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Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 152-156.

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Research of Quality-aware Contexts Management for Complex IOT Applications

ZHENG Di, BEN Ke-rong and WANG Jun   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: With the rapid development of IOT,it will lead to more multiple-dimensional and more numerous information with wide-area and heterogeneous sensor networks.Accordingly,the information from these kinds of networks may be more uncertain,incomplete,inconsistent and inaccurate.Therefore,we proposed a context management framework based on research of eliminating incomplete,inconsistent and inaccurate contexts.In this framework,we used quality factors configuration for contexts,regarding methods for inconsistent and inaccurate contexts as well as filling methods for incomplete contexts.Results show that the method can reduce the uncertainty of the contexts and improve the quality of the IOT applications efficiently.

Key words: IOT,Context-aware,Quality of context,Sensor networks

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