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Your Privacy, Our Mission


Support Ghostery with a one-time donation. Your contributions help us develop even stronger protection against trackers and ads, making the web safer for everyone.

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The Ghostery Private Search Engine provides unbiased results, detects and reports trackers before you visit a site, and can be set to be ad-free.


The Ghostery Private Search engine delivers objective results that are not influenced by your clicks or preferences.


Ghostery allows you to search privately. We do not record your search history or personal data.


Ghostery scans the web with the help of Whotracks.Me
. This unique feature in a privacy search engine shows you the trackers that want to collect your data and provides you with real-time insights on them.


Our Private Sponsored Links are tracker-free affiliate links that support us while respecting your privacy. You can keep them enabled to help sustain us or search ad-free anytime.


Cover your tracks while searching with one of the best search engines available

Unlike other search engines that track your online activity and sell your personal data, Ghostery Private Search does not log your search history or filter your results based on your profile.

Independent of Big Tech

Independent of Big Tech

Ghostery Private Search gets you objective results from a unique search index that respects your privacy. No tracking, no logging, no profiling.

Dark Mode by Default

Dark Mode by Default

Find more with Ghostery Private Search, the only private search engine that gives you dark mode by default. No glare, no hassle, just results.

Tracking the Trackers

Tracking the Trackers

See who’s tracking you before you visit a page with WhoTracks.me. It uses Ghostery’s AI anti-tracking technology to reveal the trackers beside each search result.