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Rav, way to push back with spot-on logic in the face of blind adherence to proven corrupt advice from the CDC.

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Thank you sir! Hope you’re not Mark Cuban in disguise. Houston Rockets > Dallas Mavericks !

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Your next-to-last line,

"More asininely, because I argue the Covid pandemic revealed great corruption in the government and Big Pharma, Mark believes that makes me inherently unreliable and dishonest. "

This line seems to capture sadly and EXACTLY what is wrong with our national discourse these days. The government and big pharma are right, and anyone who questions this must be inherently suspicious.

In some ways I feel like we are reliving the middle ages, where the Church had absolute authority and any questioning of this PROVED you were evil.

Thanks for what you do.

Kim G

Roma Sur, Mexico City

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Nobody questions the Roman Catholic Church in case the Spanish Inquisition comes. Monty Python did a great sketch.


By the way 'Vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican' so all roads really do lead to Rome.

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And it's the same on so many issues from the so-called culture wars to geopolitics. There's a dominant narrative out there and you either buy into it or suffer the social consequences. There are of course counter narratives that are deluded and everything in between. For truth seekers, this means there's not just a lot of work to do - to separate fact from fiction - but it makes it very difficult to have a nuanced discussion. To do so involves a level of self awareness and integrity that includes a commitment to amend one's views as new information appears. I believe Rav possesses this rare ability, regardless of how he's portrayed.

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Excellent comparison to the Middle Ages and Catholic Church.

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You are most welcome Rav! I'm definitely in Houston - not Dallas. Go Rockets (and Astros & Texans)! Keep on doing what you're doing to call out the truth - your courage and intelligence are greatly appreciated!

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You lost me at Houston Rockets better than Dallas Mavericks.


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He’s captured and sounds like all the rest. The mandates came out even after the CDC admitted in late July the efficacy wanes and started recommending boosters. A real vaccine doesn’t require 5 or more shots. You should ask him if he’s up to date on all his shots, because if not, he’s not fully vaccinated according to his own logic.

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I emailed him that very question in my last email. No response. He’s not honest.

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Honored you responded to me. I am suing my former employer for firing me for refusing the jab. Declined my religious exemption, showed proof I recovered from Covid, advised by a doctor it wasn’t necessary, none of it mattered. Another major league sports team. Of course I’m not a player who belongs to a union, so I didn’t have any protection there. Of course, they didn’t mandate any boosters, only the initial jabs. Practically advised to take the Pfizer jab since it was “approved”, the other shell game. I appreciate your articles, and Dr Jay is one keeping my spirits up. Been a tough road, but I’m glad I’m not jabbed.

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Thanks. Which major sports league? U can email rav1033@yahoo.ca if you like. Curious to hear more - will keep confidential.

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Bernard, find the Coffee & COVID Substack channel. He’ll keep your spirits up. And your knowledge.

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He’s another one I follow, every day. Love his work.

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Love Jeff Childers of C&C!

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No he is not honest. Not very intelligent either, apparently

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Just corrupt. Love of money corrupts, always has.

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Yes, love of it. People get confused with this, I think. Making/having money is not evil but idolizing it definitely is

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Or he’s just a fool.

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Mark is clearly blind to the truth. You did an excellent job, thank you for your efforts!

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Money does that to a person if they love it.

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My 75 year old dad doesn’t have any money, he’s a country guy in a deep red state drinking bud light, hates that everyone at Walmart wears a maga hat, knows that me and my sister are Trump, but he watches the news all day and believes it. So he has a liberal brainwashed brain.

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Sorry to hear that. I am not into much hat wearing unless it is silly hats on stage or something to keep the rain or sun off my bald patch!

I prefer the real ale in the UK. I did try some Budweiser when in the US in 1978. Rather insipid stuff I felt.

As for Trump I used to think it was a choice between the Devil and the deep blue sea fro the electorate in 2016. When the left wing media went, as they say, bat shit crazy about him I thought 'this ain't right.'

Hillary Clinton may not have been the Devil as such but 'demoniac' is a part anagram of her full name (middle names included) so that makes sense. Perhaps Trump was the deep blue sea. His eyes are blue I believe. And if one can swim the sea is great.

I have done quite a bit for the US in this Covid war. I don't know if these will all amuse you but anyway...


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Hilarious stuff, in there!

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Bud light?! Aaahhhhh! No!!!!😉

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True ... ask Joe and Gavin Maloof 😉

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Cuban is also a CCP court eunuch like LeBron. Ask Cuban about Hong Kong or Wuhan. Ask LeBron about why his son Bronnie had a heart attack. The NBA sold out like many other American politicians and corporations: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/tiananmen-square-massacre-cultural-revolution

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Can you imagine being such a whore for money that you would allow your own child to be harmed by this? Abs even after that harm still not speak out?!

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I don’t think he keeps quiet for money, I think he’s embarrassed to admit he was wrong. I think they ask him to keep quiet about Bronny’s issue for “the greater good,” (not to panic everyone, same with Jamie Foxx) not for money, because LeBron doesn’t need it, and that wouldn’t work, on him, (yes on others) LeBron needs to feels like he’s doing a public service by staying quiet on this and believes it is extremely rare and is doesn’t want to admit he was wrong.

