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Browse the ISI and Collaborative Journals

ISI Journals

Informing Science publishes scholarly articles that provide insight into the complexities of informing clients. Submissions should illuminate ways to improve and provide fresh insights useful in developing theories. We are interested in papers that critique established phenomena and perspectives typically taken for granted, especially through applied psychology (AP). We welcome submissions that connect Applied Psychology topics with other disciplines.   Readers of the journal come from m ...

The Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE: Research)  publishes scholarly articles on the use of information technology in education.This includes using technology to enhance learning and to support teaching and teaching administration. In addition, articles with a sound underpinning of pedagogical principles on the teaching of information technology are also welcome. The journal publishes conceptual, theoretical, and empirical papers. All manuscripts are submi ...

The Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice (JITE:IIP) publishes the best innovative practices on using information technology in education and the teaching of information technology. The focus is on innovations that have been systematically tested in practice and are based on pedagogical principles. We look to publish new ideas and innovations early, consequently the evidential support needed for the findings or recommendations would not necessarily be that normally expe ...

The Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases (JITE:DC) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes discussion case studies about situations where information technology plays a significant role.  JITE:DC cases should be open, authentic discussion cases, meaning: 1) open: there is normally not one “right” solution, 2) authentic: they are written about real situations (although names of parties and organizations involved may be disguised), and 3) discussion: ...

The journal no longer accepts submission. The Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL), a peer-reviewed journal, has been consolidated with and replaced by its sister journals, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM) and Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice (JITE:IIP). These journals publish scholarly articles on the development of e-skills and lifelong learning. This includes using various te ...

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM) publishes scholarly articles on the use of information, knowledge, and information technologies to enhance decision making and organizational performance. Articles with a sound underpinning of principles/theories on information and knowledge management are also welcome. The journal publishes scholarly papers of empirical studies as well as conceptual and theoretical research in these areas. All manuscripts are submitte ...

The International Journal of Doctoral Studies (IJDS) is an international journal that publishes scholarly articles on issues in doctoral studies using the Informing Science framework. The journal publishes conceptual, theoretical and empirical papers.  All manuscripts are submitted electronically, desk reviewed, and then double-blind peer reviewed. We provide our published authors with widespread readership which comes from efficient processing and timely publishing online ...

The Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (IISIT) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes selected high quality articles from the Informing Science and Information Technology Education (InSITE) conferences. All conference manuscripts have been submitted and reviewed electronically using the same review system as our Journals.  We provide our published authors with both a quality print publication and the widespread readership. This approach ensure ...

This journal is not accepting submissions at the present time. The Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JSPTE) is an open access scholarly peer-reviewed that publishes manuscripts that address various issues related to the advancement of the field of higher and postsecondary education and higher education preparation programs in particular.

Informing Faculty (IF) is a repository of case studies about higher education teaching, or administrative situations. Originally established in a journal format, in 2007 the decision was made to change the outlet to a repository. Individuals interested in submitting new cases should email Editor-in-Chief Grandon Gill directly.

Collaborative Journals

The Muma Case Review publishes business discussion cases, and technical notes. This is the site for authors and reviewers. If you wish to download cases, search for cases or learn more about the MCR, please go to http://mumacasereview.org
The Muma Business Review publishes research written for business practice. This is the site for authors and reviewers. If you wish to download cases, search for cases or learn more about the MBR, please go to http://mumabusinessreview.org
This journal has moved to a new publisher. The International Journal of Community Development and Management Studies (IJCDMS) has moved and is no longer accepting submissions at this site. To submit an article for review, go to https://www.indire.net/Journals/IJCDMS   Papers published prior to this move can be accessed by clicking the Published Articles link. The academically peer reviewed journal of “International journal of community development and management studies” is ...

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