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The Prepared Investor Quotes

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The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence by Christopher Manske
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The Prepared Investor Quotes Showing 1-13 of 13
“Perception trumps reality. People react to what they think is occurring, which isn’t necessarily the same thing as what’s truly happening.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“Mother Nature convincingly suggests that those who stay scared and run with the herd are more likely to stay alive. As investors around you behave irrationally and the news describes a miasma that will last for years, it’s easy to lose sight of your well-laid plans. It’s tempting to join the herd…”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“Think a little differently from the herd and see things they can’t or won’t.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“When you buy a bigger house, another luxury car, or a fancy boat, you are showing people that you used to have money.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“It’s impossible for anyone keeping up with current events to believe that the future will be completely free of problems.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“Tomorrow’s unknown crisis is not something to avoid in fear. It requires our attention and deliberation. We just need to have the courage to face the truth of our future’s uncertainty. We just need to be prepared.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“What stops people from thinking ahead and getting ready for the possibility of crisis? The majority of people surely understand the importance of preparation…”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“By keeping enough cash to cover at least one month of your typical spending, you’ve created enough liquidity to weather every crisis situation that has occurred so far in modern history.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“The profession of journalism is an important one and considered by many to be a mandatory component of a free society. Will you get access to the brightest minds and greatest reporters for free? Perhaps, but if we hope to continue to see their best work, society needs to support them properly. Be a paid subscriber.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“If society sees a crisis, then there is one… even if there’s not.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“Wall Street treats all crises the same despite the fact that people react to the threat of war very differently from other crises like disease, systemic medical incompetence, or the failure to maintain a country’s transportation infrastructure.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“Without experience, education, and training to guide their actions, people are highly unlikely to make good choices in the face of an unknown threat.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence
“Our privacy can serve as a form of protection during times of crisis and can offer a polite boundary of respect and good manners during times of tranquility.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence