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Zadig Quotes

Quotes tagged as "zadig" Showing 1-4 of 4
“La joie d'un homme heureux serait une insulte ; mais deux malheureux sont comme deux arbrisseaux faibles qui, s'appuyant l'un sur l'autre, se fortifient contre l'orage.”
Voltaire, Zadig et autres contes
tags: zadig

“The Empire knew a time of peace, a time of glory, a time of plenty: it was the finest age the world had ever known. Justice and love ruled the Empire. The people glorified Zadig, and Zadig glorified heaven.”

“Éternelles et brillantes clartés, soyez-moi toujours propices.”
Voltaire, Zadig suivi de Micromégas

“Zadig ...stared in wonder at these vast globes of
light which seem to us mere feeble sparks, while
the Earth, which is in reality but an imperceptible
point in the scheme of things, appears to our
covetous eyes something so noble and grand.
He saw men then for what they really are, insects
devouring each other upon a tiny speck of dirt.
This telling image seemed to blot out his
misfortunes by reminding him of the nullity of his
own being and of that of Babylon.”
Voltaire, Zadig and L'Ingénu