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Smile Please Quotes

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Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography by Jean Rhys
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“I like shape very much. A novel has to have shape, and life doesn't have any. ”
Jean Rhys, Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography
“I would never be part of anything. I would never really belong anywhere, and I knew it, and all my life would be the same, trying to belong, and failing. Always something would go wrong. I am a stranger and I always will be, and after all I didn’t really care.”
Jean Rhys, Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography
“I got quite used to changing that cheque, because you can get used to anything. You think: I'll never do that; and you find yourself doing it.”
Jean Rhys, Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography
“If I could choose I would rather be happy than write.”
Jean Rhys, Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography
“When my first love affair came to an end I wrote this poem:

I didn't know
I didn't know
I didn't know.”
Jean Rhys, Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography