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Tasawuf Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tasawuf" Showing 1-30 of 44
Laurence Galian
“Sûfîsm, or as some would define it "mystical Islam" has always honored the Divine Feminine. Of course, Allâh has both masculine and feminine qualities, but to the Sûfî, Allâh has always been the Beloved and the Sûfî has always been the Lover. The Qur'an, referring to the final Day, perhaps divulges a portion of this teaching: "And there is manifest to them of God what they had not expected to see.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“In Arabic to say, for example, "Wisdom is precious," you could repeat the feminine pronoun: al-hikmah hiya thamînah, literally "Wisdom, she is precious." It is stated by some Sûfî Sheikhs (Masters) that Sûfîsm originally was named Sophia, which connects Sûfîsm with the Christian Gnostic tradition, in which Wisdom is personified as a woman, the divine Sophia. The physical mother of Jesus was an external image of manifestation of the Virgin Sophia, the word 'Sophia' stemming from Sophos (wisdom). The Gnostics, whose language was Greek, identified the Holy Spirit with Sophia, Wisdom; and Wisdom was considered female.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“The true Sufi cannot utter any prayer beginning with the word 'I,' for example: 'I want to know Thee better.' For to do this presupposes that there are two beings: the Sufi and Allah. This is the greatest sin. Iblis cried, 'Ana khayrun minhu! (I am better than he is!') The personal pronoun 'I' is the classic Sufi symbol for pride in its extreme form.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Tawfiq Al-Hakim
“Duri yang terdapat di perut manusia itu membuatnya tidak pernah merasa kenyang, tenang dan tenteram. Kita (pipit) mengenal kenyang, tetapi manusia hanya mengenal lapar.”
Taufiq el Hakim

Laurence Galian
“The first ayât (verse) of Al-Fatiha (the most important chapter in the Qur'a-n) firmly establishes that the two names Al-Rahmân and Al-Rahîm refer to Allâh, the Supreme Power, and to Allâh exclusively. The two names' etymology stems from the same root: RAHM, which can mean "womb" or "place of origin". There is a hadîth qudsî that specifically addresses that: Allâh says, "I am al-Rahmân. I created the womb and I derived its name from My name. I will be connected to whoever stays connected to it, and I will be cut off from whoever stays cut off from it.”
Laurence Galian

Laurence Galian
“It is said by some Sûfîs that there is another great secret regarding Fatima. These Sûfîs say that she was a Prophet from the time of her father's death until the time of her death. After the Prophet's death, Fatima lived seventy-five days. During this time the Archangel Gabriel came to her and consoled her by telling her what her father was doing in the spiritual worlds, what his status was, and what would come about in the Islamic community after her death. Imam 'Ali wrote down what Fatima dictated to him. Her words were collected into what is known as the Mushaf.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Surah 109 in the Qur'ân, al-Kawthar, gives an especially revealing look into the Prophet's feminine soul. It was revealed because his enemies had been taunting him that he had no sons, only daughters, while they had been given sons to perpetuate their patriarchal ways. Allâh revealed this message of consolation to the Prophet: "We have given thee al-Kawthar ... surely the one who hates thee will be cut off (from progeny)." What is al-Kawthar? Al-Kawthar is a sacred pool of life-giving water in Paradise-a profoundly feminine symbol. The name of Kawthar is derived from the same root as kathîr 'abundance', a quality of the supernal Infinite, the Divine Feminine. Allâh established that Allâh's feminine nature has primacy over Allâh's masculine nature when Allâh says in the hadith qudsi "My mercy precedes My wrath" (rahmatî sabaqat ghadabî). The Prophet also said, "Your body has its rights over you.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Many great truths are told through stories and tales. 'Story' is a part of whom we are as human beings. For untold centuries, occult truths were passed on orally from teacher to student, as stories. Whether these stories were true or not, did not matter. It still does not matter, as long as the message is conveyed.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Laurence Galian
“At the top of (or beyond) the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is found three mysterious 'veils of negative existence (unmanifestation).' These veils contain and conceal the unmanifest aspects of the entire Tree of Life. The veils are traditionally not illustrated on the Tree of Life. When they are, they are drawn as three semi-circles above Keter. The most remote veil is Ain, which represents absolute negative existence. Complete darkness is a symbol of this state. The seed grows in the darkness of the earth and the fetus develops in the darkness of the womb. Each Sheikh has a woman that develops him into a Sheikh. Therefore, in this seemingly patriarchal mystery tradition (Sûfîsm), we see that woman is the Hidden Initiatrix, the Shadow Guide, the Blackness that births the Light. "Da tariki, tariqat" - 'In the darkness, the Path,' is a Sufic maxim.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

“Orang yang paling kaya, ialah yang paling sedikit keperluannya, dan orang yang paling miskin, ialah yang paling banyak keperluannya.”
Hamka, Tasauf Modern