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I just wonder if he thinks he’s doing a public service by him saying nothing or pushing it on people and these people who would listen to him, if their child has an issue, that’s not a public Svs. That’s evil. I just cannot understand the religious adherence to all of this. It boggles the mind

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I agree. LeBron is likely still not sure in his mind if it is 100 percent the vax. he's probably trying to believe his son had some previous condition. if at this point he comes out and says the vaccine is safe and everyone should get any new boosters, then yes, he is evil. however, I think he will stay silent about vaccines from now on, but who knows, we will see.

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First, I’m honored you responded to me, you’re one of my favorite people on substack! Second, I’m suing my former employer for mandating the jab. Declined my religious exemption, showed proof I recovered from Covid and had natural immunity. Didn’t matter. Right after CDC recommended a booster.

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All vaccines are real and poisonous. They would not create an immune response if they weren't. One vaccine is one too many as poisoning oneself is not good for health and never has been.


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I have posted this elsewhere. Supposedly it’s possible to test antibodies and differentiate between vax and natural occurring ones. If so everyone who blows their mouth off about vaxing or who applies pressure according to their position for vaxing should prove that they themselves contain the taint of the mRNA shot. We could even, if it was in our power, require that they-the societal movers and shakers carry a form of passport proving their mRNA status which they should be proud to show. If they got a dud shot it’s not too late, they can get reinjected until they test positive

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He'll have a chance..... they are coming for us next..... And just like that – hospitals mandate the new boosters that CAUSE 20-30 times more serious injuries than hospitalizations from C19 https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/and-just-like-that-hospitals-mandate?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1032096&post_id=137085253&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

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Cuban’s arguments sound like the rest of the self-proclaimed “experts” who can’t believe that any given person, during the ridiculous lockdowns and various mandates, could actually delve into available data/information and develop a reasonable opinion of his/her own; contrary to that heralded by the bastions of “science” and their MSM talking heads. I no longer see these standoffs as conservative vs liberal, but pompous, narcissistic windbags vs us “little people.”

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Most “experts” are well paid liars that hide deceit in complexity. He might have gotten the first two shots (I highly doubt it) but There is no way Cuban has kept up with the CDC/FDA recommended schedule. The oligarchs know…and they know they have to lie about it.

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Yes the elites !

Another term for idiots , some useful , most mot .

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The whole thing reminded me of those stories about the citizens of Schilda. The stupid mayor and his administration (i.e. government) come up with the most insane recommendations. First they forget to built windows into the new town hall. Then they decide to put sunlight into buckets and carry the light into the townhall. The citizens of Schilda never question the recommendations from higher up, and always follow diligently through whatever nonsense the mayor and the town councilmen come up with.

With Covid the global citizens just acted in the same manner as the people of Schilda. "Never question in the least the stupid government narrative. Then everything is very harmonious. And there is no argument and fighting.

Very clever. Ha ha

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Hubristic elites

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023Liked by Rav Arora

Thanks for this! Sounds like more or less every conversation I’ve had since April 2021 after my wife’s best friend passed away from the Pfizer shot. There really is not much one can do besides pray for the vaccinated and for the souls of those that supported the authoritarian mandates. Just like we can’t unsee what’s going on they literally can never see it. Waking up to the truth, after injection and showing themselves as the monsters they are, is simply too much to handle for people.

That’s where I’m at for now. Working on forgiveness to preserve my own mental well being, but not letting go of embracing opportunities to enlighten. 2+ years of seeking vengeance has taken too large a toll on me already.

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I hear you. Keep fighting the good fight.

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FLCCC and Dr. McCullough have what they feel are pretty decent vaccine and spike protein detox protocols. The body has an amazing ability to heal. Prayers are always good too!

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Rav Arora

Your responses were fact-based whereas Mark Cuban just regurgitates the same idiotic nonsense void of facts but based on propaganda. Mark Cuban has always been an elitist snob who would rather push fear-mongering dangerous ideas than admit he was wrong and fell for all the hype. Deep down he must know his wrong he is. His ego is too big to admit his mistake.

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I don’t know what he really thinks. And that’s a big problem.

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I guess Marc Cuban stopped getting further Covid jabs. So he has already distanced himself in private from FDA, CDC and US government.

Dr. McCullough recently asked in an interview whether we know of anyone publicly stating that they have received their 7th Covid shot. Had Biden stated in public that he had had his 7th Covid injection? McCullough asked.

It would be really interesting to know whether or not those proponents of yearly mRNA injections stay up-to-date with their mRNA gene therapy treatment.

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He grew up in poor circumstances and I suppose his pride would be hurt to admit he is still rather stupid because he loves money.

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

It’s not even just about myocarditis but also the damaging effect on the vaxxed immune system as well. Who knows what’s coming down the pike due to these experimental Vaccines?

People who bought into the vax don’t want to hear the truth because it is terrifying.

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Such as turbo cancers, shingles, autoimmune diseases, strokes, and much more, including SADs.

