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Frequently Asked Questions

Where to place the code snippet on my web pages?
We recommend to place the Informizely code directly after the <body> tag of the page. This ensures that your surveys are displayed as soon as they need to, according to their targeting settings.
The Informizely code is loaded asynchronously, so it will not impact the load time of your page.
Do I need to add the code snippet to every page of my website?
No. But we recommend that you add the code snippet to every page, also to pages where no survey needs to be shown. This is because some targeting options, like e.g. the number of times a user visited your site before, depend on the Informizely code to be loaded on all pages.
But as long as you understand the consequences, you can definitely load the code snippet only on the pages where surveys need to be shown.
Will the Informizely code snippet slow down my website?
No, it will not. The Informizely code is loaded asynchronously, so it will not impact the load time of your pages.
Can I use Google Tag Manager to add the code snippet?
Yes, this is actually quite simple. See this page for more information.
How do I install the code snippet on WordPress, Shopify, Magento, Joomla, Drupal, Squarespace or another CMS?
This is very simple. See this page for more information.
Can I use Informizely on a Single Page Application (SPA)?
Yes you can. If your site changes the page URL dynamically, without reloading the page, you can configure Informizely to monitor dynamic changes to the page URL and treat each change as a 'page reload', so that all targeting settings are checked again when the URL changes.
More about Single Page Applications...
Can I use my account to manage multiple Sites/domains?
Yes you can. If your subscription plan allows it you can define multiple Sites. For different domains or for the same top-level domain.
See this faq for more information.
What is a "Site" and how do I configure its "domain"?

In Informizely you can configure one or more Sites. For each Site you can configure any number of surveys.
Each Site has a domain on which all its website surveys are shown. Other survey types - like link and email surveys - don't use this domain but are also organized under a Site.

The domain for website surveys
A Site is a means to organize all website surveys that are targeted to your website's URLs that have the same fixed part of your domain. Each Site has its own code snippet that needs to be loaded for its website surveys to appear. You can only load the code for one Site on a page.

If you manage different websites in your Informizely account, each with its own top-level domain ("mysite.com" and "othersite.com"), you should create at least one Site for each top-level domain.

For one top-level domain, e.g. "mysite.com", you can opt to create multiple Sites to organize your surveys. For example, if your website is organized in subdomains like "www.mysite.com" and "users.mysite.com", you could (but don't have to) create a Site for each subdomain. On each page of your website you then load the corresponding code snippet for the Site that corresponds to the subdomain.

When you create different Sites for different subdomains, each Site manages its own targeting history, like the last time and the number of times a visitor visited the Site before. If you create Sites with the same sub- and top-domain but with different paths, e.g. "mysite.com/path1" and "mysite.com/path2", they share their targeting history.

Does Informizely work on https (SSL) sites?
Yes. HTTPS sites are supported in all our plans. Out of the box, you don't need to configure anything for it to work.
Can I receive an email every time a visitor submits a response?
Yes, you can. To configure email notifications for a survey, click the "email notifications" link in a survey's detail panel.
You can choose to send an email for each X responses received, send a daily overview of the responses received, only send an email for the very first response received, or to not receive any emails at all.
Can I add other users to my account?
Yes, you can. If your subscription plan allows it, you can add other users to your account.
On the "My Account" page a button "Manage Account Users" will be shown, which allows you to add, remove and manage users.

A user has one of the following roles:
  • Account Admin
    An Account Administrator has full access to all functionality. This includes:
    Read/write access to all sites, surveys and responses. Full account management. Subscription management. Create, manage and delete sites. Add, manage and delete users and set user permissions.
  • Restricted User
    A restricted user has permissions for zero or more sites, as set up by an Account Admin. For each site a restricted user is one of:
    • Site Admin: has read/write access to all of the site's surveys and responses.
      This includes: creating, editing, publishing, pausing and deleting surveys. Viewing and deleting responses.
    • Site Viewer: has read-only access to the responses of the site's surveys.
      This excludes publishing or pausing surveys, or viewing a survey's configuration. This includes previewing a survey.
    A restricted user can have different permissions for different sites.
Can I show a survey when a button on my website is clicked?
Yes, you can: we have a special targeting setting for this case. Just specify the button's 'id' HTML attribute and the survey will automatically be shown when the button is clicked. We also have a Widget API for more advanced use cases.
Do you have a webhooks integration?
Yes, we do. Our Enterprise plan allows for using the Webhooks integration to call an HTTP callback on your own or another server each time a response is received for a survey, making it simple to achieve run-time integration of response data.
Read more about Webhooks integration.
Do you have a reporting API?
Yes, we do. Our Enterprise plan allows for using our REST Reporting API to retrieve responses data from the Informizely server using HTTP requests.
Read more about the REST Reporting API.
Can I control the Informizely survey widget through Javascript on my website?
Yes, you can. Our Enterprise plan allows for using our Javascript Widget API to control the Informizely widget programmatically.
Using our Javascript Widget API you can show a particular survey at the moment you want, e.g. when a certain button is clicked on your website, or take a custom action when a certain survey page is shown or when a survey is completed. If you just want to show a survey on a button click, see this faq.
Read more about the Widget API.
What are the limitations in the trial period?
The functionality that is enabled in your trial period is the same as that of our Enterprise plan plan, but with 100 responses, 3 domains, 3 users, and without the options to download response data or to suppress Informizely branding on the survey widget.
What are "website surveys", "link surveys" and "email surveys"?
Informizely provides three basic types of surveys that you can use to collect feedback from your customers. You can read more about these survey types here.
How do I re-organize pages/screens in my survey?
This is very easy! On the survey's "SCRIPT" tab, just drag the page element in the "Survey Pages" panel to the position you want.
Why is a “Next” auto-button shown on certain survey pages?
If not all user actions on a survey page result in a page change, a "NEXT" or "DONE" button is automatically added, so that the user can navigate to the next page or end the survey.
The button will be automatically removed when it is not needed (i.e. if all user actions on a page result in a page change).
How do I change the text of an automatically added button?
If you want to change the text for all automatically added buttons, you can do this by clicking "DESIGN > SETTINGS > Fixed widget texts > Configure" in the survey builder.