Laurence Galian
“Sûfîsm cherishes the esoteric secret of woman, even though Sûfîsm is the esoteric aspect of a seemingly patriarchal religion. Muslims pray five times a day facing the city of Makkah. Inside every Mosque is a niche, or recess, called the Mihrab - a vertical rectangle curved at the top that points toward the direction of Makkah. The Sûfîs know the Mihrab to be a visual symbol of an abstract concept: the transcendent vagina of the female aspect of divinity. In Sûfîsm, woman is the ultimate secret, for woman is the soul.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Islam is aniconic. In other words, images, effigies, or idols of Allâh are not allowed, although verbal depiction abounds. There was a question long debated in Islam: can we see Allâh? The Prophet said in a hadith, "In Paradise the faithful will see Allâh with the clarity with which you see the moon on the fourteenth night (the full moon)." Theologians debated what this could mean, but the Sûfîs have held that you can see Allâh even in this world, through the "eye of the heart." The famous Sûfî martyr al-Hallaj said in a poem, "ra'aytu rabbi bi-'ayni qalbî" (I saw my Lord with the eye of my heart). Relevant to the focus of this paper is that Sûfîs have always described this theophanic experience as the vision of a woman, the female figure as the object of ru'yah (vision of Allâh).”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Allâh as the Beloved in Sûfî literature, the ma'shûq, is always depicted with female iconography.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“The roles of Muhammad's daughter Fatima and Mary are similar. The true line of the Prophet 'Isa (Jesus) and his real teaching passing through Mary and into Europe mirrors the true line of the Imams (who propagated the real teachings of the Prophet Muhammad) who issued from the womb of Fatima. Fatima is regarded by some Sûfîs and theologians as the first spiritual head (qutb) of the Sûfî fellowship.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“The aforementioned philosopher and Sûfî, ibn al-Arabî, saw a young girl in Makkah surround by light and realized that, for him, she was an incarnation of the divine Sophia.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Fatima Fatir as representative of Allâh's Jamal, saves humankind from Allâh's Jalal.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Esoterically, if it were not for Fatima (Mercy), Allâh would never have sent Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the Qur'an to humanity.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“The night is the exemplification of our sovereign Fatima, especially the "Night of Destiny" (laylat al-Qadr).”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Lady Fatima was chosen from all women to be the Mother source of Muhammad's lineage, the core of the generation of Muhammad. Through her, the progeny of the Prophet multiplies - through a woman.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Now the author will consider the third name, and perhaps the most outstanding of all: al-Dhât. This word, in Arabic, is also feminine. Allâh is Beyond the Beyond, higher than any action, manner or condition, and any thought that any being may have. This transcendence of all qualities denotes the Divine Feminine. The renowned Sûfî master Najm al-Din Kubra wrote of the Dhât as the "Mother of the divine attributes." On this makam or "level of existence", femininity corresponds to interiority and masculinity to manifestation. The ancient Celtic Druids would perform a strange rite after two people married. The Druid would go into the house in which the marriage was consummated and reappear dressed in the bride's gown. He would do this to demonstrate the balance between the masculine and feminine aspects within himself. The Druids were ancient Celtic priests, shamans and philosophers.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“The perfection of the human state, al-insân al-kâmil, means the perfection of both the masculine and feminine qualities together, and is symbolized by the marriage of Imam 'Ali (the nephew and brother-in-law of Muhammad) and Fatima (the daughter of Muhammad).”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Therefore, in this seemingly patriarchal mystery tradition (Sûfîsm), we see that woman is the Hidden Initiatrix, the Shadow Guide, the Blackness that births the Light. 'Da tariki, tariqat' - "In the darkness, the Path," is a Sufic maxim. The void has been described as a dark cave, a shadowy mihrab, the Concealed or Secret Radiance, the Black Stone of the Ka'ba, Ghayb ul-Ghaib ( Mystery of Mysteries ), Amma (Darkness), and returning to the Womb of Fatima ('Alaiha Assalam) the Mother.”
Laurence Galian, Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

Laurence Galian
“Allah does not always open Its Jamal. The Murid's assignment is to unite the Jalal and the Jamal. These two are projected from, and absorbed back into, the black nothingness called Allah's Kamal - a state of invisible, neuter, annihilation. Jalal is Allah's power, force and strength. It often manifests as trials and tests for the Murid. Jamal is Allah's sweetness, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. Kamal is the whispered breath of nonexistence.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Laurence Galian
“It is a great mistake to say that the thorn does not have anything to do with the rose, or that the thorn is the absence of the rose. The thorn is as much rose bush as the rose is. The thorn has as much validity as the rose. Let this Rose Bush be the symbol of the Heart of Real Spirituality. We are not asking you to like the thorn, but we are asking you to see it as an expression of Allah.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Laurence Galian
“When we speak of the Rose Bush, we speak of a Totality, a Unity of Being.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Laurence Galian
“Humanity has the power of imagination, the quwwat al-khal, as does the Omniconscious Unicity. When the Omniconscious Unicity uses this power, worlds are created. When humanity uses this power, the Omniconscious Unicity is created. In our eye, the Omniconscious Unicity sees Its eye.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Laurence Galian
“Spirituality has always been about turning the world on its head.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Laurence Galian
“Khezr, the Green Man of Sufism, has been the Immortal Ruler of Hyperborea, the King of the World, Alexander's cook, Hermes Trismegistus, discoverer of the Fountain of Youth, and the Prophets Enoch, Idris and Elijah. If he was Hermes Trismegistus, then this whole tale of Moses and Khezr rendezvous where the two waters meet took place inside one person!”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

“Pimpin dan kendalikanlah jiwa dengan baik, karena amat liarnya, dan beri ingatlah, karena dia lekas lupa.”
Hasan Basri

“Tuhan itu laksana benang, dan manusia adalah simpulnya”
Tolep Coy

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