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ICOS Carbon Portal Webinar Series

Other exciting talks are taking place at ICOS Cities.

This series of webinars will guide you to find, preview and use ICOS data. We will start with a gentle introduction to our web services and over the course of the series we will gradually shift the focus from finding data objects and simple plots towards data science. But each webinar is self contained with a different focus, hence you can pick and choose. You don't need to attend all of them. We do not have any prerequisites and  you don't need to be programmer to follow the webinars (although it helps if you have a general idea about programming). We will introduce you to Python and Jupyter Notebooks and give you access to our virtual research environment (https://icos-carbon-portal.github.io/jupyter/).

For all webinar registrations you need to agree and accept the ICOS ERIC privacy policy, which states how ICOS is handling your personal information.

Please direct any questions you have to jupyter-info@icos-cp.eu.


2023-06-2009:00-10:00Introducing the network-view-toolView introductionView live demonstration
2023-11-2409:00-09:45 (CET)Introducing the tool "Ecosystem Site Anomaly Visualization"View introductionView live demonstration

Introducing the network-view-tool

A recent development in the Carbon Portal Virtual Research Environment is a new notebook that allows users to explore the influence regions (“footprints”) of atmospheric measurement stations and networks to gain a deeper understanding of what they “see”. What is seen is compared to what is present in the entire targeted country or region to establish “representation” of different CO2 ecosystem fluxes and subsequently to highlight where to find the greatest “monitoring potential”.
The webinar is divided into two parts starting with a general introduction (9:00-9:20). The second part (9:30-10:00) is focused on how to run the tool and create networks from both new and hypothetical stations.

Presentation slides

Live demonstration video timeline

Access the notebook: 0:00
Notebook structure: 1:51
Individual station view
Station map: 2:38
Modelled signals: 3:39
Average seasonal footprints and their land cover shares: 6:53
Network view
Network view selection interface: 10:33
Map: 14:29
Land cover sensing: 15:39
Land cover flux sensing: 16:07
Land cover flux representation by country: 17:00
Monitoring potential maps: 20:06
Extended network: 22:10
Extended network map: 23:20
Extended network monitoring potential maps: 23:36
Create a new network: 24:57
Extend an existing network: 26:27

Introducing the tool "Ecosystem Site Anomaly Visualization"

Another recent development in the Carbon Portal Virtual Research Environment will be introduced in this webinar: a notebook tool that allows users to visualize monthly and daily averages in variables measured at ecosystem sites. Users can select sites with measurement data starting at least 2010, helping to set a reference period that is considered "normal" over the course of a year. Four initial variables have been selected for use in the tool: Gross Primary Production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (RECO), shortwave incoming radiation, and vapor pressure deficit. GPP and RECO represent the uptake and emission of CO2 by vegetation and soils, while vapor pressure deficit is a measure of how much moisture the air could hold before it becomes saturated and condenses into dew or fog. Data can appear anomalous for various reasons, including unusual weather patterns, crop rotations, or changes in land use.

The webinar is divided into two parts, starting with a general introduction (9:00-9:15). The second part (9:20-9:45) focuses on how to use the tool with room for some discussion.

Presentation slides

Live demonstration video timeline

0:00: Access the notebook
3:06: Tool introduction section
5:53: User interface
7:40: User interface parameters
10:20: Tool output
12:10: Tool output: download option
15:10: Questions and answers


10.3.202110:00 to 11:30Introduction to ICOS DataView recording
24.3.202110:00 to 11:30Notebooks on ExploredataView recording
19.5.202110:00 to 11:30Notebooks for atmospheric stationsView recording
2.6.202110:00 to 11:30In depth: ICOSCP Python LibraryView recording
16.6.202110:00 to 11:30Drop-inView documents

Introduction to ICOS Data

An introduction to ICOS' different data levels, including near real time data, officially released data, and collections followed by a quick overview how to search data products on the data portal. This includes how to preview and download data and the search result. The hands-on workshop demonstrates how to access data (objects) in a python environment on our Jupyter Hub, read the meta data and create a simple plot.

Notebooks on “Exploredata”

An introduction to the Carbon Portal Virtual Research Environment. Short description of personal accounts and collaborative project space for registered users. Demonstrate our public available resources on https://exploredata.icos-cp.eu. The workshop includes an in depth walk through our example Jupyter Notebooks.

Notebooks for Atmospheric Stations

Recap how to use our Carbon Portal Virtual Research Environment, including public available resources, personal accounts, and collaborative project space. In depth walk through our notebooks for atmospheric stations (on exploredata and in common on jupyter hub) with examples for station characterization, flask sampling strategy and 14CO2 data analysis.

”icoscp”,  the Carbon Portal python library in depth

An in depth look a the public available python library. How to install and use the library on your own computer (https://pypi.org/project/icoscp/). Workshop on our Jupyter Server: Access ICOS time series data, tips and tricks, customize your search with saved SparQL queries etc. Further we have a look at the Github repository and how to find the documentation as well as encouraging everybody to get involved in the development. Provide ‘issues’ and general feedback from a users point of view.


You have questions about how to dig into the details of ICOS data and metadata? Got questions about the code in one of our Notebooks? We would like to give you the opportunity to ask questions and/or start a discussion in connection with the topics covered so far in this webinar series (Jupyter Notebooks, Python, Carbon Portal Data Access). Come join our online drop-in event. The ICOS Elaborated Products team will be there to discuss. You can send us your question beforehand (jupyter-info@icos-cp.eu) and/or drop-in and join us anytime, we don't have a specific schedule planned.