If you only want to change the text on one automatically added button, you can add an extra "Button" item to the survey page. By this action the automatically added button will be removed (because it is not needed anymore). You can then set the new button's text to whatever you want.
Can I add background or other images to my survey pages?
Yes you can! You can read more about using images here.
What’s the best way to target my survey to complex URLs?
On a survey's "TARGET > TRIGGER" tab you can define one or more URL expressions. If one of these expressions matches a visitor's current web page, the survey can potentially be shown, if all other configured targeting settings apply.

In a URL expression you can use one or more * characters to match any string of characters, for example "*product?id=*". This expression matches complex URLs like "user/product?id=abc123&color=green" and "product?id=123".

If you need even more fine-grained control, you can specify a regular expression, by enclosing it in round brackets. For example, the regular expression "(product\d+)" matches all paths consisting of the term "product" followed by one or more digits, e.g. "product123", but not "productX". Another example is "(about|contact)", which matches both the "about" and the "contact" page.
You can avoid very complex regular expressions that match all possible cases by specifying multiple URL expressions for the survey.

Please note that regular expressions are an advanced and rather technical topic, so for complex cases you may need to find a programmer to construct the required regular expression for you. Informizely uses the JavaScript type of regular expressions.
How do I compose a regular expression for targeting complex URLs?
Regular expressions are an advanced and rather technical topic about which it is hard to write a simple and gentle introduction (if you know of one please let us know :-). Many information can be found online, but if you don't have a technical background our advice is to consult a programmer to construct the regular expression for you. Informizely uses the JavaScript type of regular expressions.
What happens to existing responses when I make changes to a published survey?
If you make changes to a published survey, e.g. you delete a question or change a text, previously received responses will remain valid and will still show up in reports. If you need to make many changes to a published survey you may consider creating a new one (possibly by copying the current one), so that your old and new results are cleanly separated.
What’s the difference between a survey’s “published” and “draft” versions?
The "published" version is the survey that is currently showing on your site. You can save this as a "draft" version while you are making changes that you don't want to put live yet.
When you publish the "draft" version it overwrites the previously published version, and the draft is removed.
When you pause a "published" survey it is saved as a "draft", possibly overwriting an existing draft version, and the published version is removed.
Can I A/B test my website surveys?
Yes you can. See this page for more information.
Where/how are the visitor responses stored?
Informizely's responses are stored in Microsoft's industry leading Azure cloud. Microsoft Azure ensures industry strength security and allows Informizely to quickly and easily scale resources when needed.
More information about Microsoft Azure Trust, Security, Privacy and Compliance can be found at the Microsoft Azure Trust Center.
Can I load the Informizely JavaScript files from my own servers?
There are options available to load the Informizely JavaScript files from other servers. Please contact us for more information.
Can I host Informizely on my own server?
Informizely is conceived and designed as an online SaaS (Software as a Service) solution. Please contact us if you'd like to discuss possibilities.
What sort of cookies does Informizely use?
Informizely's survey widget for website surveys needs to store anonymous data about a visitor in order to make decisions about when to show a survey, like the number of site visits and survey views. By default this data is stored in the browser's local storage, but customers have the option to - for technical reasons - store this data in cookies instead. In that case the data will be stored in first-party cookies. That means that the cookies are stored on the domain where the surveys are run.
What browsers does Informizely support?
Informizely surveys can be shown on all modern browsers, and currently also still on Internet Explorer 11.
How do I test my surveys on a local machine?
The easiest way is to redirect your Site's domain locally to localhost or, by adding an entry to your local "etc/hosts" file.