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Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (JMSJ) is an international, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal for the publication of research in areas of meteorology.

Aims and Scope
JMSJ publishes Articles and Notes and Correspondence that report novel scientific discoveries or technical developments that advance understanding in meteorology and related sciences. The journal’s broad scope includes meteorological observations, modeling, data assimilation, analyses, global and regional climate research, satellite remote sensing, chemistry and transport, and dynamic meteorology including geophysical fluid dynamics. In particular, JMSJ welcomes papers related to Asian monsoons, climate and mesoscale models, and numerical weather forecasts. Insightful and well-structured original Review Articles that describe the advances and challenges in meteorology and related sciences are also welcome.

JMSJ encourages authors to include the data underlying their work as supplementary material. These data, which must be under 50MB, may describe observations, experiments, modeling or analyses and may take the form of databases, simulations, movies, large figures or as otherwise appropriate.

As an international journal in the meteorological science community, JMSJ maintains a high standard of peer review and offers readers worldwide the benefit of articles being freely available online.

Instructions for Authors
The journal's Instructions for Authors document contains important details about the editorial policies, ethics, copyright, fees and other information.

Other information
More information about the journal is available at the society’s journal website https://jmsj.metsoc.jp/. This includes plain language summaries, graphical abstracts, access and citation statistics, and JMSJ awards. We have also complied ten great features of JMSJ and encourage you to submit to the journal.

The journal has an active social media presence at Facebook and Twitter. JMSJ is indexed in many services, including Web of Science/SCIE, Scopus, DOAJ and more.
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7,139 registered articles
(updated on March 10, 2025)
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
2022 Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
DOAJ Scopus J-STAGE Data
Editor's Highlight
Development of a Temperature Prediction Method Combining Deep Neural Networks and a Kalman Filter Read more
Editor's pick

This paper that described an advanced post-processing method for output from numerical weather forecast models by combining the Kalman Filter and machine learning. This study combined the CNN-based bias correction scheme with the JMA’s operational KF algorithm. ŸVerification results showed that our method outperformed both the DNN and the JMA's operational temperature guidance forecast. Ÿ   The KF has advantages of online learning that the DNN does not have. The verification demonstrated that the KF was able to follow the bias changes for NWP model updates.

Global Historical Reanalysis with a 60-km AGCM and Surface Pressure Observations: OCADA Read more
Editor's pick

This paper presents the development of a historical atmospheric reanalysis OCADA along with its validations and applications. Surface pressure observations in East and Southeast Asia, which are newly archived and used in this study, account for 15 % of the database in the early 20th century. OCADA is superior in representing the intensities of observed tropical cyclones in 1979-2015. OCADA reproduces several extreme precipitation events in Japan before World War II.

The JRA-3Q Reanalysis Read more
Editor's pick

This paper describes a new global atmospheric reanalysis JRA-3Q developed by Japan Meteorological Agency, focusing on the improvements from the previous reanalysis. The large upward imbalance in the global mean net energy flux at the top of the atmosphere and at the surface, one of the major problems of JRA-55, has been significantly reduced. The artificial decrease in the detection of tropical cyclones seen in JRA-55 has been resolved by the use of a tropical cyclone bogus generation method based on the JMA operational system. For the pre-1957 period, which is first included in Japanese reanalyses, major typhoons, such as Typhoon Kathleen and Typhoon Marie, are clearly represented in the mean sea level pressure field of JRA-3Q, and the pressure fields are generally consistent with the original weather map analyzed at that time.

Geometry of Rainfall Ensemble Means: From Arithmetic Averages to Gaussian-Hellinger Barycenters in Unbalanced Optimal Transport Read more
Editor's pick

This paper proposed new ensemble means of rainfall based on the theory of unbalanced optimal transport. Ensemble forecast results are usually announced using ensemble means. However, for the rainfall variable, ensemble means are rarely used in practice due to the diffusion effect resulting from the averaging operator, which smooths rainfall significantly. A method to calculate more meaningful ensemble means of rainfall is proposed based on the theory of unbalanced optimal transport. The new ensemble means are interpreted as barycenters of rainfall distributions with respect to a new geometric distance called the Gaussian-Hellinger distance. The new ensemble means avoid the diffusion effect as observed in the case of arithmetic means, and open a way to reintroduce ensemble means of rainfall back to numerical weather prediction.

The 30-year (1987-2016) Trend of Strong Typhoons and Genesis Locations Found in the Japan Meteorological Agency's Dvorak Reanalysis Data Read more
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