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OpenAthens Password E-Books

Fellows and student members can access the below e-books for free using an OpenAthens account. Please register for an OpenAthens account here.

ScienceDirect platform

We are delighted to announce a major expansion of the e-books and e-journals available to Fellows on the ScienceDirect platform. 

To access these new resources, please login at www.sciencedirect.com using your OpenAthens details. We recommend selecting from the subject filters (which include Earth and Planetary Sciences, Energy, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences) or doing a keyword search to find material most relevant to you.

The links below will take you to the login pages for each e-book. The majority of the e-books are accessed using the VLeBooks platform. To login choose OpenAthens and find The Geological Society in the list of institutions. Further information on using the VLeBooks platform can be found at Instructions for accessing e-books via the VLeBooks platform

The links to ScienceDirect titles (indicated in brackets) will take you directly to the OpenAthens login page. 

3D digital geological models: from terrestrial outcrops to planetary surfaces
Advances in geoethics and groundwater management
Advances in sequence stratigraphy (ScienceDirect)
African Basins
Analytical groundwater modelling: theory and applications using Python
The Andes: active subduction orogeny
Applied concepts in fractured reservoirs
Applied hydrogeology
Applied multidimensional geological modeling : informing sustainable human interactions with the shallow subsurface
Arabian plate and surroundings: geology, sedimentary basins and georesources
Atlas of benthic foraminifera
Atlas of natural and induced fractures in core
Basin analysis: principles and application to petroleum play assessment
Beaches and coasts
Big data analytics in earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences
Caribbean basins (ScienceDirect)
Case studies in isotope stratigraphy
Compressional tectonics: plate convergence to mountain building
Continental evolution: the geology of Morocco: structure, stratigraphy, and tectonics of the Africa-Atlantic-Mediterranean triple junction
Cores and core logging for geoscientists (2nd ed.)
Core-mantle co-evolution : an interdisciplinary approach
Cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology
Deep marine systems : processes, deposits, environments, tectonics and sedimentation
Deep shale oil and gas
Earth's climate evolution
Embryos in deep time : the rock record of biological development (JStor)
The encyclopedia of volcanoes (2nd ed.) (ScienceDirect)
Engineering rock mechanics: an introduction to the principle
Engineering rock mechanics: part 2, illustrative worked examples
Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) : the future energy-road ahead
Evaporites: a geological compendium
A field guide to the Carboniferous sediments of the Shannon Basin, Western Ireland
A field guide to the geology of western Ireland: the birth and death of an ocean
Fluvial-tidal sedimentology (ScienceDirect)
The geologic time scale 2012
Geochemical mechanics and deep neural network modeling : applications to earthquake prediction
Geological atlas of Africa: with notes on stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and geosites of each country (2nd ed.)
Geological history of Britain and Ireland (2nd ed.)
Geological pioneers of the Jurassic Coast
Geology and resource potential of the Congo Basin
Geology: a complete introduction
The geology of the Canary Islands (ScienceDirect)
The geology of Egypt
The geology of the Egyptian Nubian shield
Geology of North Africa
Geology of North Africa and the Mediterranean: sedimentary basins and georesources
Geosciences and the sustainable development goals
Geotechnical slope analysis
Geothermal energy: from theoretical models to exploration and development
Geothermal energy : utilization, technology and financing
Global tectonics (3rd ed.)
Global seismicity dynamics and data-driven science : seismicity modelling by big data analytics
Gravitational systems of groundwater flow : theory, evaluation, utilization
Groundwater around the world: a geographic synopsis
High resolution pressuremeters and geotechnical engineering : the measurement of small things
Hydrogeology of an arid region: the Arabian Gulf and adjoining areas (ScienceDirect)
Hydrogeology: principles and practice
Innovations in sustainable mining: balancing environment, ecology and economy
In situ tests in geotechnical engineering
Integrated aquifer characterization and modeling for energy sustainability: key lessons from the petroleum industry
The Isle of Wight : landscape and geology
Karst hydrogeology, geomorphology and caves
Lake District: landscape and geology
Landscapes and landforms of the Central Sahara
Landscapes and landforms of Egypt
Landscapes and landforms of England & Wales
Landscapes and landforms of Ethiopia
Landscapes and landforms of Italy
Landscapes and landforms of Nigeria
Landscapes and landforms of Portugal
Landscapes and landforms of Scotland
Logging the Chalk
Medical geology: en route to one health
Natural resources in Afghanistan : geographic and geologic perspectives on centuries of conflict
Natural stone and world heritage: the castles and town walls of King Edward in Gwynedd
North York moors and Yorkshire wolds : landscape and geology
Permo-Triassic salt provinces of Europe, North Africa and the Atlantic margins : tectonics and hydrocarbon potential
The Palgrave handbook of natural gas and global energy transitions
The Peak District: landscape and geology
Plate boundaries and natural hazards
Potential of low-medium enthalpy geothermal energy : hybridization and application in industry
Practical engineering geology
Practical engineering geology (2nd. ed.)
A practical guide to ore microscopy - volume 1 : mineral identification
A practical guide to ore microscopy - volume 2 : ore textures and automated ore analysis
Principles of sequence stratigraphy
Python recipes for Earth sciences
The Quantocks and the north Somerset coast : landscape and geology
Quaternary glaciations - extent and chronology : a closer look (ScienceDirect)
Regional geology and tectonics. Vol. 1A: Principles of geologic analysis (ScienceDirect)
Regional geology and tectonics. Vol. 1B: Phanerozoic rift systems and sedimentary basins (ScienceDirect)
Regional geology and tectonics. Vol. 1C: Phanerozoic passive margins, cratonic basins and global tectonic maps (ScienceDirect)
Remote sensing big data
Rifts and passive margins
Risk management for geotechnical engineering : hazard, risks and consequences
Rock fractures in geological processes
Sandstone diagenesis: recent and ancient
Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology of the Middle East
The sedimentary basins of the United States and Canada (ScienceDirect)
Sedimentary environments: processes, facies and stratigraphy (3rd ed.)
Sedimentary facies analysis: a tribute to the research and teaching of Harold G. Reading
Sedimentology and sedimentary basins: from turbulence to tectonics (2nd ed.)
Sedimentology and sedimentary basins: from turbulence to tectonics
Sequence stratigraphy on the Northwest European Margin: proceedings of the Norwegian Petroleum Society Conference 1993
Sinkholes and subsidence: karst and cavernous rocks in engineering and construction
Soil properties and their correlations (2nd ed.)
Solved problems in well testing : quantitative geology
Stratigraphy & timescales (ScienceDirect)
Sustainable carbon capture: technologies and applications
Tectonic geomorphology (2nd ed.)
Tectonics of sedimentary basins: recent advances
Transform plate boundaries and fracture zones (ScienceDirect)
Unconventional petroleum geology