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Black Beast Quotes

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Black Beast (Shadow Thane, #1) Black Beast by Nenia Campbell
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Black Beast Quotes Showing 1-20 of 20
“We hunger in earnest for that which we cannot consume.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“If evil had a laugh, she thought it would sound like his.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Maybe it frightened them, to admit that a woman could be master of her fate.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Only the cruelest hunters set their traps with terror and trepidation.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Keep calm. You have the forest in your blood.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Most creatures run when they sense danger. People grab a six-pack and a folding chair.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“A quick and brutal fuck from behind usually served as an effective reminder of where you stood in the pack hierarchy.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Psychological imprisonment was no less uncomfortable than its physical counterpart. In some ways, it was even worse; it provided the illusion of physical freedom, but garnered none of the benefits of it.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“He was a phoenix of blood, rising from the ashes of those who had fallen and suffered before him.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Why do women always feel they have to settle for less?”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“But fairytales were, at best, dirty mirrors whose warped and pitted surfaces reflected a highly distorted view of the truth, quite different from reality.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Go make love to a tube sock.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“They said the shape-shifters fucked with the enthusiasm of animals—if they didn't devour you with the enthusiasm of one first.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Fear could drive one to violence as quickly as anger could.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Locking eyes with a shape-shifter was aggressive. Very aggressive. One generally didn't do that unless one wanted to fight. Or fuck.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“In trials of ir'n and silver fain
“The dead will rise and walk again
“The blesséd few that touch the light
“Will aid the war against the night.

“But one by one they all will die
“Without a cause to rule them by
“As Darkness spreads across the land
“He'll wield the oceans in his hand.

“Five warriors will oppose his reign
“And overthrow the Shadow Thane
“They come from sides both dark and light
“The realm the mortals call “twilight.”

“A magus crowned with boughs of fire
“Will rise like Phoenix from his pyre
“A beast of shadows touched with sight
“Will claim a Dark One as her knight

“The next, a prophet doomed to fail
“Will find her powers to avail
“The final: one mere mortal man
“Who bears the mark upon his hand

“The circle closes round these few
“Made sacred by the bonds they hew
“But if one fails then so shall all
“Bring death to those of Evenfall.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“...there was a difference between killing for nourishment and killing for curiosity or sport.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“In a fight between a shifter and a witch, the shifter would often win—but only if they could keep the witch from speaking, usually by severing the throat or tearing out the tongue. If the witch was powerful enough, and quick enough, physical size didn't matter. Catherine had heard of the horrible ways the witches could kill their victims. Cooking them alive from the inside out, restricting oxygen flow through the nasal and oral passages by creating a vacuum, drowning them with vapor pulled from the very air.

It made fights between shifters look almost humane by comparison.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“Heritage was everything: it was a golden skeleton key, gleaming with power, able to get the wielder through any number of locked doors; it was the christening of the marriage bed with virgin blood on snow-white sheets; it was the benediction of a pristine pedigree, refined through ages of selective breeding and the occasional mercy culling.

It was life, and death, and all that spanned between.

It was his birthright.”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast
“She understood now why so many members of her kind died so young. It was possible to squeeze an entire lifetime of living into a single day: to live more, to feel more, in the span of twenty-four hours than most did in eighty years.

Shape-shifters lived in a world of color and brightness, of heightened senses. They felt everything more intensely, and so they lived their lives more intensely—anything to make their hearts pound harder. Life could be like a drug.

But how does one wean oneself off life?”
Nenia Campbell, Black Beast