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Scan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scan" Showing 1-8 of 8
Erik Pevernagie
“Comes the tipping point in life, when we decide to a ‘stop and search’ and our emotional police bring us to a standstill. This allows us to scan all the little details in the spectrum of our being; scour all fuzzy or cryptic elements that are floating around in our mind and restore the fault lines in the cluttered tale of our life. ("The world was somewhere else")”
Erik Pevernagie

Tarif Naaz
“Trump is a man without filter in his head that is why he can't scan his thoughts....”
Tarif Naaz

Munia Khan
“Into the sea I’d love to sink
When with both eyes a shark can blink
Is he a brave fish or a marine man?
Through those closed eyelids my heart will he scan?”
Munia Khan

Steven Magee
“You should not have a biologically harmful CT X-Ray scan unless you feel that your life depends upon it.”
Steven Magee

Israelmore Ayivor
“Leaders scan the future so it can be free of doubts and fear. They do so by not living a double standard life in the present.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

Steven Magee
“After living an allergy free life, I developed seasonal allergies after having a CT X-Ray radiation scan of my lungs.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is prudent to treat for radiation sickness in the weeks following an X-Ray radiation computerized tomography (CT) scan.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If I had been told prior to my CT X-Ray radiation brain scan that it was going to cure my headaches, I would not have believed it.”
Steven Magee