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Write like no one is reading 3 Quotes

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Write like no one is reading 3 Write like no one is reading 3 by Crystal Woods
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Write like no one is reading 3 Quotes Showing 1-30 of 43
“A sunset is the sun’s fiery kiss to the night.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 3
“Some women feel the need to act like they're never scared, needy or hurt; like they're as hardened as a man. I think that's dishonest. It's ok to feel delicate sometimes. Real beauty is in the fragility of your petals. A rose that never wilts isn't a rose at all.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 3
“When I was just a cute little caterpillar, you loved me. So I became a butterfly so you would never leave.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 3
“I watch you like a mirror, because I see in you what I see in myself. Who we love is a reflection of who we are.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“Sleep is the breakfast of champions. This morning I had two big bowls full, each two hours deep.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“I thirst for love like a camel thirsts for water. I’m going through a desert right now, but I’m searching for the oasis of my life.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“Even though it’s locked in a cage, my heart is a bird that flutters at the sound of her voice, as if trying to fly to the point in the sky where yellow meets blue.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“My ticket's been bought, and my luggage is packed. I'm storing both of my bags under my eyes. Or am I just tired from lying awake daydreaming of you?”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“Our eventual fate will be the sum of the stories we told ourselves long enough.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 3
“I’ll repeat phrases over and over in a spiral and use the shape to design a building. Would you rent office space in my I Love You Towers?”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“One thing I've learned about myself is that I can accomplish anything I want to. The caveat is that I have to want to do it. I've never been able to forge desire.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 3
“People won't buy study guides for a dollar, but they will pay 100 dollars for test answers. A ‪#startup‬‬‬‬ should keep this mentality in mind.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“We must make love to find out how it’s made. I don’t know what the ingredients are, but I think we can make a batch or two by morning.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“Though it comes from her throat, I drink the sound of her voice. Her I love yous dehydrate me, because they leave me thirsting for more.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“I cry, but not for myself. There’s too much sadness in this world to waste a moment with self-pity, when making others smile will also make me smile.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“She bats her eyelashes like I’m throwing baseballs at them. I must be as romantic as Pete Rose’s last name.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“I will paint a classic car yellow and convert it into a bulldozer. If you need me, I’ll be in the cemetery digging to try to find myself as a person.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“In today's classroom everybody wins a trophy, even the one kid who actually won. Soon it will be, let's punish that kid for making the other kids feel like losers.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“Don’t sleep with a blindfold on. Sleep with your eyes open and alert, because love may come in your darkest moments.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“Too little light and man can’t see, just as too much light and man is blinded. Love is a light, and should be used to illuminate, not blitz one’s vision.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“This year I vow to learn how to garden. I will be the Farmer of Love and grow in understanding and forgiveness.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“Everyone is different from each other, but that doesn’t mean everyone should be indifferent to each other.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“If there are two men, Rod and Rob, and you can only steal from one, which one would you choose? The answer is: Whichever one is a banker.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“A fly can fly, so man should be called walk. If you want to make love, I’ll bring the wheelchair, if you bring the flyswatter.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“She said she was a nurse. I replied that she must have a lot of patience—and patients. I would have said more, but I ran out of homophones.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“I predict that love will burst forth on the Fourth of July. That’s tomorrow, so I’d better prepare tonight for massive fireworks of the heart.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“I work in a secret whisper factory. It’s all very hush-hush. Her love for me could be found there, if it could be found at all, but it can’t, because it’s invisible.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“What do you mean love is not for sale? Then what the hell did I just buy? And why is it grandma-shaped and moaning?”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“When traveling on foot through the Sahara Desert, be sure to pack several gallons of ice cream, and keep them close to your heart, because nothing, not even my love, can make that thing melt.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3
“I'm going to sell Flash Bang Wow Fuzz (not a drill) in a bottle, but I’m not sure how to market it. Maybe as a drinkable alternative to love.”
Jarod Kintz, Write like no one is reading 3

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