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SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game by Richard Young
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SIMPLIFY Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15
“Energy, not time, is the main currency in high performance.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“Energy, not time, is the main currency in high performance.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“Goals don't separate high performers; systems do.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“High performers not only practice deliberately, they think deliberately.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“The best performers know themselves better than the competition.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“High performers pick the shortest path to the right evidence to make decisions that matter.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“Everyone has one system they use and one they are building, but most do not see the bigger picture of the system they are in.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“Awareness is the first objective - not action and change.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“There are no solo high performers. The best support teams are tight open and honest they have learned that agreement is not a priority but understanding the truth is.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“The puzzle of performance becomes much simpler when the bar is visible each day.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“By seeing and improving the system, we create leverage.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“System changes come directly from thinking changes.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“Self-aware learners create exceptional performances.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“Fixing feels like motion, but is not always progress.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game
“Conviction is knowing what to add and what to remove for a performance system we fully understand.”
Richard Young, SIMPLIFY: A high performance playbook to win the real game