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I just spoke with my lawyers assistant and she didn’t take the shot either. She told me yesterday that the number of people coming in with dead family members is shocking. She finds it hard to come to work because it’s so depressing to have to deal with all these grieving families. Some admit it’s the shot others don’t. Deaths are sudden/turbo cancer primarily.

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Wow, Rav you are an intellectual Superman. Seriously, your ability to state the facts and debate clearly, factually is so impressive. It must be a kick in the nuts for a guy like Cuban to be put in his place by a young whippersnapper such as yourself. You have a great road ahead, once again I gotta say, your parentsmust be so proud! Ps. You still living in their basement? My kids are and I wouldn’t want it any other way😉

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Haha thank you! Yes, still hiding in the basement (as I told Dave Rubin last year). Going to keep fighting the good fight

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You give me hope for the future!

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"So in 2021, rather than youth related organizations trying to protect their male teens, only you and your associated doctors could see through the corruption, while organizations around the world could not and did nothing? "

This s a false premise. Mark is making the assumption that only those few who spoke out (in risk) were the ones who could see through the corruption and he's then using that as the basis for his argument. That would be like me saying because no one in Hitler's military stopped Hitler they all must have shared Hitler's world views.

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Cuban is very smart and was in the right place and time to do very very well for himself . Good for him .

But many like him think that if they’ve succeeded in one thing , that makes them good at everything, and commensurately smart .

Not always the case Mr Cuban

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A lot of money can be made if one is not too fussed about how one makes it. I don't call that smart though.

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Spot on regarding rich people suddenly being gifted with unlimited knowledge and expertise on any given subject. I never cease to be amazed at the confidence people place in those who have ZERO reason to offer an opinion,

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This exchange is why I think arguing about vaccines specifically is a trap. Instead, the best argument is to start with the premise that the public health authorities completely failed at their job of reducing access mortality, maintaining a healthy society, and suppressing disease. The specifics of why that happened such as the risk/benefit miscalculation of myocarditis can be argued after people accept that the general premise of public health failed.

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That's an excellent point.

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The problem is thinking that public health authorities are good at maintaining a healthy society without individuals being responsible for their own health without nanny state to interfere. Nowadays with big pharma's blessing, although big pharma have been at it for decades.

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Cuban is a pug-faced charlatan! He single handedly is responsible for whatever goes wrong with the poor chump athletes on his sports teams that he forced to desecrate their bodies with that poison! What an absolutely insufferable, odious little parasite he is- towing the line for Big Pharma when the overwhelming evidence of their egregious malfeasance is right in front of his face.....Proof once again that all the money in the world buys neither common sense or even a semblance of decency and respect to one’s fellow humans....He’s just revolting beyond words....

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☝🏻what she said

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Looks more like Mark doesn't want to go on a show where he'll be made out to look like a fool. He does ask some decent questions, but it's pretty obvious that he more wants to believe that the shots work and did no harm when all evidence seems to show they did not work and caused much more harm than vaccines did in the past. If we had any other new shot that caused this much damage, it would be pulled.

As for insurance - it's still a little too early to show what will happen there, but as more facts come out I wonder how many will push back on clotting/myocarditis treatments? I think the Life Insurance businesses have already noted an uptick in payouts, but that would be better checked by someone who really follows that industry.

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Here is Edward Dowd discussing the horrible death and disability statistics from the latest US Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as UK stats...Mark Cuban must be living under an affluent rock somewhere to be so ill informed...https://rumble.com/v332mu0-cv19-vax-is-a-crime-and-also-a-coverup-ed-dowd.html

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Ed Dowd has been talking about this on several shows/podcasts.

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I think the two biggest Oporto misses here were pointing him to Ed Dowd’s work and the Great Barrington Declaration as a better glimpse into the folks who disagreed and warned about the CDC and FDAs errors.

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Keep in mind as one of teh wealthy investors Mark has to appear to be in line with the "established narratives" and going the extra mile by actively debating someone when you weren't asked or required to is a way to getting some extra virtue signal like attention from those peers. All that has happened to Trump is proof that the corruption isn't afraid of over reach or exposure any more. They've so infiltrated the system that they are now comfortable with not being as stealthy or secretive as they have been.

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I wonder what Lebron James and his son would say to Mark Cuban. I've been a nurse for 25 years and I had the most difficult time awakening to the fact our medical institutions have been lying to us, I never thought doctors would fall for all of this, I use to believe they would do anything to save someone's life but I was VERY WRONG. They don't read studies about the medicine they prescribe, they don't read the studies on vaccines, they just read the conclusion at the end of the articles or the headlines, which many times are not accurate and do not reflect the actual numbers from the studies. We know this from the opiod crisis, the pharmaceutical industry is a cartel, yet we trusted them to bring and end to pandemic that never was a pandemic. If doctors truly read medical articles and were objective, they would understand most vaccines aren't safe or effective, and start treating the root cause of diseases instead of overmedication everyone. But there is no money in that.

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Agreed, except no vaccine is safe or effective, it is quite impossible for them to be so.


As regards medication it leads to decimation.


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When we give advice about how to deal with root causes, patients don’t listen. We have become a society of instant gratification requiring little or no effort.

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He was losing the argument so he bailed.

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