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I've moved! Blogs, that is.

New year, new decade, new thoughts and plans, it seemed a new blog was in order. Please come visit me in my new home, where things are bigger and brighter, still in the works, and with room to grow. I'm loving it there!

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Published on January 02, 2011 21:59
Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Hmm. That link takes us to your old blog, I think?

message 2: by Kenya (new)

Kenya Wright Yeah. It goes to the old one.

message 3: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Her new blog is just http://www.lainitaylor.com/.

message 4: by Cletus (new)

Cletus Gooding-Splatt III You spelled fareez wrong. Its ok if youre autistic. My worm likes autistic people.

message 5: by Hamsterkris (new)

Hamsterkris I just finished reading the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. It was some of the best books I've ever read, and I've read hundereds. Many on those same themes but you absolutely nailed it. Standing ovations.

message 6: by Linda (new)

Linda Gleaves I am so excited to hear about The Muse of Nightmares! It sounds awesome. Dreams of Gods and Monsters is my #1 favorite book series. Thanks for sharing!

message 7: by Deborah (new)

Deborah im sure you need to be in right frame of mind, but would love some dreamdark fairy magic

message 8: by Yingyang (new)

Yingyang if you don't mind could you follow my blogg im just getting started out and am wondering if you could maybe follow me so i can get some supporters.
iv read lots of your book and i'm a big fan so this could be couted as helping a fellow fan.
please consider this offer, my blog name is
Truereaderz101 on blogger thanks!

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