the spinal cord.
Spinal meninges and nerve rootsIntroduction to the meningeal layers and spinal roots of the spinal cord.
Internal morphology of the spinal cordAn overview of the internal morphology and structure of the spinal cord.
Spinal nervesExplore the anatomical structure and formation of the spinal nerves.
Blood vessels of the spinal cordArteries and veins of the spinal cord.
Pathways of the nervous system
Main motor and sensory tracts of the central nervous system.
Pyramidal tractsThe most important motor pathway of the CNS.
Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway (PCML)This is the main ascending (sensory) pathway of the nervous system.
Taste pathwayNeural pathway of taste.
Cranial nerves
The twelve cranial nerves emerge from the brain and the brainstem. Via the cranial nerves, information is exchanged between the brain and areas of the body.
12 cranial nervesOverview of the 12 cranial nerves.
Olfactory nerve (CN I)Overview of the olfactory nerve and pathway.
Optic nerve (CN II)Optic nerve and visual pathway.
Oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves (CN III, IV & VI)Overview of the cranial nerves associated with eye movement.
Ophthalmic nerve (CN V1)An overview of the nuclei, course and branches of the ophthalmic nerve.
Maxillary nerve (CN V2)An overview of the course, branches and function of the maxillary nerve.
Mandibular nerve (CN V3)An overview of the course, branches and function of the mandibular nerve.
Facial nerve (CN VII)Nuclei, course and branches of the facial nerve.
Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)Nuclei, course and branches of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)Course, branches and nuclei of the glossopharyngeal nerve.
Vagus nerve (CN X)Course, branches and nuclei of the vagus nerve.
Accessory nerve (CN XI)Course, branches and nuclei of the accessory nerve.
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)Overview of nuclei, course and branches of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).
Peripheral nervous system
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of nerve fibers and cell bodies outside the CNS that conduct impulses to or away from the CNS.
Dermatomes and myotomesOverview of the dermatomes and myotomes of the body.
Autonomic nervous systemSympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS.
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